At ten o'clock in the morning local time in Los Angeles, the luxury charter flight landed smoothly.

When getting off the plane, Zhu Tianbao stood stunned.

"What's wrong, buddy?" the little puppy asked.

"Something's wrong, Brother Long?"

"Something's wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

"I found a problem."

"It was eight o'clock in the morning when we departed from Hong Kong Island. We took a fourteen-hour flight. Why is it still daytime?"

"Are we traveling through time and space?" Zhu Tianbao asked in shock.


"Wear something woolen, this is fucking jet lag!"

The little naughty dog ​​rolled his eyes angrily, but Lu Fei was extremely happy.

I don’t understand the time difference because my horizons and knowledge are too narrow.

But being able to ask this question shows that this kid is quite attentive.

After scratching his head, Zhu Tianbao smiled awkwardly.

"I'm so stupid and always embarrassed."


"Tianbao, don't think too much. You haven't been in contact with him before. This is normal."

"It's okay. If you don't understand, you can always ask."

"You will understand when you know more." said the little milk dog.

When he came outside, Gene was surrounded by a group of bodyguards and had been waiting for a long time.

When he saw Lu Fei, he stretched out his arms to greet him from afar.


"My dear friend, I miss you so much!"


"Do you miss me, or do you want me to do something?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

"Fei, please don't doubt my sincerity."

"It's just a reason to do things. What I miss most are my friends!"

Looking at the three Buick commercial vehicles on the roadside, the little nanny pouted and said.

"Lao Ji, you are using this to receive us. Is this your sincerity?"

"Master Di, please don't get me wrong!"

"A car is just a means of transportation. Keeping it low-key will save you a lot of unnecessary trouble," Gene said.

\u003e "Trouble?"

"I'll go, no one will want to assassinate you!"

"If that's the case, don't get us involved!"


"Master Di, you are so funny."

"Everyone, hurry up and get in the car. I can't wait to have a drink with my friends from far away."

"In your Chinese language, I will help you catch the wind." Gene said.

Everyone dispersed and got into the car, the electric door opened, and the little puppy was slightly startled.


"Bulletproof version!"

"You still use bulletproof vehicles in your territory, Lao Ji, are you really offending someone?"


"Master Di is joking."

"I've always been low-key and never offended anyone."

"This is all arranged by my subordinates, I have no choice but to obey."

"Gene, isn't Wade in Hawaii?"

"Why do you want me to come to Los Angeles?" Lu Fei asked.

"It's like this. Wade went out to do errands and won't be back until the day after tomorrow."

"When we get to Hawaii, Wade and I will give you a grand reception."

"Fei, do you remember what I mentioned to you?"


"That's right!"

"That guy is in Los Angeles," Wade said.

"Who is the other party?"

"The person who can ask you to help is definitely not an ordinary person." Lu Fei asked.

Gene smiled slightly.

"It's not that great."

"This man helped my father many years ago."

"I helped him just as a favor."

"When the time comes, you don't have to look at my face and ask for whatever price you want."

"In your Chinese dialect, you don't need to be used to it." Wei

De said.

"So, this man is very rich?"

Lu Fei is in a hurry to buy a plane. It would be best if he could make some extra money.


"Their company has a market value of more than 100 billion US dollars."

"He's considered a top guy in Los Angeles."


Net worth hundreds of billions!

What the hell!

Hearing this number, Prince Qianyi was calm and calm, but Lu Fei's heart aroused huge waves.


What is a rich man? These two guys are.

And it's the inhumane kind.

I am now worth tens of billions of Chinese coins, and I am still complacent about showing off, always making money.

But compared to others, I'm nothing.

Looking at the expressions of Jean and the little puppy, Lu Fei's self-esteem was greatly hurt.

"The billionaires here in Los Angeles are just those four or five. Tell me, which Baylor is going to have his hair cut off?" the little naughty dog ​​said gloatingly.

Wade smiled slightly.

"Master Di, you must have heard of him. He is Jaylin West, the chairman of Boeing Company."



"Old Piff West?"

"Isn't that David?" the little dog said in shock.

"Yes, David is his second son."


"in spite of!"

"Brother, you can't help me with this."

"Absolutely can't help!"

"Damn it!"

"Retribution, this is retribution."

"I'm only happy when their whole family is dead!"

"Brother, I beg you, I can't help you no matter what."

"If you give him treatment, I, I will never fight with you

pay. "

The words of breaking up the relationship were spoken, and everyone in the car looked at the little milk dog in shock.

Lu Fei handed over a cigarette and said calmly.

"I heard from Hong Kong that you have a prejudice against Boeing."

"What's going on here?"

When the West family was mentioned, the little puppy gnashed his teeth with hatred.

"Three years ago, that bitch David took a loan of 50 million from our Baihua Bank to invest in an Internet company."

"At that time, the 50 million was distributed in four batches. As a result, the company went bankrupt and closed as soon as the second batch of 20 million was received."

"We asked David for the 20 million principal and interest, but the bitch refused to repay."

"It is natural to pay back debts, why not?" Lu Fei asked.

"He said that it took us one day longer than the stipulated time to make the payment. It was because our payment was not received in time that the company went bankrupt."

"In fact, it was their company that had problems and was sued to court. As a result, their accounts were frozen and our money couldn't get in at all."

"Later, our bank filed a lawsuit with David, but we lost the lawsuit and lost $20 million in vain."

"And, and, and forget it, just don't tell me!" the little dog said vaguely.

"Brother Long, is this kid the one who cuckolded you?" Wang Xinlei asked.


"Shut the hell up!"

"Brother, I hate that bitch so much that I wish that grandson would die miserably on the streets as soon as possible."

"If you help me, I, I will tell you if I am anxious."

have to!

Behind the scenes, the hatred between the little puppy and this David is quite extraordinary!

As for the cuckold thing, I couldn't ask further, but Lu Fei looked confused about the loan.

“Isn’t this David the prince of Boeing?”

"Boeing has a market value of 100 billion. If he, a super rich second generation, invests 50 million in business, does he still need a loan?" Lu Fei asked.

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