A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1210 The buns have meat but not in the pleats

After leaving Jincheng Fellow Restaurant, the motorcade returned to Beverly Hills.

This time he did not go back to Lu Fei's own home, but came to another mansion.

This mansion is only five hundred meters away from Lu Fei's house, and its level of luxury is almost the same.

This is the Los Angeles mansion of Boeing boss Jaylin West.

The original plan was to come over to see a doctor tomorrow, but during dinner, Sean West called Gene and said that his father's condition had worsened again.

Since Lu Feiren is in Los Angeles, he might as well go over and have a look.

Arriving at the door, a tall short-haired white foreigner was waiting anxiously outside.

Seeing Jean coming down, the foreigner hurriedly greeted him.

"Mr. Jean, has Dr. Lu arrived?" .??.

"Sean, let me introduce to you. This is my best friend, Mr. Lu Fei."

"Mr. Lu Fei came all the way from China just for my sake. You can't be so slow to treat me!"

"How can it be?"

"Your friend is naturally my honored guest, not to mention Mr. Lu Fei is the miracle doctor I desperately want to see!"

"Hello, Mr. Lu Fei, thank you for your hard work."

Shaking hands with Sean, Lu Fei talked to him in fluent English.

"You're welcome, Mr. Sean."

"Jean is my friend. Since it is entrusted by my friend, I will naturally not refuse."

"Jean told me just now that your father's condition has worsened. What exactly happened?"

"That's right, today is the day for my father's blood transfusion."

"But the blood that was replaced was much darker than usual."

"After testing by a private doctor, under the microscope, the blood coagulation particles were nearly twice as big as before."

"The doctor said that based on the test results, the blood transfusion frequency that was once every five days must be increased to once every three days."

"Moreover, the doctor said that it is difficult for my father to survive more than half a month."

"Please Mr. Lu, you must help heal my father!"

"Don't worry, the reward will definitely not disappoint you." Sean said eagerly


"This, I can only say that I will try my best."

"Whether it can be cured or not, I need to see the patient to know clearly," Lu Fei said.

"Okay, everyone please come in."

When they came inside, others were waiting in the living room. The little dog carried Lu Fei's big bag and followed Lu Fei Gene to the master bedroom on the second floor.

Pushing open the door of the master bedroom, Lu Fei was surprised to find that the inside had been transformed into a luxurious version of a sterile ward.

Looking through the glass wall, there was a haggard man lying on the big bed inside.

The man's hair fell out, his face was pale, and he had several purple spots.

The man was lying motionless on the bed wearing an oxygen mask, and the bed was surrounded by various medical instruments.

Two people monitor the instruments, and a transparent laboratory is isolated in the east corner.

In the laboratory, a man and a woman in white coats were whispering in front of the computer and studying something.


Sean rang the doorbell, and a man in a white coat who was responsible for monitoring opened the door and came out.

"This is the miracle doctor I invited from China. Hurry and prepare clothes for Mr. Lu."

"Sorry, I don't have the habit of changing clothes."

"Just find me a shoe cover." Lu Fei said.

The white coat waved his hands repeatedly after hearing this.

"No, absolutely not."

"This is a sterile ward. You must wear sterile clean clothes when entering."

Sean smiled awkwardly.

"Mr. Lu Fei"

"Mr. Sean, I'm here to treat your father, not to visit. Please make it clear." Lu Fei said calmly.

"This gentleman, Mr. West is immunocompromised."

"To prevent viral infection, please cooperate in wearing sterile clean clothes."

"Thank you!" said the white coat.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.


"Is Mr. West still immune?"

"The sterile ward is only suitable for patients with early-stage blood diseases."

"Mr. West is now terminally ill and there is no need for this."

"Mr. Sean, I am a Chinese medicine practitioner. I don't have the habit of wearing messy clothes."

"Looking at your father's face, I'm sure he can be cured."

"If you need me to take action, go in now."

"No need, I'll leave immediately!" Lu Fei said.


Sean was annoyed at Lu Fei's lack of cooperation and was worried that Gene would be inconvenienced.

While he was hesitating, Gene spoke.

"Sean, please don't question Fei's ability."

"I can only help you this time. If I miss this time, there is nothing I can do."

Sean gritted his teeth and said.

"All right!"

"Just do as Mr. Lu Fei said and get Mr. Lu shoe covers."

"No, absolutely not," said the white coat.

"Do it!"

"If anything happens, I'll be responsible for it," Sean said.

"Mr. Sean, as you said, I can't make the decision."

"Wait a moment, I'll ask Mr. Gregg for instructions."

After speaking, the white coat stepped back and said a few words to Greg in the laboratory, who got up and came to the door.

When he came in front of everyone, Greg frowned.

"No, absolutely not."

"This is a sterile ward. You must wear sterile clean clothes when entering."

"Also, I only allow one person in, and the others have to wait outside."

"Mr. Greg, this is the miracle doctor I invited from China."

"Mr. Lu Fei is a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. He has his own methods.

, please get out of the way. " Sean said.

"Chinese medicine?"

"Are you kidding me?"

“When will traditional Chinese medicine be able to treat diseases?”

"This man looks to be in his early twenties at most. What skills can he have?"

"Mr. Sean, I think this person is a liar. Don't be fooled by him!" Greg said.

"shut up!"

"Mr. Lu Fei is a famous miracle doctor in China. He personally cured two patients with stage five scurvy in Yangcheng a few years ago."

"He is a distinguished guest I invited from China. Please pay attention to your words, Mr. Greg." Sean said.


"You said he cured the two cases in Yangcheng, China?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"This is absolutely impossible. How old is he?" Greg questioned.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"We in China have a saying that the meat in a steamed bun is not in the folds."

"You won't understand even if I explain it to you."

"Get out of the way quickly, don't delay my sleep."

"Absolutely not!"

"Mr. Sean, we are your father's medical team. I must be responsible for your father's condition. I"

"Mr. Greg, please stop talking. If anything happens, I will take charge!" Sean said.

"That won't work either, me"

"Sean, tell him to shut up and get out!" Gene said angrily.

Glancing at Jean, Greg said disdainfully.

"Who are you?"

Unfortunately, Gene ignored him at all.

the reason is simple.

He doesn't deserve it!

"Mr. Greg, please pay attention to your identity."

"I am the master here."

"Now, follow Mr. Lu Fei's instructions immediately."

"Prepare shoe covers."

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