A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1134 Regional Differences

Lu Fei was extremely excited to see the top-quality pure wild Dendrobium officinale on Lingbao Street.

So far, Lu Fei has many geniuses and treasures, but Dendrobium officinale is a blind spot.

Dendrobium officinale ranks first among the nine immortal herbs in "Tao Zang".

"Shen Nong's Materia Medica" records that "Dendrobium is sweet and flat in taste.

Mainly used for injuries, removes paralysis, lowers qi, tonifies the weak and thin due to deficiency of the five internal organs, and strengthens yin.

Taking it for a long time can strengthen the intestines and stomach, lighten the body and prolong life. A Lin Lan. Raw valley. "

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, "Famous Doctors" recorded that "Dendrobium is non-toxic.

It is mainly used to replenish essence, replenish internal deficiencies, calm stomach qi, grow muscles, eliminate pathogenic heat and prickly heat in the skin, and cause pain and cold numbness in the knees and feet.

Taking it for a long time will calm your mind and eliminate surprises. One is forbidden, one is Dulan, and the other is Shige.

It was born in the Liu'an Valley, where the water is close to the rocks. Collect the stems in July and August and dry them in the shade. "

"Famous Doctors" also recorded the harvesting and preservation methods of dendrobium for the first time.

"Compendium of Materia Medica" records: Dendrobium officinale "strengthens yin and replenishes essence. If taken for a long time, it can thicken the intestines and stomach, nourish internal deficiencies, calm stomach qi, grow muscles, eliminate pathogenic heat and prickly qi in the skin, and relieve pain and coldness in the knees and numbness. It can calm the mind and eliminate it." Surprised, you will lose your life and prolong your life."

The growing environment of Dendrobium candidum is quite harsh.

At present, the areas where wild Dendrobium officinale is distributed are in the southwestern and southeastern provinces.

And it can only grow in environments above an altitude of 1,600.

The growth cycle of wild Dendrobium officinale is extremely slow, and it takes at least seven or eight years to reach the size in a schoolbag.

At present, artificial breeding technology has been developed for Dendrobium officinale, but its medicinal efficacy is inferior to that of wild Dendrobium.

Even so, farmed dendrobium costs about 30 yuan per gram.

The price of pure wild Dendrobium officinale has already exceeded 2,000 yuan per gram, and it is still very rare.

Ninety percent of the people gathered around this schoolbag were shopkeepers from shops on Lingbao Street.

Without exception, these people are all experts.

Seeing so many wild dendrobium trees made these people's eyes wide open.

"Boss, how do you sell this dendrobium?"

\u003e The young man slowly stretched out two fingers.

"Two thousand and one grams."


"He's still an expert!"

"Young man, the quality of your dendrobium is really impressive, and the price of two thousand yuan is indeed not high."

"But your dendrobium has never been treated before!"

"Look, there is still dry soil on the roots. This thing is very heavy."

"We are buying dendrobium. You can't sell the soil for 2,000 yuan, right?" said a boss.

The young man took out a pack of cheap white sand cigarettes and slowly lit one, smiling slightly.

"I've heard that Lingbao Street is the largest pharmaceutical market in Zhongzhou. I thought there were all experts here, but it seems my expectations were too high."

"Don't negotiate the price for two thousand yuan. If you can afford it, buy it. If you don't buy it, you'll lose it."


"Young man has such a crazy tone!"

"Do you think I was timid in what I said just now?" the boss asked.

The young man curled his lips disdainfully.

"It's not Lu Qie."

"With all due respect, you don't understand the wild dendrobium trade at all."


"Young man, you are too shameless!"

"I, Zhang Baocai, have been in the medicinal business for more than 40 years. How can I not understand the dendrobium trade?"

"Come on, come on, tell me where I show my cowardice."

"If you are right, I will give you a high price."

"If what I said is wrong, you must apologize." Zhang Baocai said.

The young man looked around and said calmly.

"Most of the people here are experts, don't you know the rules?"

"If I, a foreigner, say this, I'm afraid it won't look good on you, right?"

When the young man said this, all the experts in the room widened their eyes.

These people are saying, this guy is not here to sell dendrobium, he is here to destroy Lingbao Street!

How arrogant!


They really don't know what the special rules are here.

When the young man asked, they could only feel depressed in their hearts, but no one stood up and spoke.

I have no choice, I don’t understand, it would be embarrassing to stand up!

When no one answered, the young man sneered, his eyes full of contempt.

These experts were blushing but speechless, and the situation instantly became awkward.

At this time Lu Fei stood up.

"Friend, judging from your accent, you should be from northern Anhui!" Lu Fei asked.


"That's no wonder."

"It's not that these bosses don't understand the rules, it's just that the rules over there are different from here."

"During the Qing Dynasty, China was divided into seven provinces in the south and sixty-three provinces in the north based on the Qinling Mountains and the Huaihe River."

"At that time, there was a huge cultural contrast between the north and the south."

“Take Dendrobium officinale as an example.”

"During the Manchu period, dendrobium harvested in the north had to be sliced."

"This makes it easier to store and use as medicine."

"Even now, the northern and central areas still follow this standard."

“But it’s the complete opposite in the South.”

"In the South, it is believed that cleaning medicinal materials will cause the loss of medicinal properties, so when picking, the more complete the quality, the higher the price."

“In recent decades, pure wild Dendrobium candidum has become almost invisible.”

"There is no market exchange."

"It's not surprising that people here don't understand the market and rules over there," Lu Fei said.

Zhang Baocai patted Lu Fei on the shoulder and asked


"Brother, do people over there really bring soil to sell?"

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"This was indeed the case in the past, but there have been no records of wild dendrobium trading there for many years."

"Even many southern drug dealers probably don't remember this rule."

"Here I go, southerners are really different!"

"With so much shame, how can you die?"

"Loss, definitely some loss, but there are indeed benefits to trading like this."

"It is best not to wash dendrobium trees that are in good condition when picked."

"It is inevitable that the roots will be damaged when cleaning. If the roots are injured, some of the medicinal properties will definitely be lost."

"This old tradition of drying dendrobium in the shade is indeed much more effective than cutting it into slices." Lu Fei said.

The young man gave Lu Fei a thumbs up.

"My friend, you look like an expert."

"You're absolutely right."

"Only when it is dried completely in the shade can the best dendrobium be produced."

"Hey, young man, your dendrobium is in such good condition, so you shouldn't have to worry about selling it anywhere?"

"Why do you come all the way to Zhongzhou?" Zhang Baocai asked.

Hearing Zhang Baocai's question, the young man chuckled.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes."

"The year before last year, I broke my leg while collecting dendrobium and lay in bed for half a year. As a result, my wife ran away with a small boss from the Bianliang decoration team."

"Now that I have recovered my health, I came to Bianliang City with my children and dendrobium."

"I'm going to sell the dendrobium in Bianliang. The bigger the noise, the better."

"I want to take root in Bianliang, and I want to make that bitch understand what a stupid choice she made to abandon me and my child."


"The young man said it well and has backbone."

"Just for saying this to you, I, Zhang Baocai, must support you."

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