A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1138 I can’t help you

Hongfei Noodle House, Lu Fei and the other three drank heartily.

On the other side, in the office of the president of Bianliang University, Zheng Fu was sitting on pins and needles.

The Yellow River Hotel broke up unhappy, and Zheng Fu went back to school directly.

He didn't take what Lu Fei said seriously at all. .??.

In his opinion, it was no big deal to use Lu Fei's name to run a training class to earn some extra money.

The reason why Lu Fei was angry was because Zhang Zhihai and others were not good enough.

If you don’t let me run the class, I won’t run it. What else can you do?

Sue the Department of Archeology for infringement?

As for no?

After all, you, Lu Fei, graduated from the Department of Archeology in Bianliang University. In any case, this is also your alma mater.

Now that you are famous, you have brought a lawsuit against your alma mater to court and spread it. You, Lu Fei, will definitely be stigmatized as ungrateful.

In addition, there are negative news about you, Lu Fei, flying all over the Internet. You, Lu Fei, are at the cusp of the storm and absolutely cannot withstand any mistakes.

Just because of such nonsense, Lu Fei is not so stupid as to add spice to netizens.

However, what he never expected was that the summons was delivered to him before getting off work in the afternoon.

Lu Fei not only sued the Department of Archeology, but also sued Zheng Fu himself for infringement.

According to the process, it usually takes three to five days to issue a subpoena.

However, because the facts were clear and the evidence was conclusive, coupled with the lawsuit filed by Lu Fei, the court was particularly concerned and sent the summons on the same day.

Such courage and decisiveness scared Zheng Fu out of his wits.

Before he could think of a solution, a call came in from his father, Zheng Guangrong, the president of Bianliang University.

When the call was connected, Zheng Guangrong cursed loudly.

After scolding him, he asked Zheng Fu to come to his office immediately.

"Rent a four-star hotel, high-profile publicity, and sky-high tuition fees."

"Are you so fucking poor?"

"When you were doing this, why didn't you say hello to me in advance?"

"Now that the situation is like this, what do you think we should do?" Zheng Guangrong glared at his son and shouted loudly.



I just plan to take advantage of the popularity of Lufei and hold a training class to earn some pocket money. "

"I didn't expect to be met by Lu Fei!" Zheng Fu said.

"You still dare to talk to me?"

"Hold a training class?"

"Don't you know how many pounds you have?"

"How dare you ask for a tuition fee of seven to eight hundred?"

"Don't say you met Lu Fei, but without Lu Fei's appearance, would they let you go if they couldn't learn anything?"

"You are already in your forties, can you be smarter?"

"You are committing fraud, fraud!"

"Behind my back, he ran classes outside in the name of the Department of Archeology to make money."

"This is a serious violation of your rules!"

"Not only you, but also I can't afford to suffer this time!" Zheng Guangrong shouted.


"It's useless for you to get angry now, you'd better help me think of a solution!"

"Lu Fei said in the morning that he would pay 10 million yuan in damages."

"We can't fight this lawsuit, and we can't afford it!" Zheng Fu said.

"What's the point of talking about this now?"

"The subpoenas have been issued, and the deal is done. There is nothing anyone can do to change the situation!" Zheng Guangrong said.

"No, there is still a chance."

"As far as I know, Gao Henian and Lu Fei have a very good relationship."

"You also have some friendship with Gao Henian. Can you tell him and ask Gao Henian to send a message to Lu Fei, and I can apologize to him in private?"


Zheng Guangrong's eyes lit up when he heard what his son said.

He and Gao Henian did have some friendship.

Although Gao Henian is the leader of the cultural preservation department, he is also an honorary professor of the Archeology Department of Bianliang University.

This professional title was personally recommended by Zheng Guangrong.

With this professional title, Gao Hennian will not

Even if you work, you still get a valuable salary every month.

Just because of this, Gao Henian couldn't stand idly by when he asked him to do something.

"Are you sure Gao Henian has a good relationship with Lu Fei?" Zheng Guangrong asked.

"Sure, very sure."

"Their relationship is not generally good."

"Gao Fei was transferred to Jincheng for his meritorious service in the New Year, and it was Lu Fei's help." Zheng Fu said.

"Okay, I'll give it a try."

Zheng Guangrong said and dialed Gao Henian's phone number.


"Xiao Gao?"

"I am Zheng Guangrong!"

"Principal Zheng, hello, hello."

"I haven't seen you for a few days. How are you?"

Gao Henian's humble and polite attitude greatly increased Zheng Guangrong's confidence.

"I'm fine."

"It's just that since you were transferred to Jincheng, we haven't had a drink in a while."

"That's what the principal said."

"I've been very busy here lately."

"When I return to Bianliang next time, I will definitely have a drink with you."

"By the way, are you looking for me for anything else?"

"If you have anything to say, just say it. If Xiao Gao can do it, I will never refuse." Gao Henian said.

"Well, you're right, I really have something to do."


"It's all my fault that my unlucky son is rich."

"That's what happened."

Zheng Guangrong couldn't hide it when he asked Gao Henian to do something.

He told the story exactly as it happened.

"Xiao Gao!"

"As far as I know, you and Lu Fei have a pretty good relationship."

"Look, can you say something to Lu Fei? I'll ask Fu Fu to apologize to him in person and promise to never do it again in the future."

"Can we just let this matter go?"

“It would be bad for us to have to file a lawsuit, and it would also be bad for Lu Fei’s own reputation!


"After all, this is his alma mater!"

"Xiao Gao, look at this."

Zheng Guangrong didn't know that the wrinkles on Gao Henian's forehead were wrinkled across from him.


Using the name of Tattered Flying to cheat.

Zheng Fu is committing suicide!

Want me to be a lobbyist for Tasha Fei?


It's already getting into a lawsuit, not to mention me, even if the Supreme Lord comes here, it won't be easy!

"What, Principal Zheng, who did you hear to say that I have a good relationship with Lu Fei?"

"This is pure rumour."

"Lu Fei and I do know each other, but we are not friends at all."

"If nothing else, I don't even have Lu Fei's phone number."

"Sorry, I really can't help you with this." Gao Henian said.

Zheng Guangrong was greatly displeased upon hearing this.

"Xiao Gao, don't be so absolute."

"I know you have a good relationship, and you don't have to hide it."

"I am begging you because I have no choice but to ask you, please don't refuse!"

"Principal, I won't lie to you, my relationship with Lu Fei is really average."

"Besides, Lu Fei doesn't recognize any of his relatives."

"When it comes to issues of principle, no one can ask for mercy."

"I really can't help you. I still have something to do, so I'll hang up now!"

"I will definitely see you next time I come back to Bianliang."


"Xiao Gao"

When he called again, Gao Henian's phone was turned off.

Zheng Guangrong was furious, threw his phone on the sofa, pointed at his son and yelled.


"You use my guise to show off your power every day."

"I'll see how you end up this time!"

"Damn it, if something goes wrong this time, even I will be destroyed in the hands of a beast like you."

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