A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1145 Scorched Tree

Lu Fei asked after handing Zhu Tianbao a cigarette.

"Tianbao, how old are you this year?"


"What are your plans for the future?" Lu Fei asked.

"I don't have any plans, I just want to make money, make a lot of money."

"Earn money and be filial to my second uncle." Zhu Tianbao said.

"Where are your parents?"

"Dead long ago!"

"I was raised by my second uncle."

"You are only twenty-one this year. It is a pity to stay in this small mountain village."

"Have you ever wanted to go out and make a living?" Lu Fei asked.


"I'm mentally ill. My second uncle doesn't feel at ease outside." Zhu Tianbao said.

"But how much money can you make by staying in Huali Village and relying on such a farmhouse?"

"The peak season here lasts for two to three months. After the peak season, there is no business at all."

"If you want to make a lot of money, you have to go out and make a living."

"Are you interested in following me?"

"Follow me and I'll make sure you have enough food and clothing to make a fortune."

"In the future, I will find you a mother-in-law to start a family and have children, so that your second uncle can be happy!"


Lu Fei wooed Zhu Tianbao, and everyone's eyes suddenly lit up.

Everyone is saying, Lu Fei is still a thief!

Everyone was just watching the excitement, and no one thought of trying to win over Zhu Tianbao.

If you keep this guy by your side, who will dare to bully you in the future?

If you don't like it, just do it to him. Even if it breaks, it's just a matter of spending some money. There is no need for responsibility at all. This guy is crazy!

Zhu Tianbao thought for a while and said.

"Brother Fei, can I make 50,000 yuan a year if I follow you?"

"fifty thousand?"

"Your goals are too small."

"Follow me, eat, drink and have fun."

"I will give you a guaranteed two million a year. If I encounter an opportunity to make money, you will be indispensable."

"The most basic thing is, one year

Getting back five million is definitely not a problem. " Lu Fei said.

"Oh my god!"

"Really?" Zhu Tianbao asked in disbelief.

"of course it's true."

"And I'm talking about the most conservative thing."

"Whenever good things happen to make you rich, all brothers have a share, and of course you are indispensable."

"In addition, I can also promise you that I will definitely find you a good wife in the future?" Lu Fei said.

Zhu Tianbao was completely shocked when he heard these treatments.

The most cash he has ever seen is thirty thousand.

In his mind, groups of 30,000 cash were placed on the table. Before he had even put 5 million, Zhu Tianbao's saliva started to flow.

"Brother Fei, according to you, can my second uncle take care of himself in one year?"

Zhu Tianbao wiped his saliva and said.


"As long as you agree to do it with me, I'll give you two million when you get back soon."

"From now on, your second uncle can take care of himself with peace of mind."

"What do you think?" Lu Fei said.


"I swear!"

"Very good!"


After the excitement, Zhu Tianbao frowned again.

"What's wrong?" Lu Fei asked.

"But, I'm afraid my second uncle won't agree!" Zhu Tianbao said.

"Don't worry about this, as long as you are willing. I will tell your second uncle later."

"Your second uncle understands who I am. If you follow me, your second uncle will never object."

"It's done!"

"As long as my second uncle agrees, I will follow Brother Fei."

"Well, you said you would help me find my mother-in-law!"

"Yes, I promise."

"Can you find me a prettier one?"

"It's best if it's beautiful and meaty."

"The old man said that a woman like that can have children."


Zhu Tianbao said while gesticulating, causing everyone to burst into laughter.

"Tianbao, don't worry. As long as you obey me from now on, I will take care of finding my mother-in-law."

"It's no problem if you want to find a big star." Little Milk Dog said.

"don't want!"

"Big stars are not serious, I don't want them." Zhu Tianbao said seriously. .??.

"I wipe it?"

"Who did you listen to?"

"What the Shaolin Temple monk said."



After laughing, everyone continued up the mountain.

Along the way, the insane Zhu Tianbao completely became the focus.

Through chatting, they discovered that whether Zhu Tianbao was crazy or not was yet to be determined, but he was not stupid at all.

It's just that my vision is too narrow and I haven't seen the world.

Several times the two young men took the risk to play tricks on Zhu Tianbao, but they failed to get any advantage.

This made Lu Fei like this guy even more.

Under the leadership of Zhu Tianbao, everyone walked for another 20 minutes and finally reached the peach forest on the top of the mountain.

The old people are right. This is a terraced field reclaimed in the early years, and the terrain is quite flat.

The rows of peach trees are extremely old. Visual inspection shows that the youngest peach trees must be at least thirty years old.

After searching along the terraces one by one, I reached the fifth floor and finally found the small earth bag described by the old people.

That's right, just a little bumpkin.

The height is no more than fifty centimeters, and it is overgrown with weeds. If it were not for the obvious cone shape, no one would be able to tell that it is a tomb.

Lu Fei was not relieved when he found the dirtbag.

Take everyone to continue searching,

See if there are any other dirtbags.

If he picked up the wrong grave, the joke would be too big. Old man Zhang would have to curse himself in his dream later.

Everyone continued to look up layer by layer until they found the top of the mountain, but no more dirtbags were seen.

This is 100% certain that the tomb just now is the tomb of Zhang Huaizhi's wife.

Standing on the top of the mountain and taking a breath of fresh air, everyone was preparing to return the same way.

Suddenly a gust of mountain wind blew by, rustling the leaves.

But among these sounds, Lu Fei heard a special sound.

Let everyone shut up and Lu Fei distinguish carefully.

Another gust of wind blew by, and a bright light flashed in Lu Fei's eyes.

Focusing on the three o'clock direction of the north slope, he spread his legs and ran over.

Lu Fei's sudden move made everyone confused.

He reacted and quickly chased after him.

The northern slope has dense vegetation, mostly locust trees.

Lu Fei quickly shuttled between the locust trees, completely ignoring the needles of the locust trees that scratched his skin.

More than twenty meters down from the top of the mountain, another strong wind blew through.

Lu Fei stood still and felt it again, and the corners of his mouth suddenly turned up.

This time Lu Fei slowed down and looked left and right as he walked.

After walking another twenty meters, a charred tree appeared in front of me.

It is not accurate to say it is a tree, it should be a section.

This tree is nearly two meters tall. The upper part is charred black and the lower part is brown. It has long lost its life.

The thickest part at the bottom is over fifty centimeters in diameter.

This section extends about one meter upward from the bottom, with more than a dozen tree burrs, large and small, showing the vicissitudes of life.

Starting from the top of this section, it slopes sharply to the east, with an angle of more than 30 degrees, and continues upward.

But from here on, the trunk splits into two halves, the gap gradually widens, and the interior is completely hollow.

Continue upward until the stubble is oval-shaped, and the width at the thinnest point is more than twenty centimeters.

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