A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1160 No need

The boys were playing cards at three tables. When the car lights flashed at the intersection, a car slowly drove over.

It was now past three o'clock in the morning. Someone came over at this time. Everyone looked over at the same time out of curiosity.

When they got closer, everyone saw clearly that it was a Maybach sedan.

The strange thing is that this car actually has a license plate from Shanghai.

The car stopped and turned off the headlights, and Lu Fei also stood up.

When the car door opened, Lu Fei was shocked to see Long Yun walking out of it.

"Brother Long?"


"Are you so surprised?" Long Yun said with a smile.

"I'm surprised that you can come. How can I not be surprised that you come so late?" Lu Fei said.

"We are friends. If you have something going on at home, why is it strange that I come over?"

"Could it be that you don't regard me as a friend?" Long Yun said.

Lu Fei rolled his eyes and said.

"When did you become so pretentious?"

"What surprises me is how you knew there was something wrong with me."

"The most surprising thing is the time you came here." Lu Fei said.

"After seeing your video, I flew from Tokyo to Shanghai."

"There is no flight here in the afternoon, so I can only drive here."

"Stop talking nonsense, we haven't had dinner yet."

"Just give me a bite, I'll starve to death." Long Yun said.

Lu Fei was inexplicably moved that Long Yunfa came here after all the trouble.

There happened to be a table of untouched food in the kitchen, so Lu Fei quickly asked Xie Chuncheng to leave Xuesong to heat the food.

Little puppies Wang Xinlei and Bai Zirui met Long Yun once in Malaysia, and when they met again, they came over to shake hands with Long Yun enthusiastically.

"Brother Long, why are you going to Tokyo?"

"You're not investing in a small movie, are you?" the little dog said with a smile.

Long Yun chuckled.

"The mourning hall says this, be careful if the deceased comes to complain about you!"

"Oh my god!"

The little puppy screamed in fright, and everyone burst into laughter.

The boys are clearing the table and setting out the food

Later, Long Yun came to Zhang Huaizhiling and offered incense respectfully.

Then he burned a few more pieces of paper money before returning to the table.

The food and wine were served one after another, and the brothers drank with them, while Long Yun ate without any ceremony.

"It's delicious. This carp is really good!"

"To be honest, I rarely eat freshwater fish. This carp tastes really good, and the chef's skills are incredible!" Long Yun said with appreciation.

"The chef's craftsmanship is only one of them, the main thing is the ingredients."

"This is a serious, pure wild Yellow River carp. The price is much more expensive than ordinary sea fish." Little Milk Dog said.

"I've only heard of the Yellow River giant carp, but this is the first time I've tasted it."

"You've all eaten it!"

"Then this one belongs to me!"

Long Yun's cheerful personality made even the young friends who met him admire him for the first time.

Everyone toasted frequently, and Long Yun refused to accept anyone who came.

A large table of food and Maotai wine was served, and Long Yun drank nearly two bottles by himself.

After burping, Long Yun patted his belly and said to Lu Fei.

"After you've had enough wine and food, why don't we go chat for a while in the car?"

"Let's go!"

The two got in the car and lit cigarettes, and Lu Fei thanked him from the bottom of his heart.



"Shall I arrange a place for you to rest?" Lu Fei said.

"No, I still have something to do. Let's chat for a few words and then leave."

"He will be buried tomorrow. Bow to the old man for me."

"So busy?"


"There are some things that need to be dealt with on the island country."

"Xiao Jin'er is over there too?" Lu Fei asked.


"Why are you laughing?" Lu Fei asked awkwardly.

"You're not a good boy."

"I asked you if you have any thoughts about our lady, but you still don't admit it." Long Yun said with a evil smile.

"Your thoughts are really dirty!"

"I just asked casually." Lu Fei said.

"So you don't have any thoughts about our lady?" Long Yun asked.

"No, not at all."

"Since there isn't, then there's no need for me to tell you."


"Don't talk about my lady yet, let me ask you something first."

"You ask!"

"I heard that you are going to the United States to help Wade?" Long Yun asked.

Long Yun knew Wade, and his boss behind the scenes was unfathomable.

Lu Fei was not surprised at all that he could ask this question.

"You are quite well-informed!"

"It's okay!"

"Can you tell me how you met?"

"Don't get me wrong, I just asked casually. You don't want to talk about it." Long Yun said.

"That's it!"

"Then there's no need for me to tell you." Lu Fei said.


"You're such a bad boy."

"I don't like to talk about it, but I can think of it even if I don't talk about it."

"You are Mayfair's general agent in Asia. You must have met Wade through Gene."

"We are brothers who have been through life and death. I need to warn you."

"Wade's background is quite powerful, so powerful that you can't imagine it."

"This kind of person only has interests and no loyalty."

"Just help him get some benefits, don't have any other intentions."

"Otherwise, the consequences will be serious." Long Yun said.

"How serious is it?"

"This is it"

"You can taste it yourself, I don't need to tell you."

"Beat sex!"


"Just remember, it's just a transaction between you and Wade."

"It doesn't matter if the price is higher, Wade has more money."

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, don't read what you shouldn't read, and don't talk nonsense about what you shouldn't say."

"Remember these three don'ts, and you're guaranteed to have good weather and make a lot of money."

"Let's get this topic out of the way. I want to discuss a business deal with you."

"To be precise, my boss wants to discuss a business deal with you." Long Yun said.


"Discuss business with me?"

"What kind of business does your boss want to do with me?" Lu Fei asked curiously.

"We'll talk about it in detail later."

"Our boss knows that you like to collect, so he asked me to bring you a painting."

"This is just a greeting gift and has nothing to do with business."

"The business is settled, you decide whether you want money or antiques."

Long Yun said, taking a painting tube from the back seat and handing it to Lu Fei.

"Our boss hopes"

"Shut up first and let me see what your boss's stepping stone is like." Lu Fei said.


"You are such a thief. If I give you a meeting gift, our boss will not fool you with fake paintings." Long Yun said.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Your boss is definitely not like that."

"What I'm worried about is that you'll take the painting away and sell it to get money to invest in a small film in Tokyo."


"That mouth of yours will be torn apart sooner or later, I tell you."

"Hehe, just kidding."

"It is precisely because your boss is not an ordinary person that I am extremely curious about his greeting gift."

"Anyway, you won't leave for a while. I'll inspect the goods first."


"This is a painting scroll. How do you see it in the car?"

"We can't do it in the car. Let's get out of the car and take a look. You can use the flashlight for me and I can enjoy it myself."

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