A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1147 No such fate

This old peach tree was cut down five or six years ago, but it is still standing here.

The old people believe that this tree has been struck by lightning and is an unlucky thing.

Zhu Dahai, the only knowledgeable person in the village, is still busy making a living in Bianliang all year round.

It is estimated that until now, Zhu Dahai did not know that this old peach tree had become a real lightning-struck peach tree.

Otherwise, Zhu Dahai would have gotten there first.

Lu Fei was extremely lucky to be discovered by him today.

After a while, the battlefield was cleaned up.

A lot of small and large branch residues were collected.

Lu Fei personally selected and screened the real lightning-strike wood, not even the residue the size of a fingernail was wasted.

Among them were two branches as thick as arms, more than one meter long.

Lu Fei gave one of them to Zhu Tianbao and asked him to pass it on to Zhu Dahai.

The remaining branch residues were collected together and divided equally among the brothers after returning home. Everyone was very excited when they heard about it.

With this huge trunk left, Lu Fei decided to dig out the roots. Not a single root could be wasted.

I took out my engineering shovel and carefully dug and cleaned it.

Two hours later, the huge tree roots, which were more than three meters in diameter, were cleared out.

Looking at this big guy, Lu Fei laughed excitedly.

"Ha ha"

"Big baby, big baby!"

"Brother, don't be too happy first."

"How can we get rid of such a big guy?"


The little puppy's words were like a bucket of cold water poured over his head, and Lu Fei stopped laughing instantly.


This piece of lightning struck wood is really too big.

The trunk is nearly two meters long, the root diameter is more than three meters, and the weight is even more terrifying.

If you want to bring it back in such an environment, you have to disassemble it.

But before he figured out how to use the lightning-struck wood, Lu Fei was reluctant to saw it off.

What should I do?

You can't build a road just for it!

"Dear brother, otherwise I will call God

A helicopter from Capital City Baihua Bank came over to hoist it back? " said the little milk dog.


"Why bother?"

"You take the small one, and I'll carry this big one back." Zhu Tianbao said.


When Zhu Tianbao said this, everyone took a breath of air.

"Hey, this branch including the roots weighs four to five hundred pounds. Can you do it?" said the little milk dog.

"Absolutely no problem."

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Zhu Tianbao said as he hugged the root of the tree trunk, and with a little force, the root of the tree lifted off the ground.

Then shake it vigorously a few times, and the loose soil on the roots of the tree scatters.

Then he squatted down and put the joint between the trunk and the roots on his shoulders, and stood up with his hands on the trunk without changing his expression.


"Is this even a human being?"

"This is simply a living animal!"

The little guys opened their mouths wide, and they were all stunned in shock.

"Don't be stunned."

"Divide the debris on the ground among yourselves and find a way to take it back."

"These are treasures, don't waste them."

Lu Fei said and rushed forward, waving the demon dragon to cut down the obstructing locust branches to clear the road.

Zhu Tianbao followed slowly behind, chatting and laughing.

Zhu Tianbao's calm expression shocked even Lu Fei.

The lightning struck wood is certainly a great treasure.

But comparing the two, the biggest gain from this visit to Huali Village is Zhu Tianbao.

Having such a pervert help me will definitely come in handy in the future.

After going back, I have to convince Zhu Dahai no matter what. I have to decide on this big baby.

As the progress is cleared and we reach the main road at the top of the mountain, it becomes much easier to go down the mountain.

Zhu Tianbao took the first step,

Lu Fei came to Zhang Huaizhi's wife's grave and took a photo before following him down the mountain.

When he arrived at the foot of the mountain, he found the old man he had asked about before again. Lu Fei clicked out the photos for them to see.

Lu Fei was relieved after confirming that this was the tomb of Zhuang Huaizhi's wife.

Back at Lihua Villa, the food has been prepared and Zhu Dahai is looking forward to it.

Seeing his nephew carrying back a burnt tree, he suddenly looked confused.

"Tianbao, why are you carrying this thing back?"

"Second uncle!"

"Brother Fei said, this is a big treasure."

"what do you say that is?"

"Oh, by the way, Brother Fei said, this is a peach tree struck by lightning."

"Brother Fei also gave me a piece of it to give to you. He said that piece would be enough for you to retire." Zhu Tianbao said excitedly.

Zhu Dahai was completely stunned when he heard the words "Thunder strikes wood".

Coming closer, he stretched out his trembling hand and flicked it lightly on the tree trunk.


Hearing this voice, Zhu Dahai's head buzzed, and his whole body felt bad.

"Oh my God!"

"The first thunder in spring really hits the peach trees!"

"Here, where did you get this?" Zhu Dahai asked.

"This is the old peach tree behind the north slope of the top of the South Mountain!"

"A few years ago, this tree was struck by lightning and died. The old people said it was an ominous thing."

"Brother Fei said it was a big treasure!" Zhu Tianbao said.

Zhu Dahai couldn't help but take two steps back after hearing this, with mixed feelings in his heart.

It is impossible not to be jealous.

However, Zhu Dahai lamented Lu Fei's vision and luck even more.

This old peach tree was cut down for many years, but no one in the village recognized the treasure, and it eventually belonged to Lu Fei.

This is Lu Fei's sharp eyesight, and it's also Lu Fei's luck.

I do know the value of lightning struck wood, but unfortunately I don’t know the news.

This means that I don’t have that fate!

\u003e At this time, Lu Fei and the others returned to the villa.

Lu Fei picked out the largest branch and sent it to Zhu Dahai with both hands.

"Mr. Zhu, I haven't thought of a use for that piece of aniseed for the time being, so it's inconvenient to divide it."

"You can keep this piece of lightning-struck wood for now, and you can make your own brand of car beads."

"Whenever you run out, you can always ask me for it."

"No, no, no, this is too valuable, I can't have it." Zhu Dahai waved his hands repeatedly.

"That's not okay!"

"Everyone has a share in an unexpected treasure."

"If you don't want it, is it too small?" Lu Fei said.

"No, no, how could it be!"

"I just"

"Don't accept it if it's too little. Ask me for it when you're done."

"Okay then!"

"Thank you, thank you very much."

"Lu Fei, ladies and gentlemen."

"I have prepared the wine and food. Let's wash our hands and eat first!" Zhu Dahai said.


"That's annoying."

When we came to the restaurant, the table was full of farm delicacies, which greatly whetted everyone's appetite.

With a few polite words, everyone couldn't wait to enjoy the meal.

"Delicious, delicious!"

"Mr. Zhu, your food is so delicious, why don't you open a restaurant in the city?"

"It's really a waste of resources to have such craftsmanship buried in the village!" said the little nanny.

Zhu Dahai smiled and said.

"After working hard in the city for more than 20 years, I'm a little tired."

"When I come back, I can take care of Tianbao while taking care of my old age."

"I feel more comfortable living this way."

After three rounds of drinking, before Lu Fei was in a hurry, Zhu Tianbao couldn't sit still and pulled Lu Fei over and whispered.

"Brother Fei, you should speak faster!"

"My second uncle doesn't drink well. If he drinks too much, it will be too late!"

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