A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1165 Important Person

As he wished, he took the sample money and looked at it from front to back. Guan Haishan trembled with excitement.

Although the value of this kind of money is not too high, it is of extraordinary significance.

There are only three sample coins at the beginning of Baofu Bureau, which is the second one discovered in the world.

In terms of collection value, it is far superior to the Yuan blue and white Ru kiln. ??

Holding this big treasure, Guan Haishan felt mixed emotions in his heart. He was simply envious, jealous, and hateful towards Lu Fei!

"Oh my God!"

"Oh my God!"

"Why do all the good things happen to damned rags?"

"Why!" Guan Haishan shouted.

"What is it called? What is it called?"

"You all came into contact with this kind of money before me. If you can't recognize it, it's because you are blind. Stop complaining here." Lu Fei said.

"Fart, when have I ever touched this baby?"

"If I had encountered him first, I would have recognized him 100% of the time." Guan Haishan said.

Zhang Yanhe pulled Guan Haishan and said.

"Mr. Guan, Bao Bao Fei is right, you have indeed come into contact with such money."


"What do you mean by that?"

"We bought the wreaths from the same stall as you."

"It's just that we didn't see it."

"What did you say?"

"Is this that guy's tricycle?" Guan Haishan asked in surprise.

"That's right, the stall owner said it himself."

"Oh my God!"

"I, I, I don't want to live anymore"

Guan Haishan sat down on the chair, regretful.

Lu Fei grabbed the money and said with a smile.

"If you don't want to live anymore, finish writing the elegiac couplet with more than a hundred pairs of wreaths before you die!"

"Your uncle"

Fu Yuliang came over with a smile. Before he could speak, Lu Fei spoke first.

"Borrow someone else to make a note, no need to talk about the money."


"Let's discuss it?"


br\u003e “No negotiation!”

"Beat sex!"

"Hey, according to the rules of the world, should the five of us own the money we found together?" Zhang Yanhe said.

"Found them together?"

"Come on, tell me what condition this piece of money was in when it was in the car."

"What was the situation around this kind of money at that time?" Lu Fei asked.

Now, Zhang Yanhe was stunned.

I can't even speak of my stomach.


"If you want to blackmail me, you're still far away."

"You shameless thing, get over here and grind it down for me."


After the rain, the sky clears and the air is fresh and clean.

It was getting brighter, and Lu Fei's friends came over one after another.

Every friend who came brought a pair of wreaths. In less than half an hour, more than 50 meters of wreaths were laid out on both sides of the street, and friends were arriving one after another.

After breakfast, Lu Fei took Xu Maochen, Zhu Tianbao and ten buddies to Nanshan in Huali Village.

Yesterday, workers were arranged to build a simple rain shelter in front of the tomb of Zhang Huaizhi's wife, which made the work of raising the tomb much smoother.

Lu Fei and Zhang Huaizhi were just friends, so they avoided many cumbersome rituals.

I burned a few pieces of paper in incense and worship, and immediately started to work.

Half an hour later, a thin-skinned coffin that was already highly decomposed was found.

A straw mat is spread on the ground, and a piece of red cloth is spread on the straw mat.

Lu Fei put on red gloves and personally picked out the bones of Zhang Huaizhi's wife from head to toe and arranged them neatly on the red cloth.

All the bones were taken out and wrapped in red cloth. Lu Fei printed a talisman on the red cloth.

Then he and Zhu Tianbao started going down the mountain carrying the red cloth.

The mountain road was muddy, and the two of them had to be careful every step they took. The remaining brothers threw paper behind them.


At the foot of the mountain, load the car and return to Bianliang City immediately.

When they arrived at Zhang Huaizhi's home, Master Zhao Yuting and Huixian were already there.

It was Zhao Yuting who presided over the pretense again.

Seeing the talisman printed on the red cloth, Zhao Yuting was slightly surprised but said nothing and immediately presided over the ceremony.

After the burial was completed, Lu Fei climbed up and said to Zhang Huaizhi's body.

"Fortunately, Lu Fei has helped you fulfill your last wish."

"Rest in peace you and your wife!"

After closing the coffin, Lu Fei looked around.

Finding Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang, Lu Fei walked over directly.

In front of everyone, Lu Fei said unceremoniously with a gloomy face.

"Boss, where is the person I want?"

When Lu Fei asked, everyone present was stunned.

Lu Fei asked Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang to ask for someone?

Who do you want?

Also, Lu Fei's attitude towards these two big guys seems to be a bit weird!

What's happening here?

Feeling the strange looks around him, Deng Xinhua looked embarrassed, pulled Lu Fei aside and whispered.

"Brother Lu Fei, I want to discuss something with you."

"We will give you more compensation, and you can take care of the two children."


"Do the two bosses want to regret it?" Lu Fei asked.

"No, no, absolutely not."

"However, the two children are still young. If that's the case, how do you want them to behave in the future?" Jiang Hongyang said.


"Stop telling me those useless things. This is your retribution."

"If they don't want to come, you can leave." Lu Fei said.

"Brother Lu Fei, don't be angry first. Do you think this matter can be solved in another way?"

"for example"

"There's another way."

"As long as you can resurrect Mr. Zhang, I, Lu

Fei lets bygones be bygones and will treat you right away. "


"Brother Lu Fei, aren't you trying to make things difficult for others?" Jiang Hongyang said.

"Forcing someone to do something difficult?"

"People have been killed by you, and you're telling me that you force others to do something difficult?"


"In this case, we have nothing more to say."


Although Deng Xinhua pulled Lu Fei aside, everyone present could clearly hear Lu Fei's word "go".

Good guy!

What are the identities of Deng Xinhua and Jiang Hongyang?

Lu Fei dared to tell them to get lost in front of everyone. Is Lu Fei crazy?

Fang Shinan, Wang Zhenbang, Li Ping'an and the three elders frowned.

Qian Shaobin and Chen Hongyi quietly retreated behind the crowd.

The remaining people collectively doubt life.

Everyone's hearts were in their throats, fearing that the two bosses would attack Lu Fei.

However, what they feared did not happen.

Not only did the two bosses not get angry, they were extremely polite to Lu Fei.

Feeling the strange gazes around him, Deng Xinhua's shy old face turned red.

"Brother Lu Fei, don't be angry."

"We agreed before to repent at the grave."

"See if you can let them go up the mountain again tomorrow. I guarantee they won't dare to desert." Deng Xinhua said.

After looking at the two arrogant bosses, Lu Fei sneered.

"There are too many people today, are you sorry?"

"Now you are embarrassed. When you were dealing with me, did any of you think about my face, Lu Fei?"

"Have you ever thought about how I, Lu Fei, felt when you killed Mr. Zhang?"

"I don't want to talk nonsense to you now."

"Within half an hour, Jiang Mingzhe and Deng Shaohui must come here."

"And you must kneel in front of Zhang Laoling and repent in mourning."

"If it fails to satisfy me even a little bit, the agreement between us will be void immediately."

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