A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1126 Affects IQ

Zheng Fu transferred 250,000 yuan to Lu Fei, wrapped the mid-Qing Dynasty blue and white set, and was about to put it back in his car.

At this time, the hotel lobby manager rushed in with two security guards.

The manager came in and went straight to Lu Fei, asking why Lu Fei sold the plate lent to him.

At this time, the whole audience was stunned.

Zheng Fu had contact with this manager when he rented a side hall.

The manager’s surname is Chen, and his name is Chen Cong.

Zheng Fu is somewhat familiar with him.

After patting Chen Cong's shoulder gently, Zheng Fu asked confusedly.

"Manager Chen, what do you mean?"

Chen Cong said after looking at the blue cloth bag in Zheng Fu's hand.

"Director Zheng, this is a plate from our hotel. This gentleman borrowed it."

Chen Cong is right.

This was indeed something Lu Fei borrowed from him.

But it would be more appropriate to say it was rented.

Just now, when Zheng Fufu and Song Xiaojiao were arguing about the text on the Damascus sword, Lu Fei retreated to the lobby.

The Yellow River Hotel is a famous four-star hotel in Bianliang City with superb service attitude.

The lobby not only has sofas for guests to rest temporarily, but also free dried fruit candies.

When Lu Fei came out, the cleaning staff was preparing to replace fresh dried fruits.

Lu Fei immediately fell in love with the eight-piece blue and white plate containing dried fruits.

I found the manager Chen Cong, gave him a tip of 500 yuan, and borrowed these eight plates for a while.

A tip of five hundred yuan was more than Chen Cong's three days' salary. Of course Chen Cong would not refuse.

Besides, when Lu Fei entered the side hall with a plate, Chen Cong had no need to be nervous.

But after a while, the waiter who delivered water to the side hall told Chen Cong that the gentleman actually sold the plate, and now Chen Cong quit.

Then he brought two security guards over to find Lu Feixingshi to question him.

Zheng Fu, who was already confused, was dumbfounded when he heard this.

"Manager Chen, you can't be mistaken!"

"This is a blue and white set from the mid-Qing Dynasty. How could it be from your hotel?"

Chen Cong was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

"A plate from the mid-Qing Dynasty?"

"Where is this all going?"

"This is a blue and white plate customized by our hotel and Jingdezhen."

“This is the set of plates that always serves free dried fruits in our lobby!” Chen Cong said.


"Manager Chen, you are not mistaken, are you?" Zheng Fu said in shock.

Chen Cong waved his hand and said.

"That's right. Look at the blue cloth wrapping the plate. Isn't this the tablecloth in our hotel?"

"Look carefully, there is our hotel's trademark on it!"

After Chen Cong finished speaking, everyone looked at the blue cloth bag.

If you look carefully, you will see that there is indeed a spray painting of the Hukou Falls of the Yellow River in the corner.

The overall style of this spray painting is exactly the same as the hotel’s trademark.

This is really a hotel tablecloth!

Since it is a tablecloth, the plates inside



Wanting to understand what was going on, the audience in the side hall burst into laughter.

"Haha, what did I say?"

"Hey, what did I just say?"

"I just said these plates are exactly the same as those used to hold dried fruits outside. It turns out they are those plates!"

"You're still in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, but you still have pulp?"

"Hahaha, I was laughing so hard."

"The plate holding the melon seeds looks like an antique. With your eyesight, you still want to pretend to be deceptive?"

"I bother!"

"It's so shameless!"

"I was almost fooled by that pig head just now, thanks to this young man's trick, otherwise I would have been fooled."

"Me too, I almost reported it just now

What a name! "

"Facts have proved that there is no pie in the sky. Everyone, wake up!"

"He's a damn senior professor, a senior lecturer in the Department of Archeology!"

"You damn don't want Bilian"

Listening to the gossip in the room, Zheng Fufu and several instructors flushed with shame.

Others are doing better, but the worst one is Zheng Fu.

At this time, Zheng Fu's heartbeat accelerated and he was about to cry out.

Obviously, he cares more about his two hundred and fifty thousand yuan than being embarrassed.

Zheng Fu didn't give up yet. He put the cloth bag on the table and opened it. He pointed at the blue and white plate and asked Chen Cong.

"Mr. Chen, take a closer look. Are you sure this is a plate from your hotel?"

Chen Cong took a look and nodded affirmatively.

"That's right, it's our hotel's plate."

"They are exactly the same and of the same style. We still have many more in our warehouse."


When Zheng Fu heard this, his eyes rolled up, and he instantly felt the urge to vomit blood.

Chen Cong said to Lu Fei.

"Sir, didn't you say you could borrow it for a while?"

"Why did you sell the plate without my permission?"

"How much did each of your plates cost?" Lu Fei asked.


"What do you want to do?" Chen Cong asked confused.

"I asked you how much you paid for it."

"We customized this from the Jingdezhen kiln. Each plate costs six yuan," Chen Cong said.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Okay, I bought these eight plates."

"I'll give you six thousand yuan for a plate."

"I will give you a total of fifty thousand, and the remaining two thousand will be treated as a tip for you. What do you think?" Lu Fei said.


"How much did you say?"

"Five, fifty thousand?"

Chen Cong's eyes bulged and he asked in disbelief.

"Yes, it's fifty thousand, okay?"

"Okay, okay, great!"

"Sir, you are so refreshing. On behalf of the hotel, I welcome you to visit us often!"

"I will definitely give you a discount next time you come."

"However, I still want to make sure, do you really want to give 50,000 yuan?"


"Is fifty thousand dollars a lot?"

“When a fool offers a high price, anything is possible.”

"It's all your fault for being impatient. Otherwise, I can help you sell all the plates and bowls in your warehouse at a high price."




"This guy is not here to prove his mentor's vision. He is here to make a fortune!"

"Without any capital, I made 200,000 yuan as soon as I changed hands."


"This is too awesome!"

Zheng Fuzi was envied by the people around him, his lips turned purple and his whole body was trembling with anger.

Pointing at Lu Fei and yelled.

"You, you, you are here to cause trouble!"

"And you two little girls, you are here to cause trouble, right?"

Now there is nothing to hide.

The two girls held Lu Fei's arms, one on the left and the other on the right, and they were all trembling with laughter.

"Kekeke, Fei Ge, you are so awesome."

"You make money too fast."

"Hey, let's help you act, why don't you give us some hard work?" Song Xiaojiao said.

"no problem!"

"For the remaining two hundred thousand, you two can add to it and divide it equally."

"But I advise you to spend this money as soon as possible."

"This is money for making fools. If you keep it in your hands for a long time, it may affect your IQ."


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