A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1204 Almighty

Seeing Zhu Tianbao being curious about pineapples and durians, Lu Fei felt sad for a while.

Thanks to him for discovering Zhu Tianbao, otherwise he would have been buried in the mountains and remained a frog in a well.

That is the greatest tragedy when a great hero has no chance to succeed!

Asking Zhang Jianguo to park the car, Lu Fei personally accompanied Zhu Tianbao to pick pineapples and beat durians.

The pineapple is easy to deal with, and it is easy to deal with it with the dagger.

On the contrary, the durian tree made the two young men sigh with excitement.

In durian producing areas, during harvest time, skilled young people often go up the tree and cut off the durian stems with a knife.

When the durian falls, there will be a person below to catch it with a piece of cotton cloth. The two of them must cooperate in a tacit understanding.

But right now it’s hard to climb a tree, let alone eat durian.

To say it was strenuous was only for the two eldest young men.

For Zhu Tianbao, it was not a problem at all.

After looking up for a while, Zhu Tianbao smiled when he found the biggest one.

"Brother Fei!"

"Can you eat that?"

Lu Fei nodded.

"It's done!"

"This is it."

"Brother, just wait, I'll get it for you." Zhang Jianguo said.

"No, I can do it myself."

When Zhu Tianbao said he could do it, he ran two steps to the tree and jumped more than one meter high, wrapping his arms around the trunk.

Then he leaned back and pushed his feet on the tree trunk, as fast as an ape, reaching the branch seven or eight meters high in just two or three seconds.


"Is this a human being?"

"Why so fast?" Zhang Jianguo said in shock.


"Brother Zhang, please keep your voice down!"

"Tianbao is crazy. If you make him angry, be careful and get beaten."

"It's all in vain." The little dog said with a smile.

Zhang Jianguo rolled his eyes and said with slight disdain.

"hit me?"

"When it comes to fighting, I won't accept anyone except Mr. Lu!"



"Then I

I am sorry to tell you that. "

"When it comes to fighting, my brother won't accept anyone but Tianbao."


"real or fake?"

"How about you give it a try?"

"Then forget it!"


Watching Zhu Tianbao climb the tree was a kind of enjoyment for Lu Fei.

The man in black climbed the tree in the same posture as Tianbao the night before.

But in terms of speed, Tianbao was at least twice as fast as him.

This is just Tianbao's free play.

If it were true, Tianbao's speed would be much faster.

Damn it!

If they had taken Tianbao with them the night before yesterday, none of those people would have been able to escape.

If we catch those people, we might be able to find clues about my mother!



If you miss it, you miss it!

There is no point in regretting anything.

When he came to the tree branch, he saw the largest durian. Tianbao stood directly on the branch as thick as his wrist and walked.

His body was stable, and his speed once again refreshed Zhang Jianguo's understanding.

When he came to the durian, Tianbao squatted down and grabbed the durian stem. He grabbed the branch with his other hand and pulled it.

The durian stems and branches were all broken off.

It sounds simple, but if it were to be ripped off directly like Zhu Tianbao and done in one go, even Lu Fei wouldn't be sure to do it.

You know, the toughness of fresh bark branches cannot be guaranteed!

Holding the durian stem with his left hand, Zhu Tianbao said with a smile.

"Brother Fei, do you want to eat?"

"Would you like to get another one?"

"Okay, pick the big one and then pick another one."

I followed the same pattern and pulled off another one.

Carrying a big durian in one hand, Zhu Tianbao jumped directly from the tree seven or eight meters high.

With both feet on the ground, the body only

Weiwei is a dwarf, nothing happens to him.

The two young men looked at each other and gave the highest evaluation in their hearts.


Back in the car, Zhu Tianbao couldn't wait to feast.

Zhang Jianguo, who was driving, whispered to Lu Fei.

"This guy is really that good?"

"How about I create a chance for you to try?"


"forget it!"


"I'm not a coward, I'm just afraid of losing face."


Arriving in front of the luxurious villa, except for Wang Mang and Song Chaoyang, the twelve remaining elites were all waiting on the helipad where there was no helicopter.

Lu Fei finally remembered when he saw the tarmac.

Wade promised to fill the gap on the tarmac after the matter is completed.

Lu Fei got off the car and the twelve people stood in order.

The ten men and two women were all wearing camouflage uniforms, and with standard military postures, they all looked majestic and heroic.

"Hello everyone!"

"Hello, boss!" everyone shouted in unison.

"Hey, don't be so solemn. Can everyone be more natural?"

"Don't treat me as your boss, just treat me as a friend."

"I always feel weird when you are like this."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, everyone smiled and relaxed at the same time.

Lu Fei asked everyone to introduce themselves, and after getting to know each other, everyone started chatting.

Dinner was served on time at 6:30 in the evening, and Wang Mang was brought back.

Huge Western-style restaurant, all Chinese food.

Braised mutton, steamed grouper, lobster, and various northern and southern stir-fries are mouth-watering.

A pot of red boiled fish, Lu Fei took a bite and immediately gave a thumbs up.

“Who made this fish?”

“It tastes so good!”

"Boss, I cooked all these dishes."

"Before joining the army, I studied cooking with my father for three years."

“My father was a first-class chef.

" Sun Xuguang said.


"Your skills are quite authentic. Our team is really full of talents!"

"By the way, when I come back from the United States this time, I will probably bring back two helicopters. Do any of you know how to handle them?" Lu Fei asked.

After Lu Fei finished speaking, everyone's eyes lit up.

Zhang Jianguo said with a smile.

"You, the chief instructor of Wulong, are quite incompetent."

"On behalf of everyone, I seriously despise you."

"What's wrong?" Lu Fei asked in confusion.

"Our Five Dragons members have hardware requirements and must be able to drive any vehicle skillfully."

"Airplanes, high-speed trains, even excavators, and tractors are all incompetent."

"There's no problem with armed helicopters, let alone civilian ones."

"You don't even know this, do you think you are worthy of everyone?"

Everyone burst into laughter. Not only was Lu Fei not embarrassed, he was actually pleasantly surprised.

"You all know how to play, do you have a license?" Lu Fei asked.

"I don't have this, but someone does!"

"Four of us are licensed."

"Wang Mang, Song Chaoyang and Sun Li, Lang Lijing all have civil licenses."

"Not only helicopters, but also passenger aircraft have international licenses." Zhang Jianguo said.



"Don't mind, everyone!"

"I was just too surprised and made a mistake."

"Ha ha"

Zhang Jianguo named these four people, among whom Lang Lijing was a woman.

However, Lu Fei was quite impressed by the name Lang Lijing.

During the Five Dragons Competition, Zhulong's leader, Mo Jianfei, once made this important point to himself.

Even though she is a woman, she is a talented and all-around talent.

Lang Lijing can speak nineteen languages ​​and is also a computer expert.

In one exercise, the headquarters was directly hacked, leaving the bosses in the headquarters blind.

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