Since early in the morning, Lu Fei's right eye has been beating non-stop, and his heart is even more upset.

It was already 11 o'clock in the morning, and instead of posting any clarifications on the Internet, the accusations and abuses became more and more intense.

This shows that the situation is completely out of Deng Xinhua's control.

Lu Fei didn't care about these negative voices, but when Yan Yonghui and other brothers were taken away by the Special Department, Lu Fei became nervous.

Dong Jianye has always been worried about what happened to the Lei family a few years ago.

Even though it was no different when they met in normal times, Dong Jianye was always wary of himself.

If his background in Bianliang is discovered by Dong Jianye, it will be troublesome.

Strong buddies like Yan Yonghui, Dapeng and Xiaofei will definitely not betray themselves.

But after all, there are many people with different intentions. If there is one thing in thousands of miles, it is likely to be doomed.

Seeing Lu Fei's sullen expression, the little dog tried to persuade him.

"Brother, don't worry."

"There's no bad news yet, so don't think the worst."

"It's obvious that the Deng family is framed, so maybe they want to help you in particular!"

"Even if Dong Jianye wants to add insult to injury, it's not that easy."

"The company in Bianliang has a formal company system since you started it. If you want to sue you for involvement in gangs, it will not be established at all."

"Looking deeply, it's just the stains that Brother Yan and the others had in the past, and that's nothing."

"When the investigation is completed, the Special Branch will definitely hand over Brother Yan and the others to the local authorities."

"As long as we get to the place and want to fish Brother Yan and the others out, it's just a matter of spending some money."

"Brother Fei, what Brother Long said this time makes sense."

"Brother Yan and the others will only stay in there for a while at most. There is absolutely no problem with their safety, so don't worry." Wang Xinlei said.

Lu Fei sighed and thought to himself, my silly brother, if things were so simple, would I still be worried?

There are just some things that I can't let you do

We just know.

"Xiaolong, I will transfer my funds to your account. You can keep them safe for me first." Lu Fei said.

"No, dear brother, what do you mean?"

"You are running away now!"

"You're not really a black boss, are you, my brother?" the little nanny asked in surprise.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"I'm planning for a rainy day."

"I can cause all these troubles even when I'm not in the country. Who knows what other accidents will happen?"

"If they freeze my account, I won't have a damn place to cry!" Lu Fei said.


"Listening to what you said, it seems to make sense!"

"But can you rest assured that all your wealth will be left with me?" the little milk dog said with a smirk.

"Stop being such a poor person and get down to business quickly."

"If my account is frozen at this time, all my losses will be borne by you." Lu Fei said.

The little puppy stuck out his tongue and immediately called the manager of Baihua Bank to make a huge transfer.

In less than half an hour, all the funds Lu Fei had on hand were transferred to the head office of Baihua Bank of Malaysia.

The little dog guessed right, Lu Fei was ready to run away.

If things get so bad that things get out of hand, Lu Fei will immediately run away from the country.

All my belongings are kept in Baihua Bank.

Baihua Bank is a foreign company, and no matter how awesome Dong Jianye is, he can't even think about making a business.

With his retreat well prepared, Lu Fei felt much more relaxed. The next step was to take revenge.

That idiot Gao Feng is the pawn, and the task force is the minions.


Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang are the real culprits behind the scenes.

Asking for medicine for yourself?


No one can save you this time, I want you to live worse than death.

Lighting a cigarette, Lu Fei took out his cell phone and prepared to call Dong Jianye to test his tone.

But before the call was dialed, Chen Xiang called in first.

Seeing Chen Xiang's number, Lu Fei couldn't help but become nervous again.

Lu Fei is scared!

I have been plagued by adverse events recently, and I am afraid that there will be bad news again. If something happens again at home, I will go crazy. ??

After hesitating for five seconds, Lu Fei answered the phone anxiously.

"Lu Fei, where are you?"

"I'm on Hong Kong Island, at home."

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong at home." Chen Xiang said.

Lu Fei let out a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, it scared me to death."

"Lu Fei, everything is fine at home, but I want to tell you something else."

"This is also not good news. You have to be mentally prepared." Chen Xiang said.

"you say!"

"Lu Fei!"

"Grandpa Kong is gone!"


Hearing this, Lu Fei felt a chill go down his spine and trembled involuntarily.



"Can you speak more clearly?"

"Where did Mr. Kong go?" Lu Fei asked guiltily.

There was silence on the phone for two seconds, followed by Chen Xiang's choking voice.

"Grandpa Kong is no longer here."

"Grandpa Kong passed away ten minutes ago."

Bah! \u003c


Lu Fei felt dizzy and dropped his cell phone.

After shaking a few times, Lu Fei suddenly covered his heart, leaned back and bent his waist, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Brother Fei!"


Xiaoman season.

Dense dark clouds reflect the depressing atmosphere.

The rolling thunder records every bit of the legend.

The green gauze on the door of Kong's house is tall, and the wreaths on both sides are as far as the eye can see.

The people who came to express condolences were all dressed in Tsing Yi and without makeup, and the queue was two to three hundred meters long.

Apart from black and white, no color can be seen in the courtyard.

The mourning hall was filled with mist, and the walls on both sides were covered with black and white elegiac couplets.

[The pines grow tall and green, and the ancient cypresses remain green forever]

[Flowers weep for the cold spring, birds mourn for heartbreak]

[The spring of falling flowers has gone, and the waning moon is difficult to reach at night]

[Jade plums convey filial piety, and golden willows evoke sorrow]

【The sky sheds tears when it rains, and the earth mourns when the wind howls】

[I want to offer sacrifices to you, I doubt your presence, but I am speechless and my clothes are stained with tears]

[The cold wind and cold wind can be heard in the house, and the building is empty and the rain is cold]

[The name of the place has been passed down through the ages, and the loyalty shines through history]

The tear-jerking elegiac couplets all express people’s infinite grief.

Kong Panqing's family of three, Kong Jiaqi, and four brothers from Guan Haishan, wearing heavy filial piety, knelt on both sides.

Everyone's eyes were red, swollen and bloodshot.

There are misty cigarettes on the offering table, and the five offerings are complete.

The huge portrait hanging behind shows Kong Fanlong when he was about fifty years old.

At that time, Kong Fanlong was in high spirits, and his eyes were full of strategizing confidence and determination.

But now, the legend has come to an end.

The pillar of the country who had been in charge of China's archeology for sixty-one years and made countless meritorious deeds, and the greatest master of China's archeology, has died.

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