A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1132 Treatment

Snow clam from Changbai Mountain Tianchi, soul-crossing frost, money snake toxin.

Not mentioning the last one, Liang Guangxing suddenly felt bad when he heard the first two names.

"Master, do you have such a genius as Xue Ha?" Liang Guanxing asked in surprise.

"I got it by chance."

"A snow clam and a toad slough."

"Awesome, so awesome."

"This is called God's help for those who have attained the Tao."

"You must be so benevolent and righteous that you have moved God to have such good luck!"

"Come on, stop flattering me, it sounds disgusting to me," Lu Fei said.

"Master, how can this be flattery? I mean it sincerely."

"However, the toxicity of snow clams and soul-crossing frost is very strong. If you don't grasp the scale properly, big trouble will happen." Liang Guanxing asked.

"It doesn't matter. If you cooperate with Ganoderma lucidum, nothing will happen." Lu Fei said.

"Master, please say one more word."

"Is it worth using such a precious genius on this person?" Liang Guanxing asked.

Lu Fei nodded.


"Li Xi is my teacher. He took great care of me back then. I can't watch his family being ruined."

"Now that he is in trouble, no matter how high the price is, I will help him get through it."

"Master, I understand."

"I'll call and send a car right now."

Liang Guanxing called, Lu Fei called Li Xi aside, and Li Xi asked anxiously.

"Lu Fei, how are you?"

"Is there no other way?"


"Divine Doctor Liang has a secret recipe passed down from his ancestors that can cure Master's mother's illness." Lu Fei said.


Li Xi was completely shocked when he heard this.

"You think it can be cured?" Li Xi asked in disbelief.

"It can be cured!"

"But the treatment process is quite slow."

"If you want to return to a normal state, you need at least a year of conditioning."

"I just told Divine Doctor Liang that he sent a car

Come here and take your wife to the hospital immediately. "


"I swear!" Lu Fei said.

After getting the affirmative answer again, Li Xi burst into tears instantly.

Scattered all the wealth, owed huge debts, gave up hobbies, and even had to settle for less.

No one knows how gloomy Li Xi has been in the past two years.

But even so, it still couldn't cure his wife's illness.

Since the second rejection, Li Xi has become desperate and has no illusions about his wife's condition.

What Li Xi is doing now is just to leave no regrets when his wife dies.

But now Lu Fei's affirmation has rekindled Li Xi's hope. How can Li Xi not be excited?

But while being excited, Li Xi frowned again.

"Lu Fei, since Dr. Liang has the ancestral elixir, can you sell it to me directly without having to be hospitalized?"

Lu Fei handed over a cigarette again, but Li Xi still didn't take it.

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"Teacher Li, this is a gift from a foreign friend of mine. It is the best tobacco in the world."

"The annual production of this tobacco does not exceed three hundred kilograms. You must try it."

"Forget it, even the best tobacco is like that."

"I finally quit smoking and stopped smoking." Li Xi said.

This time Lu Fei didn't force it.

"Teacher Li, I know what you are worried about."

"Don't worry about school matters, leave them to me."

"After this incident, Zheng Fu, the department head, should also be laid off. No one will dare to make things difficult for you in the future."

"In addition, I will introduce you to a job outside of school."

"Let me tell you clearly!"

"I took on a disciple, a seven-year-old girl."

"This kid is extremely smart and has a special liking for archaeological collection knowledge."

"But I'm running around so it's hard to have time to teach him."

"In the past six months, I have been looking for a teacher for this child, but I haven't been able to find one."

"Now it seems that you are the most suitable."

"I will send this child here to stay with you. You will help me teach him after get off work. I will give you a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan."

"Do you think it's okay?"

"No, no."

"If your apprentice wants to learn, you can just send her over and I will teach her, but I will never charge money." Li Xi said.

"That's not okay."

"You stick to your principles, and I have mine."

"Friends are friends, but the reward must be paid, otherwise I won't feel at ease." Lu Fei said.

"Lu Fei, you have helped me so much"

"Stop talking."

"If you are so serious, how can I calculate how much you have helped me during four years of college?" Lu Fei said.


"All right!"

"I promise to charge you."

"But thirty thousand is not enough. I'm not worth that price."

"Just give me five hundred a month." Li Xi said.

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"Teacher Li, you can ask, the monthly salary of security guards in our company starts at 30,000 yuan."

"You impart knowledge. Not only do you earn more than security guards, why should you be on par with them!"

"Besides, with your water balance, it's definitely worth the price."

"Stop refusing, just do as I say."

"Also, don't forget, you still have to repay the loan, and the wife needs to be hospitalized for treatment, plus post-term nutrition, this is all money!"

"If you still feel uneasy, just teach my apprentice with your heart."

Lu Fei is right. The security guards in his company start with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan, and the highest monthly salary exceeds 100,000 yuan.

But Lu Fei didn't tell the truth. The monthly salary of his company's security guards was much higher than that of department managers.

As for Niuniu, Lu Fei originally planned to let Guan Haishan teach.

However, Guan Haishan had just taken up the position of general counsel and was extremely busy every day, so it was impossible to spare time for the time being.

It is appropriate for Li Xi to teach Niu Niu.

In addition, it was just for this reason to help Li Xi.

Otherwise, he would definitely not accept it given his character.

But even so, Li Xi still tried to avoid it.

The two argued for a long time, until the car from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital arrived, and finally Li Xi accepted the monthly salary of 10,000 yuan.

The hospital's professional medical staff carried Chen Fang into the car, and together with Li Xi's mother-in-law, they all came to the hospital.

The IP ward on the top floor of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital is as luxurious as a five-star hotel suite.

The room rate for one day's stay is only fifty yuan.

Of course Li Xi understood that this was because of Lu Fei, but it was not convenient for him to be pretentious, so he had to acquiesce.

After Chen Fang was settled, Lu Fei and Liang Guanxing came to the prescription to prepare the medicine themselves.

After the medicine is prepared, the method is the same as chemotherapy, direct intravenous injection.

After Liang Guanxing administered the needle, he injected a small bottle of medicine.

Waited quietly for another half hour.

Seeing that Chen Fang didn't have any adverse reactions, Lu Fei felt relieved.

It was already half past two in the afternoon, so I asked the two girls to go downstairs to pack a few lunch boxes and bring them up.

Lu Fei and others had a late lunch in the ward, and then said goodbye to Li Xi.

Arriving at the parking lot, Song Xiaojiao sighed with emotion.

"Teacher Li is so kind to his wife."

"If I meet such a pure man, I... eh, eh, oops."

"Brother Fei, why are you pulling my ears?"

"Let go, your ears will be ripped off!"

"Damn Nizi, you screamed so much at that time, didn't you?"


"Brother Fei, I was joking."

"Don't take it seriously!"

"Let go, it hurts me so much!"

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