A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1141 Parking Fee

Deng Xinhua called and said that the two "filial sons" were ready. Lu Fei nodded with satisfaction.

"Mr. Zhang's funeral will be held the day after tomorrow. I planned to inform you tomorrow."

"Since you asked, let them come to Lingquan Mountain in Bianliang to meet me the day after tomorrow."

"By the way, if you really can't bear it, you can come over and I'll help you apply acupuncture to suppress it for the time being." Lu Fei said. .??.

"Thanks, that's great."

"Don't be too busy thanking me yet."

"I charge a fee for acupuncture!"

"It doesn't matter, as long as it relieves the pain, nothing is a problem."

"By the way, Brother Lu Fei, how much does it cost?" Deng Xinhua asked.

"The purpose of our doctors is to cure diseases and save people by hanging a pot to save the world. It is not convenient for me to ask for a price."

"To be specific, it depends on whether the two bosses are sincere. I fully appreciate it."

"It's just that the treatment effect must be linked to your reward." Lu Fei said.

"No problem, I know how to do it."

"Brother Lu Fei, don't worry about it the day after tomorrow."

"Can I go find you tomorrow?"

"I really can't stand it anymore!" Deng Xinhua said.

"I have something to do tomorrow and will be very busy. I guess I will be busy at least until the evening."

"Okay, okay!"

"I will go to Bianliang tomorrow. No matter how late you are and have time, please help me perform acupuncture!"

"Okay, just wait for my call!"

"By the way, acupuncture is no better than medication. The effect can only last for one day."

"And the fee for my acupuncture is per-time!"

"No problem, I understand."

"Then don't bother brother Lu Fei. I'll wait for your call in Bianliang City tomorrow night."



There was no words all night, and in the early morning of the next day, Wan Jiakai and Song Jinfeng went to Lingquan Mountain in person to supervise the work.

All work must be completed before dark today.

Lu Fei first went to the hospital to visit


Chen Fang looked the same as yesterday, but her breathing was obviously stronger than yesterday.

Li Xi and Lu Fei proposed to go to work, but Lu Fei stopped them.

"Teacher Li, there will be big changes at the school in the next day or two."

"You can take a leave of absence for the time being and wait until the situation at school becomes clear before going back to work." Lu Fei said.

"Did you really sue Zheng Fu?" Li Xi asked.

"You can't get used to this kind of person."

"Not only him, but even his father, Zheng Guangrong, can't get better this time."

"Just stay here and take care of your wife. If there is any news from the school, I will inform you." Lu Fei said.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

"By the way, when will your apprentice come over?"

"I will bring her to see you tomorrow."


After bidding farewell to Li Xi, Lu Fei and his friends drove to Huali Village, Zhang Huaizhi's hometown.

Huali Village is located in a valley, with fruit trees all over the mountains and plains, the most famous of which are pears and peaches.

Every spring, here you can see a sea of ​​flowers, and the scenery is so pleasant and beautiful.

Since more than ten years ago, a flower viewing festival has been held here in spring.

At that time, there will be an endless stream of people coming to enjoy the flowers.

Slowly, Huali Village evolved into a well-known local scenic spot.

More than half of the households in the entire village rely on tourists for food.

There are dozens of various large, medium and small farmhouse resorts.

Lu Fei only heard from Zhang Huaizhi that his wife was buried on the southern slope of Huali Village, but he was not sure of the specific location.

The purpose of coming here today is to find the exact location and make preparations so that tomorrow we can go to Lingquan Mountain to be buried with Zhang Huaizhi.

Three cars drove into Huali Village. There happened to be a parking space planned in a small square at the entrance of the village. Lu Fei called

Park the car first in the parking space.

Everyone got out of the car and were about to find an old man to inquire about the situation. At this time, five young people walked over with their arms swaying.

The leading young man, who was tall, widened his mouth and stroked his cheeks, came to the front of Lu Fei and everyone and said with a smile.

"Are the bosses here for a trip?"

"Come to our Lihua Villa!"

“We have all the delicacies and game you want here, the price is cheap, and there are hot springs too!”

After hearing these words, Lu Fei understood that these people were specifically soliciting customers.

There are so many restaurants in Huali Village that it is not unusual for them to proactively solicit customers.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"We are not tourists. We have come to Huali Village to do something, may I ask?"

"If you're not a tourist, you're just here to eat."

"Then it's a good time to come to our villa. The new chef in our villa is absolutely delicious," the young man said.


"We're not here to eat, we're here."

Halfway through Lu Fei's words, he was interrupted again by the young man.

And when I heard that this guy was not a foodie, his face instantly fell.

"Why are you here if you don't want to eat?"

"Let's come to Huali Village to inquire about someone, by the way."

"Okay, okay, since you're not here to eat, stop talking nonsense and pay the parking fee quickly."

"One, two, three, you three cars, each car costs 200 yuan, a total of 600 yuan."


The guys were already unhappy with the young people, but when they heard about the sky-high parking fees, they all immediately went berserk.

That's right!

These people are not short of money.

But even if you are not short of money, you can’t be tricked by others like a fool!

"Hey, are you crazy because of poverty?"

"The parking fee is six hundred yuan, why don't you grab it?" the little nanny shouted.

"What's the fuss about?"

"What's the fuss about?"

"This is the charging standard here. Since you park your car here, you must pay the fee."

"This is the rule!" said the young man.

"Bullshit rules!"

"Do you have an invoice?"

"Do you have a charging permit from the relevant department?"

"Bring the license and invoice and I will pay you, otherwise get out of here." said the little milk dog.

If you say "go away", the young man will quit.

Pointing at the little milk dog and shouting loudly.

"Boy, keep your mouth clean for me."

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

"Who has the final say here?"

"Hurry up and pay the money, otherwise you can't expect your car to drive away today."

"What the hell?"

"I didn't expect you to be such a thumper, but also a local coward?"

"Boy, just listen to me."

"I have a lot of money, even my pants come from money."

"But I won't give you a penny, what can you do to me?" the little milk dog said with a smile.


"You're looking for fucking death!"

"Brothers, fuck them for me."

"Don't let anyone go."

The young man shouted and took the lead in rushing over. The little puppy stepped back and once again gave Feng Zhe and Wang Hailong the chance to show off.

The two brothers chuckled and were about to take action when a shout suddenly came from the distance.

"Beast, stop it."

"Tianbao, stop it!"

Hearing this sound, both parties stopped at the same time.

Lu Fei frowned when he heard this voice.

Because this voice is so familiar.

Not only was he familiar, but Lu Fei felt an inexplicable pain when thinking about this person.

The mixed feelings in my heart are quite unpleasant.

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