"Congratulations to Master Di. Congratulations to Master Di."

"I wish you a happy marriage and a son soon!"

"Tsk, tsk, I'm so jealous of you."

"Young Master Di is getting married on the 21st, and even though I have three and a half marriages, I'm still the only one. It's so irritating that people are so different from each other!"

"Hey, Mr. Di, please tell me your truest feelings right now, please?"



"Speaking of which, it's the big day for Young Master Di's engagement. We buddies must support it, right?"

"That's necessary. Contact us in advance and we can form a group to go to the northwest."

"Hey, we can't go empty-handed!"

"If you don't express yourself, our brothers and sisters will be unhappy."

"Yes, I must express it."

"Well, I'll give you a crib and wish our young master Di to become a father soon."

"Then I'll give you a bottle!"

"I'll deliver diapers."

"I send"

"Shut up!"

"You inhumane guys, get out of here!"


"I'll go, what are you talking about? It's so lively?"

"Master Li!"

"When did you come?"

"Just arrived!" Li Yunhe said.

"If you're not at home to take care of your wife, what are you doing here?" Lu Fei asked.

"My wife's side is fine. Her due date is next Saturday."

"Mr. Kong is no longer here. I'm here to offer incense on behalf of my grandfather."

"By the way, what were you all laughing at just now?" Li Yunhe asked.


"I have good news for you, our young master Di is getting engaged." Bai Zirui said with a smile.

"Really?" Li Yunhe asked in surprise.

"Of course it's true. I'll go to Duan's house in the northwest next month to propose marriage and get engaged by the way."

"This is a great thing!"\u003c


Li Yunhe grabbed the little puppy's hand and said affectionately.

"Brother, congratulations to you."

"Brother Li, it's better for you."

"Thank you!" the little puppy said touchedly.

"Well, my wife is going to have a baby soon, and I can't spare the time to attend."

"In this case, I will give you a crib and wish you a baby soon."


Hearing the words crib, the little puppy wanted to cry but had no tears.

After chatting for a while, Li Yunhe went in to burn incense, and Lu Fei received a call from Deng Xinhua.

After returning to his car, Lu Fei answered the call.

"Mr. Lu, I discussed it with Jiang Hongyang, and he agreed to pay for the damage."

"We have raised all the money. When will we be given the medicine?" Deng Xinhua said.

"I said, do everything I ask to the letter, and I will consider treating you."

"Mr. Lu, please help us with treatment first, please?"

"It hurt twice again last night, and I really can't stand it anymore."

"Don't worry, we have already explained that Mr. Zhang will be buried in peace, and the two children will wear sackcloth and mourn at the grave to repent. I will never lie to you." Deng Xinhua said.

"Sorry, I can't believe you."

"I'll send you the card number and pay my damage fee. As for the treatment, we'll talk about it after it's done."

"Mr. Lu"

"You don't need to say more. If you are not satisfied, the agreement between us can be canceled at any time."

"That's all."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei sent the card number.

Ten minutes later, all one billion was received.

Seeing the text message prompt, Lu Fei showed a satisfied smile.

In the next two days, come

There is still an endless stream of people paying their condolences.

Lu Fei and Guan Haishan worked shifts at night to keep vigil. During the day, there were too many people and Lu Fei felt it was too chaotic, so he simply went to Liulichang Jubao Pavilion to sit as a guest guest.

During this period, I called Gao Yuan once, but there was still no news from the Haishan search.

On the third day, Kong Lao was buried.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the front of the auditorium of Babaoshan Funeral Home was overcrowded.

More than 3,000 people, dressed in plain clothes and with white flowers on their breasts, came to bid farewell to the greatest legend in the Chinese archaeological community.

All archaeological leaders from all provinces and cities were present, and there were countless bigwigs from all walks of life.

At this time, a black Passat sedan drove into the parking lot.

The car door opened, and a little old man walked out surrounded by two middle-aged men in black.

Everyone looked over and immediately caused a commotion.

"Isn't this the peak?"

"Wasn't he arrested? Why was he released?"

"It's not that he was released. It seems that he was bailed out. Look at the two people around Gao Feng. They must be the plainclothes officers responsible for guarding him."

"By the way, what are you doing here at Gaofeng?"

"Nonsense, of course it's for Mr. Kong!"


"Damn it!"

"Mr. Kong is so angry with this bastard. How can he have the face to see Mr. Kong?"

"Hey, please keep your voice down."

"This is an internal matter of the Kong family. It has nothing to do with us. Let's just watch it."

"Big brother!"

"Big brother."

Seeing the peak, the four brothers Guan Haishan trotted up to meet it.

When the five brothers met, Gao Feng suddenly knelt on the ground and cried loudly.

"I'm sorry Master, I'm sorry for you!"

"I'm not a human being"

"Senior brother, get up quickly. The memorial service is about to begin. Let's go see Master first and we'll talk about the rest later." Guan Haishan said. \u003c


"No, I won't go in. I'm just fine here. I don't have the face to see Master!"

Gao Feng stamped his feet and beat his chest, bursting into tears. Brother Guan Haishan and several other brothers tried to persuade him, and it took a while for Gao Feng to stop.

Gao Feng followed Guan Haishan and others forward, and looked up just in time to see Lu Fei dressed in black.

Gao Feng stopped and planned to say something, but Lu Fei didn't give him a chance and retreated directly outside the crowd.

The memorial service started at nine o'clock in the morning. Pan Xingzhou arrived with a group of big shots and wrote the memorial speech himself.

The memorial service ended, followed by a viewing of the remains.

Everyone filed in and circled around Kong Fanlong's body to see the last face of the old man.

Some people burst into tears, some burst into tears, and Gao Feng fainted after crying twice.

Ninety-nine percent of the people who came to attend the funeral went in to pay their respects, but Lu Fei was the only one who did not go in.

"Lu Fei, why don't you go in?" Wang Xinyi asked.

"If I don't go, it won't matter whether I see it or not."

"Everyone has gone in, but you are not going. Is this appropriate?" Wang Xinyi asked.

"What's inappropriate?"

"My heart is so clear that it is enough for the old man to know that I have been here."

"People can say whatever they want, I don't care."


"Okay Xinyi, if Lu Fei doesn't want to go, then he can't go!"

"Let him be alone for a while, let's go over there."

Chen Xiang wisely pulled Wang Xinyi away, leaving Lu Fei alone in the parking lot.

Looking at the funeral home from a distance, Lu Fei's eyes were moist under his sunglasses.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Kong Fanlong's body was cremated and then buried in Babaoshan Cemetery.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

At this point, the century-old legend of Kong Fanlong comes to an end.

After the funeral, Gao Feng was taken away by Qu Yang, and the others left one after another.

Everyone had almost left, and Dong Jianye came to Lu Fei's side.

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