A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1150 I want it too

Little Nanny and others left after shopping. Lu Fei called Song Jinfeng and asked for twenty-five shelf workers.

Half an hour later, the little nanny came back with two large trucks, and everyone started to help unload the trucks.

"Brother Fei, what are these bamboo poles used for?" Wang Xinlei asked.

"Put up a funeral canopy." .??.

"How to do it, you say it!"

"You don't need to do it, there are professional masters here."

Lu Fei called twenty-five shelf workers over.

"Masters, I want to build a memorial shed that is 2.7 meters high, 9 meters long, and 6.6 meters wide."

"We also need to build a pergola that is ten meters long and as wide as the road."

"Are these bamboo poles enough?" Lu Fei asked.

The leader looked at the materials and said.

"Boss Lu, what standard do you want?"

"For temporary use, these are about the same."

"For reinforcement, these are definitely not enough."

"It must be reinforced."

"The weather forecast says there's going to be rain tonight, so we definitely can't deal with that."

"It doesn't matter if the materials are not enough. You use these first, and I will ask them to buy another car immediately." Lu Fei said.

"One more car, absolutely no problem." said the foreman.

"How long do you think it will take to finish it?" Lu Fei asked.

“It takes at most an hour to build the shed and cover it with a tarpaulin,” the foreman said.

"Great, thank you all."

“The speed must be fast, and the quality must be guaranteed.”

"It will be completed in a while, and each person will receive a thousand yuan of wedding gold."

"No, no, no, the boss said, you can't collect money." The foreman waved his hand.

"This is not wages. It's just money for free things at home. This is money for happiness."

"Don't worry, take it. I'll tell Brother Song later."

"Thank you, Mr. Lu, thank you, Mr. Lu."

The wedding gold of 1,000 yuan per person was more than five times higher than their wages.

Lu Fei was so generous, and the workers started working enthusiastically as if they had been given blood.

Lu Fei was busy working there, and he wasn't idle either.

Send the puppy to buy bamboo poles, and ask Qian Chao to bring a table.

Unfold the newly purchased snow-white satin and tear off a piece

A strip of cloth three feet wide and three feet long is spread on the table.

Take out the She inkstone and the Northern Song Dynasty antique pine smoke ink.

Add water to the inkwell and prepare for grinding.

Zhu Dahai happened to come out at this time.

Seeing this square inkstone, Zhu Dahai felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

"Bapao Fei, this, is this She Yan?"

"That's right!"

"You old man has some sense."

"You came just in time to help me grind it."

There was no barrier, and before they knew it, the two of them returned to talking and laughing as before.


"Let me help you grind it, you are so powerful!" Zhu Dahai said with his lips curled up.

"Hey, Lao Zhutou, please see clearly what kind of mo this is before you speak."

"Let you grind it, it will give you the opportunity to have close contact with the baby."

"If it were anyone else, I wouldn't let you touch it!"

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Zhu Dahai doubtfully picked up the ink stick and looked at it, and suddenly frowned.

Then he licked it with his tongue, rubbed it on the back of his hand, and then brought it to his nose to smell the taste. Zhu Dahai suddenly felt bad.


"This, is this Song Yanmo?"

"Old?" Zhu Dahai asked in shock.

Lu Fei curled his lips disdainfully.

"After looking at an ink stick for so long, you old man is really a waste."

"Really old?"

"Nonsense, I don't have any bad things in my hands."



"Aren't you a bit of a prodigal?"


"Young master is so defeated!"

"Stop talking nonsense and grind quickly."

"I've served you well, and I'll reward you with the rest." Lu Fei said with a smile.

"Is this true?"

"With such ink stains, can you do anything?

? "

"If you don't like it, I'll find someone else to do it."


"I'll do it, I'll do it!"

"I tell you, young people are impetuous and grind unevenly." ??

"I have to do this job, and I'm doing a good job."

Zhu Dahai said, rolled up his sleeves and started to work.

Don't tell me.

Zhu Dahai is really experienced.

The force is moderate and the ink is spread evenly. Only this technique will not damage the ink quality and the ink produced will be full of color and shiny.

After a while, the ink was grinded.

Lu Fei dipped his pen in ink, flipped his wrist, and wrote three big characters on the white silk.

"It's a big deal."

"Good calligraphy, good calligraphy!" Zhu Dahai praised.

"Don't worry, when you wear your braids, I will personally write you an elegiac couplet and burn it so you can read it to your heart's content."


"Your uncle!"

After writing the three words, Lu Fei rolled up the two ends of the silk with two sorghum straws and glued them together.

Then he asked Qian Chaoyue to step on the stool and hang it on the lintel.

Then he pulled two pieces of white silk and wrote a couplet.

The first couplet is: The peach blossoms flow away in a flurry of water

The second couplet: running water, sunset, eternal sorrow

"Very right, good words!"

"Hey, does what you just said still count?" Zhu Dahai asked.

"Don't worry, I won't regret it if I tell you the rest."

"That's not what I'm talking about."

"Which one is that?"

"Didn't you mean to write an elegiac couplet to me?"

"Does it still count?"


"You have to prepare for a rainy day!"


"Your calligraphy is good, it will definitely be honored to hang it in my mourning hall."

"I'm telling you, when the time comes, I'll write a few more paintings for you, and the walls will be covered on both sides."

"Otherwise, I will haunt you every day."


"By the way, I also want couplets, more than this word."


"Also, you write another "Diamond Sutra" for me, preferably another "Namo Myoho Renge Sutra", and"

"go to hell"

After the couplets were hung, Lu Fei took out the red sandalwood spiritual tablets that had been made in advance and carved them on the spot.

With the carving knife in hand, it can be done in one stroke, all with plum blossom seal characters.

[Enshrined to: Zhang Huaizhi, the spiritual tablet of Zhang family Luo Juan]

Zhang Huaizhi had no children, so the spiritual tablets could only be so simple.

Looking at the fonts carved by Lu Fei, Zhu Dahai's eyes widened.

"The rags fly, I want them too"

"You want a shit!"

"If you don't do it for me, I will have to give you a dream, I tell you."


"What a scoundrel!"


"I'm a scoundrel, what can you do to me?"

"I also want red sandalwood, I also want seal script, and I want gilded ones."

"Shut up!"

"Hurry up and color it."

"Keep it up, I'll have to die in front of you."

"What kind of color?"

"Sprinkle gold or cinnabar?" Zhu Dahai asked.

Lu Fei took out a small box from his bag and handed it over. When he opened it, Zhu Dahai was shocked again.


"Is this cinnabar also from the Song Dynasty?"

"Well, the rest belongs to me!"


"No Bilian!"

The old man and the young man opened their mouths to eat meat and vegetables, and the people watching on the side were all dumbfounded.

Zhu Tianbao, in particular, was completely confused.

One is Brother Fei and the other is Uncle Er.

The two are not of the same generation, but they can still communicate like this.

And it seems that the two of them are very useful.

This is really a bit evil.

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