A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1129 The greatest pride

After Lu Fei's words, the audience burst into applause.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, we can tell the good from the bad."

"From beginning to end, Professor Li never said a word that was unconscionable. We can see that Professor Li is a good person."

"We are only targeting this group of liars and will not vent our anger on Professor Li."

"Thank you, Lu Fei, thank you all."

Li Xi was moved to tears after hearing this.

He stood up and bowed to everyone in the room.

Although he didn't say a word, he received warm applause.

On the other side, the three old professors Zheng Fufu and Zhang Zhihai were dumbfounded.

"Lu Fei, we were forced too!"

"You have to uphold justice for us!" Zhang Zhihai said.


"Stop doing this with me."

"When you were fooling the crowd just now, you old guy was very happy and excited."

"Do you think everyone is blind?" Lu Fei said.

"Lu Fei, I will return all the money to everyone. Can we just let this matter go?" Zheng Fu said.


"It's a done deal, someone should take responsibility for this."

"And you, Zheng Fu, are the culprit."

"Just wait for my lawyer's letter!"

"Teacher Li, let's go!"

"Lu Fei has something to say to you alone." Lu Fei said.

"Okay, okay, I'll go with you."

Amid the applause of the audience, Lu Fei and Li Xi left the side hall.

The bank card was handed over to Liang Ruyi, who transferred 50,000 yuan to Chen Cong, and the remaining money was divided equally between the two girls.

If it is a gift from others, they will not take even two yuan.

But this is Brother Fei's reward, and 20 million is not too much for them.

After driving the two girls to the back row and huddled with Ma Qingfeng, Lu Fei asked Li Xi to get into the co-pilot.

Turning around, she was about to get in the car when a gust of fragrant wind blew by, and Cao Lina rushed to Lu Fei's side.

"Lu Fei, long time no see." Cao Lina said with a smile as bright as a flower.

Lu Fei nodded slightly.

"Hello, classmate Cao Lina."

Cao Lina said flatly.


"We all know each other so well, why are you so serious?"

"Classmate Cao Lina, if you want to plead for Zheng Fu, please don't open your mouth." Lu Fei said.


"You're overthinking it. I'm just working for Director Zheng."

"It's none of my business that he's lying to people," Cao Lina said.

"Oh, all right."

"I still have something to do, so let's go first."

"See you later!"

"Hey, don't leave in a hurry yet!"

"I have something to say to you." Cao Lina pressed the car door and said.

"What's going on?" Lu Fei asked expressionlessly.

Biting her lip, Cao Lina said.

"Lu Fei, it was me who was not good in the past."

"It's all because of my temporary obsession with money that I'm sorry for you."

"However, I have changed. I am no longer the Cao Lina I used to be."

"I am sincerely happy for you when I see you becoming famous at the Treasure Fighting Conference."

“Seeing you start a foundation makes me really proud of you.”

"Lu Fei, my heart has never changed. I have always loved you deeply."

"Shall we start over?"

"I don't ask you to marry me, as long as you have a place for me in your heart, I will be satisfied."

"I can do anything for you. I will be there anytime and anywhere when you need me."

Lu Fei felt nauseated for a while, and before Cao Lina could finish speaking, he had goosebumps all over his body, and he quickly waved his hand to stop it.

"Classmate Cao Lina, you are you and I am me."

"We never started."

"Whatever you do is your freedom. You don't have to tell me."

"I'm sorry, I have something else to do,

Goodbye. "

Lu Fei pulled the car door again, and this time Cao Lina leaned directly against the car door, hugging Lu Fei's arm with both hands and burst into tears.

"Lu Fei, don't ignore me."

"I was wrong, I will change it, and I will change it until you are satisfied."

"As long as you forgive me, I will have no regrets about anything you ask me to do."

"Please, please don't leave me, okay?"

Lu Fei shook Cao Lina away and frowned for a moment.

"Cao Lina, we were just friends before."

"You can't even be considered a friend now, please respect yourself."


"You like me, you can't lie to me."

"If you didn't like me, you wouldn't have vented your anger on Bian Dawei on Lingbao Street last year."

"I understand, I understand everything."

"I will be a good person and try to help you in the future, and try to be your good wife, okay?" Cao Lina cried.

This is when the rear window is down, and Song Xiaojiao's quirky little head sticks out.

"Hey, you are such a shameless woman!"

"Can you please look in the mirror?"

"Will our brother Fei fall in love with a vulgar fan like you?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"If he can't even look down on a girl as beautiful as me, don't waste your acting skills."

"Brother Fei, get in the car!"

"Everyone is hungry!" Song Xiaojiao said.

Shaking Cao Lina away again, Lu Fei opened the car door.

Before getting in the car, he paused for a moment and said to Cao Lina.

"Classmate, I'm giving you a warning."

"Zheng Fu is not a good guy, you'd better stay away from him."

"Also, you have to be down-to-earth in everything you do."

"Only by relying on one's own efforts can we use it in a practical way."

"That's it, you can take care of yourself."


After Lu Fei finished speaking, he got in the car and drove away.

Looking at Cherokee's retreating back, Cao Lina put away her tears and gritted her teeth with resentment!

"Lu Fei, don't even think about getting rid of me."

"Whatever I want, I must get."

"In case I don't get it, I would rather live in pieces than in pieces."

After sending Ma Qingfeng back to Yanqing Temple, the car turned around and stopped on the side of the road.

"Teacher Li, how are you doing recently?" Lu Fei asked.

Li Xi smiled lightly.

"It's still the same as before, clocking in to work and leaving get off work as usual every day."

"All teachers are like this."

"Lu Fei, the teacher is really happy for your achievements today."

"Thank you, you are the teacher's greatest pride in his life."

"Thank you teacher for your affirmation, I won't let you down."

Lu Fei said and handed over a cigarette, but Li Xi did not take it.

"Quit. I've been quitting for half a year."

"Teacher Li, are you in trouble?"

"Is it Master's wife?"

Li Xi nodded and said without hesitation.

"I had a kidney transplant the year before last, but within half a year, rejection started to appear."

“Last summer I took out a loan to transplant another kidney for her, but it was rejected again two months ago.”

"This time, even gods can't save it."

"I gave everything I had, and I have a clear conscience."

"Now, I have to repay more than 2,000 yuan in loan every month."

"Zheng Fu threatened with work, so I had no choice."

"I can't lose this job."

"I'm sorry Lu Fei, teacher let you down."

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"You don't need to apologize to me. If I question your character, then I'm not worthy of being your student."

"I know a famous doctor in Bianliang. I will call him right away and ask him to diagnose and treat my wife."

"This miracle doctor has great medical skills. Maybe he can find a solution."

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