A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1101 Coward

After assigning tasks, the others went back to rest. Only Fatty Guan Haishan King and Lu Fei were left in the mourning hall.

Lu Fei came to the altar table, checked it around, added some tung oil to the cup, and then respectfully offered three sticks of incense.

He handed Guan Haishan and Guan Haishan a cigarette each, and the three of them gathered in front of the brazier to burn paper for Kong Lao.

"Hey, I just took a look and found that the coating on the hair cup is burned out."

"Do you feel bad?" Guan Haishan asked.

"If it's broken, it's broken. It's not the only one."


"You are the only one in the world who is willing to go through such trouble!"

"Prodigal!" Guan Haishan said.

"If you lose your family, don't be afraid of having a big family fortune. Young master, I can afford to lose."

"It's for the old man. No matter how expensive it is, I don't feel bad about it." Lu Fei said.

"Hey, I've never seen this Xuande furnace before. Where did you get it?" Guan Haishan asked.

"Stolen from Zhu Zhanji's coffin."

"Fart, can you talk properly?"

"Where did it come from?"

"you guess?"


"Let me go, Mr. Guan, you dare to say dirty words in front of my father's body, are you okay with that?"


"It's all because of you."

"It's my fault, master, I'm sorry, my disciple didn't do it on purpose."

Guan Haishan faced Kong Fanlong's portrait and repented sincerely.

"Fat man, when will you take up the post at Gubo?" Lu Fei asked.

When this topic came up, Fatty Wang blushed.

"I have discussed it with Mr. Guan. After Mr. Kong's funeral, I will go back and hand over the matter."

"Lai Tiandu will take office early next month."

"Sister-in-law, will you take it over?" Lu Fei asked.

"Don't answer it yet. It's not convenient to live in the dormitory here."

"Take it over!"

"It's easy for conflicts to arise if the two places are separated for a long time."

"You don't have to live in the dormitory when you come here. Come and look after my house." Lu Fei said.

"No, that's Mr. Di's house. It's not appropriate for us to live there."

"It's not that one. The new house I bought happens to be vacant."

"My sister-in-law helps me take care of it, and I save money on cleaning." Lu Fei said.


br\u003e “Have you bought a house in Tiandu?” Guan Haishan asked.


"When did you buy it?"


"How much?"

"Three hundred million."


When the price of 300 million was quoted, Guan Haishan and both of them rolled their eyes.

"Three hundred million?"

"You bought the Qianmen building, right?"

"If you pay back 300 million, will you die if you don't brag?"

"The housing prices in Tianducheng are high, but they are not as outrageous as 300 million, right?"

"Do you think we are all idiots?"

"Speak nicely, how much does it cost?"

"Three hundred million!"



"Mr. Kong, your apprentice"

"Shut up!"

"Don't make excuses against my master. If he hears you bragging, he will be the first one not to spare you." Guan Haishan said.

"Believe it or not, it's 300 million anyway." Lu Fei said.

"Come on, come on, tell me where you bought the house."

"Listen here, where in Tiandu City are the housing prices so abnormal?" Guan Haishan yelled.

"right here."

"Fart, there is no place like this in the Imperial City."


"Baosha Fei, what did you just say?"

"You won't buy my master's house, will you?" Guan Haishan asked in surprise.

Lu Fei nodded.

"Three hundred million?"


Guan Haishan understood now, grabbed Lu Fei's hand and said excitedly.

"Baolanfei, you are so interesting. Master saw you right."

"Guan Haishan will remember this love in the future."

"Get out!"

"It has nothing to do with you."

"Your uncle"

"Fat man, take my sister-in-law over and live here."

"You can reach your workplace in ten minutes, and you even save on bus fare."

"With you helping me take care of the house, I feel at ease." Lu Fei said.

Fatty Wang didn't show any pretense and nodded seriously.

"I'll listen to you."

"Fat man, how do you plan to carry out your work after taking office?" Lu Fei asked.

Fatty Wang scratched his head and said.

"I haven't thought about this yet. Let's get familiar with the environment first."

"That won't work!"

"You just took this position, you have to show some performance to scare the doubters below."

"Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to convince the public." Lu Fei said.

When this topic came up, Fatty Wang and Guan Haishan both became excited.

"Tell me, what should I do?"

"In the past few years, Guan Haishan's management of Guan Haishan has been unremarkable, and it has long lost its previous popularity."


"Why do you speak so harshly?"

"You might as well call me a wimp." Guan Haishan said with a puff of beard and a glare.


"I just wanted to say this word, but I didn't think of it for a moment. Fortunately, you are self-aware."

"Yes, you are a loser."


"Don't hate it, tell me yourself, what has Gubo done in the past few years?"

"Tourists have long been tired of seeing those crappy things on display every day."

"Go to the live broadcast platform and see what everyone thinks of the old blog?"

"Everyone says that your exhibition is a rip-off, the tickets are too expensive, and the objects on display are just the same stuff, without any new ideas."

"You are said to be the most cost-effective unit."

"To think that Gubo, who was famous all over the world, was turned into an unreliable unit by you. Are you a loser?" Lu Fei said.

Hearing what Lu Fei said, Guan Haishan's eyes widened.

"Can you blame me?"

"If you don't blame me, who do you blame?"

"The museum has more than 1.8 million pieces in its collection, and more than 10,000 pieces are exhibited every year. Are the rest piled up in the warehouse and growing hairy?"

"You know nothing, there are only so many booths, what can I do?" Guan Haishan said.

"You can't help it?"

"Is that because you are incompetent?"

"Let me ask you, how often do you change the exhibits?" Lu Fei asked.

"Half a year!"

"Half a year?"

"Why not change it every half a month?"


"There are more than 10,000 booths, and the exhibits change every half a month?"

“It takes at least a week to change the exhibits.”

"You really can stand and talk without pain in your back!" Guan Haishan said.

"It takes a week to replace it, so why can't it be replaced every half a month?"

"Aren't you spending money to support so many employees just to work?"

"What are they doing when they are idle?"

"Do you want to raise an uncle?"

When Lu Fei said this, Guan Haishan was speechless.

"Fat man, please don't follow this wimp. The objects on display must be changed once a month at the latest to give visitors a sense of freshness."

"If it were you, and it was the same thing several times in a row, would you come again?"

"Don't spoil those employees. If you can do it, do it. If you can't, get out."

“The most indispensable thing these days is people.”

Fatty Wang nodded and said.

"You're right, I listen to you."

"That alone is not enough."

"After you take office, the most important thing is to quickly open up the situation."

"In this way, you can promote an art week."

"During a week, ten top-notch treasures will be displayed in rotation every day."

"With this gimmick, it will definitely attract people."

"As you become more popular, your situation will open up."

"If it doesn't work out, I'll lend you some important treasures that appeared at the treasure fighting competition."

"With the residual warmth of the treasure fighting conference, we will definitely be able to achieve better results."

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