A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1093 Special Features

"I tell you, Leader Dong Da, everyone is trying to get better as they get better. You are like a weasel, and you are not as good as the next!"

"What do you mean?"

"The first time we met, you were driving the Navigator."

"Years ago at your headquarters, you drove a Q7, but now you have directly switched to a Cherokee. Did you make some mistake and you were demoted?"

"Fart, you can't expect any good from me!"

"I wish you well, but how do you explain this car?"

"Silly hater!"

"Let's talk about it after we get in the car!"

"What the hell?"

"Bulletproof hi!"

“It’s still a custom-made model, awesome!”

"Does this car cost three hundred?"

"What an awesome guy!"

"You have a Huiying, but you can buy a hundred of these!" Dong Jianye said.

"So, it's just over a hundred?"

"Roughly the same!"

"Okay, I'll count you one hundred and fifty."

"I've fallen in love with this car. I'll transfer the money to you later and the car is mine."


"What a beautiful thought!"

"If you say one hundred, I'll give you one hundred and fifty, so you can earn five hundred thousand, okay?"


"This is public property and I have no right to sell it."

"You are now the chief instructor of Wulong, and you are one level higher than me."

"Send an application and we will guarantee to get you a more powerful car." Dong Jianye said.

"Tsk, tsk, as expected of Boss Dong, he is well-informed."


"What is this for?"

Lu Fei accidentally discovered something special under the air conditioning switch on the console.

There is a tiny gap the size of a disposable lighter in this area. If Lu Fei wasn't a thief, he wouldn't be able to see it at all.

Lu Fei was curious and stretched out his fingers to press twice on the rectangular frame.

Pressing the left corner, unexpectedly the frame popped open completely. Only then did Lu Fei realize that the frame turned out to be a disguised cover.

There is a small red round button inside the cover, and Lu Fei is ready to press it.


br\u003e “Don’t move!”

Seeing this scene, Dong Jianye, who was driving, was so frightened that he suddenly waved his hand and slapped Lu Fei away.

This distraction caused the car to almost lose control.


"I'm just taking a look, what are you calling for?"

"I was shocked." Lu Fei said, rolling his eyes.

Dong Jianye parked the car aside and patted his chest, already sweating profusely.

Dong Jianye said after glaring at Lu Fei.

"You have the nerve to say that, I was almost scared to death by you."

"You can find such hidden parts, you are so awesome!"

Seeing how nervous Dong Jianye looked, Lu Fei suddenly became interested.

"Hey, what is this button for? Why did it scare you like this?"

"Stop prying, it's none of your business!"

"Beat sex!"

"Tell me about it?"

"Talk nonsense!"

"If you find out, you have to change it again!"

"You are really short handed," Dong Jianye said.

"I'm just taking a look, is it so serious?"


"It's more serious than you think."

"Don't mention this to anyone when you go back. If something happens, you and I will both be responsible."


"So evil?"

"Tell me, what is this button for?" Lu Fei asked excitedly.


"You are so nervous, this button can't be a weapon switch!"

"Is it like in the movie, can you control rockets or missiles?"

"Shut up!"

"Hey, let's talk to my buddy and I'll get you some good tea later!"

"don't want!"

"Tell me about it!"

"Get out!"


When they arrived at the teahouse, fragrant tea and dried fruit cakes were placed, but Lu Fei was still worried about the button.

Judging from the camouflage design of the button protective cover and Dong Jianye's nervousness, that button is definitely unusual.

But no matter what Lu Fei said, Dong Jianye just wouldn't say it.

It doesn't matter if you don't say it. Sooner or later, I will make trouble and understand what is going on.

After closing the private room door, Dong Jianye handed Lu Fei a cigarette and said with a smile.

"Instructor Lu is indeed a very talented person and very brave!"

"You know that we have taken over your case and you still dare to show up in public. Aren't you afraid that we will arrest you?" .??.

"I'm afraid of something!"

"Young master, I walk straight and aboveboard."

"If you had evidence to prove that I, Lu Fei, committed adultery, you would have taken action long ago. Is there any need to wait until now?"

"Besides, even if I commit adultery, it would be better for me to fall into the hands of your special department than to fall into their hands."

"How do you say this?" Dong Jianye asked.

"Because they want me, Lu Fei, to die, but you won't!"


"As expected of the chief instructor of Wulong, his thinking is unique!"

Dong Jianye said with a thumbs up and appreciation.

"Stop flattering me. How are my friends?"

"Don't worry, the little fights they had before were no big deal."

"There is no conclusive evidence for the crimes Lao Xiong and Zhao Wu accuse, so they will be fine," Dong Jianye said.

"Did they have any trauma when you took over?"

"No, they don't dare to commit suicide."

Lu Fei nodded, took a deep breath of cigarette and said calmly.

"Tell me, how can I help you?"


"What can I use you to help me with?" Dong Jianye asked, stunned for a moment.

"Don't you want me to help you deal with Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang?"

"If I guess wrong, just pretend I didn't say anything," Lu Fei said.

"I wipe it?"

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