A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1109 Water Dragon Veins

Standing on the mountain, Lu Fei pointed to the mountain spring water and said.

"From here downwards, there are a total of nineteen small springs, large and small."

"Nineteen springs overflow and merge together to form a natural mountain stream."

"The stream is crystal clear, winding among the trees, and continues all year round."

"If a mountain manages people but only water manages wealth, this stream means a continuous source of wealth."

"Yes, yes, I think so too." said the little milk dog.


"Get out of here, don't make trouble." .??.??

"Look at the direction of this stream, what does it look like?" Lu Fei asked.

"Like a big snake." said the little puppy.


"Can you have more imagination?"

"This is obviously like a fucking dragon!" Lu Fei said, rolling his eyes. "

"Brother, you are too forced to say that!"

"This creek is at most two hundred meters long. If you want to say it looks like a dragon, then this dragon is too small!"

"I wipe it?"

"Are you a little excited today?"

"You dare to be so stubborn."

"I'm not being stubborn, I'm seeking truth from facts." said the little dog.

"Shut up!"

"If you keep talking to me again, I'll ask Duan Qingyi to come over and accompany you."


"Isn't it okay if I don't say anything?"

The little puppy was so frightened that he trembled all over and quickly stepped aside and covered his mouth.

Seeing the little puppy's aggrieved look, everyone laughed again.

"Where did I just say that?"

"Brother Fei, you said this creek looks like a dragon."

"Oh, by the way, it's all because of this grandson."

"Feng Shui teaches that if something is tangible, it will be spiritual, and if something is tangible, it will be evil."

"The shape of this creek resembles a dragon, which is a naturally formed water dragon vein."

"The stream flows continuously all year round, just like a water dragon that keeps swimming."

"So, this is a high-quality dragon vein."

"The stream forms a big "bow"-shaped bend downstream."

"According to the proportion of the entire stream, the front bend is exactly the neck of the walking dragon."

"The haunted house chosen for Lao Zhangtou is right at the dragon's neck, as if he were riding a water dragon soaring through the nine heavens."

"So this cave is the famous Chenglong Cave in Feng Shui."

"This Yin Mansion is one of the best Feng Shui locations in Lingquan Mountain and even Bianliang."

"It's a pity that Lao Zhangtou has no children, otherwise there will be a rich man within three generations."

"Hey, if any of you want to take advantage of Lao Zhang, make an appointment with me."

"When you are buried, put on mourning and mourn and call your godfather three times. I will help you place a talisman to ensure that you will benefit."


"It's up to you to do it!"

"We are not short of money, let alone a father."


"Brother Fei, why is such a wonderful mansion still vacant until now?"

"Countless dignitaries were buried in Lingquan Mountain in ancient times. Why didn't they choose such a good location?" Wang Xinlei asked.


"In the past, when high-ranking officials were buried, they must have found the most powerful earth masters in the area."

"If that shady house was so awesome, how could it be left here until now?"

"You kid are not fooling us, are you!" Bai Zirui said questioningly.

"No one chose this place in the past, that's because no dragon veins were formed here before," Lu Fei said.

"What's the meaning?"

"In the past, these nineteen springs were not integrated into one, but were divided into two branches."

"Last summer there was heavy rain in Bianliang, and the boulder blocking the two branches loosened and rolled down."

"The two branches merged together to form the water dragon vein."

"Maybe from last year to now, no experts have noticed this place, otherwise it would have been occupied by others."

Lu Fei didn't tell the truth.

In fact, the integration of the two branches is a human effort.

There is indeed a big stone blocking the two branches.

Last year, Lu Fei was tempering his body here. He thought there was too little spring water, so he pried the stone apart so that the two branches fused together. ??

Although it is artificially formed, it is still a water dragon vein after all.

It's just that the dragon energy hasn't condensed too much yet.

Over time, within three miles of the mountain springs and streams, there will be excellent Feng Shui treasures.

"Brother Fei, with such good Feng Shui, plus the gold nanmu coffin you asked my dad to help customize, isn't it too showy?"

"You won't be missed by bad guys, will you?" Feng Zhe asked.

Lu Fei had previously asked Feng Yuanyang to help customize a large golden nanmu coffin in Yangcheng.

All the materials and labor are added together, and if the cost of air transportation is added, the price exceeds the two million mark.

It was twice as expensive as the coffin Lu Fei bought for Lao Lu.

If such a valuable treasure is taken care of by bad guys, the consequences will be disastrous.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"I have already thought of these."

"I plan to widen the mountain road and create a small square next to the cemetery."

"Build two squad rooms here and hire someone to look after them. There shouldn't be any mistakes."


"Shut up!"

The little puppy came up and as soon as he opened his mouth, Lu Fei stopped him.


"If you say one more thing, I'll call Duan Qingyi right away."


"Can you please stop scaring me? I have something serious to say." the little milk dog said anxiously.

"What can you do?"

"Shut your mouth quickly."

"Your mouth is too stinky today, go back and clean it up for half an hour

Talk to me again. "


"Stop fucking laughing, I really have something serious to do." The little milk dog roared.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance."

"If you are not serious, you will be responsible for the consequences." Lu Fei said with a smile.

"Something's happening, something's happening!"

"Look, a group of people are coming up, not far from the place where you ordered Mr. Zhang's house."

"There is an old master among these people. Isn't he also showing people the shady house?"

"What if the place you were looking at is occupied, it will be a big deal." said the little milk dog.


Everyone listened and looked over. Sure enough, a group of seven people came up from the mountain road.

Six of these seven people are young people in their early twenties.

They were all wearing sunglasses with their heads tilted and their eyes squinting, and they walked awkwardly and squirmed.

Although it was too far to see clearly their appearance, it was not difficult to tell from the way these people walked that they were social gangsters.

These six gangsters were surrounded by a Taoist priest in his fifties.

The Taoist Priest is dressed in a clear sermon robe. He has a well-proportioned figure, light steps, and an elegant and regular posture.

He seems to have a bit of an immortal spirit.

The Taoist priest kept changing the position of the flat end of his left hand.

Others couldn't see clearly what the Taoist Master was holding.

But Lu Fei could see clearly that the object was a compass.

The little milk dog really got it right. The Taoist Priest and these people must have learned about the caves based on Feng Shui.

While they were talking, a group of seven people were less than ten meters away from Chenglong Cave.

The Taoist leader stood still, fiddling with the compass and muttering something.

"Let's go take a look."

Passing by the little milk dog, Lu Fei glared and said.

"When you saw these people coming up, why didn't you tell them earlier?"


"Brother, you, you are so shameless"

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