A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1184 Aromatherapy

Lu Fei finally became excited when he saw the erhu with the twelve zodiac animal heads made by Lu Zhong.

Previously, there were horse-headed, rabbit-headed and snake-headed erhus of Mrs. Ma.

Now the dragon and chicken heads have been found.

I have collected five of the twelve zodiac signs.

In the future, if God is lucky enough to collect all the twelve zodiac signs, it will definitely cause a sensation in the world.

The two precious erhus were taken out, and the box that Chen Xiang ordered had been completely cleaned.

"Xiang'er, you are awesome!"

"Even though you found two big treasures for me with just one finger, you are simply my lucky star!"


"You can coax me." Chen Xiang said with a smile as bright as a flower.

"I'm not trying to trick you, I'm telling you the truth."

"These two erhus are the most proud works of Lu Zhong, a famous violin maker in the Ming Dynasty. They are two of the twelve zodiac signs."

"We still have three more at home. Counting these two, the Chinese Zodiac has collected five pieces."

"This is quite an achievement."

"Come on, point me to another box. Which box should I open next?" Lu Fei asked.

"You still want me to choose?"

"It's necessary, you are my lucky star!"

"All right!"

"Then I choose this!"

Chen Xiang pointed to the box on the left and said excitedly.


"Qi Bao!"



Speaking of treasure, Lu Fei opened the lid and was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

There was no baby, and what came into view was the tattered costume.

Moreover, the moment the box was opened, at least a dozen Xiaoqiang fled in all directions.


Seeing Lu Fei's disappointed expression, Chen Xiangjiao laughed out loud.

"You can't blame me, you asked me to choose!" Chen

Xiang said with a smile.

After being stunned for two seconds, Lu Fei smiled.

"It doesn't matter. Just because there's garbage up there, it doesn't mean there's no good stuff down there."

With that said, Lu Fei found a wooden stick and picked out the tattered cloth strips inside bit by bit.

After this challenge, more than a dozen Xiaoqiang came out from underneath and escaped, and Lu Fei cursed in his heart.

One layer, two layers.

After cleaning out the three layers of rags and emptying half of the box, Lu Fei felt lost as still no decent objects appeared.

After clearing out two more layers, we were about to reach the bottom, and finally saw two solid wood boxes, one large and one small.

Among them, the big box was actually made of rosewood. The box was square in shape, with sides about twenty-five centimeters long.

The corners of the box are decorated with golden auspicious cloud patterns, and the top and sides of the box are embossed with patterns of birds and phoenixes in low relief. The lid is locked with a gold lock, and the style is as high as heaven.


Who said it's all garbage?

How could such a high-end box contain ordinary objects?

Not to mention whether there are high-end goods inside, even if it is an empty box, it is worth at least six figures.

That small box was much shabby. To be precise, it was a bit pitiful for being small.

The material is boxwood, with a side length of only six centimeters, not much larger than the box of An Gong Niuhuang Wan.

Please come out of the two boxes and empty this box.

Putting the two boxes on the lid and looking at them, Lu Fei decided to start with the small box.

The reason is simple, this box has no lock.

To be honest, Lu Fei was a little dismissive of this little guy.

But when the box was opened, Lu Fei was really surprised by the items inside.

This is a gold and silver incense stick, round in shape, nearly five centimeters in diameter.

This fragrance diffuser is composed of two hemispheres, which have snap-on openings that can be fastened together.

The whole body is engraved with leaf-like patterns, and the upper and lower hemispheres are each decorated with six gilt flowers, namely four bees, two bees and branch flowers. The mouth edge is decorated with arabesques and is gilt silver.

The lower hemisphere houses two concentric rings and an incense bowl for holding spices.

The large machine ring is connected to the outer spherical wall, and the small machine ring is connected to the large machine ring and the incense bowl respectively. .??.

When in use, due to the gravity of the incense bowl itself and the mechanical balance of the two concentric rings.

No matter how the sachet is rolled, the incense bowl inside can remain level and the spices will not spill.

The outer shell of the sachet is fully carved with flower and bird patterns, which is not only beautiful, but also allows the aroma to be emitted through these hollows.

There is a chain on the sachet and a hook on the upper part, making it easy to wear.

This kind of spherical aromatherapy is a typical Tang Dynasty style and was widely used during the Tang and Song Dynasties.

According to "Notes of Laoxue'an", noble ladies from Bianliang often put "small incense balls" in their sleeves when traveling by car. As the car passed by, they would be filled with clouds of cigarette smoke for miles, and the dust would be fragrant.

The little fragrant balls mentioned here are this stuff.

However, ordinary people are not qualified to use such exquisite carved silver and gilded incense.

At that time, this was definitely something used by noble ladies or beauties in the harem.

I put the aromatherapy to my nose and smelled it, and I could still vaguely smell the scent of agarwood, which further proved that it was not an ordinary woman's item.

During the Tang Dynasty, there were no luxury goods such as Hermès and Chanel.

Being able to wear an aromatherapy diffuser on your body is a symbol of super coolness.

Not to mention others, even Yang Guifei Yang Yuhuan has a soft spot for this thing.

During the Anshi Rebellion, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty was forced to kill Concubine Yang Guifei on the way to escape and bury her hastily.

More than a year later, Xuanzong returned to Chang'an and secretly ordered Gao Lishi to dig up and rebury it.

According to records, Concubine Yang's body was already broken at that time.

The beauty has withered away, and only one aromatherapy ball is left.

This type of aromatherapy ball stopped being manufactured in the late Northern Song Dynasty and is extremely rare.

At present, there are no more than five aromatherapy balls in the known collection in China.

Although the one in front of you is the smallest known aromatherapy ball, its workmanship and material surpass the other five in the collection.

Chen Xiang also liked this aromatherapy ball very much when she saw it.

When Lu Fei opened the aromatherapy ball and explained its functions and usage to Chen Xiang one by one, Chen Xiang became more and more excited as he listened.

When seeing the design of the sachet in the middle that never tilts, Chen Xiang exclaimed a miracle.

Lu Fei put the incense ball into the box and handed it directly to Chen Xiang.

"Give it to me?" Chen Xiang asked in surprise.

"This is a girl's thing, given to you."

"I'll prepare some spice balls for you when you get back. In the summer, change one every week."

"Wear this aromatherapy ball on your body to ensure that mosquitoes don't bite you and refresh your mind!" Lu Fei said.

"You want me to take it with me?"

"This is an antique from the Tang Dynasty!"

"Is it too luxurious to wear it on my body?" Chen Xiang said.

Lu Fei laughed and said!

"In my eyes, you are the most precious."

"Everything else is just superficial and not worth mentioning at all!"

"Lu Fei, you are so kind to me!" Chen Xiang said movedly.

"How fresh is it?"

"You are my woman, if I don't treat you well, who will I treat well?"

"Put it away first, get under the covers later, and I'll teach you how to use it skillfully."


"You're off-key as you talk. It's so annoying!"

After making a few jokes, Lu Fei picked up the big box and looked around it.

Then I found pliers and prepared to dismantle it.

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