A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1212 Disgusting people

Greg wants medicine, which is impossible.

As for becoming a disciple, it is even more impossible.

It is already incredible that he has accepted two old apprentices who are almost the same as his grandfather.

Needless to say, Lu Fei himself felt that he was crazy if he accepted another white-skinned foreigner.

"Mr. Greg, how are the results of the blood test?"

"A miracle, it's simply a miracle!"

"Mr. West's indicators have improved significantly."

"The boss's current situation is almost the same as three months ago." .??.

"Miracle Chinese medicine doctor, miraculous Mr. Lu, please accept my sincere apprenticeship."

"I'm serious, I can follow your Chinese etiquette to become a disciple!"

"Please, can you accept me?" Greg said excitedly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Greg, but you don't have any foundation in Chinese medicine. I can only express my regret."

"But if you sincerely fulfill our bet, I don't mind making you my friend."

"When we encounter difficult and complicated diseases in the future, we can discuss them together." Lu Fei said.

Although Greg was a little regretful that he failed to become a disciple.

However, Lu Fei was willing to make friends with him regardless of previous suspicions, and the medical idiot was also satisfied.

It wasn't just Greg who was excited. Sean was sweating profusely while listening to the conversation between the two.

As soon as it was over here, Sean came over immediately.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Greg, can I go up and see my father now?"

"Of course it's no problem. The boss has woken up and his condition is much better."

"According to the current indicators, it is completely possible to return to blood transfusion every half month."


"I said something wrong. With the miraculous Dr. Lu here, the boss will definitely recover completely," Greg said.

"What are you waiting for?"

"We're going up now."

Returning to the sterile ward again, Old West had sat up against the head of the bed.

His face was slightly rosy, and his eyes were still lifeless, but this was already qualitative.


You know, it's less than an hour before Lu Fei's treatment!

To be able to achieve such an effect is simply a miracle!

Arriving at the bedside, Sean grabbed his father's hand and asked softly.

"Father, how do you feel?"

The old man slowly raised his arm, pulled down the oxygen mask and said weakly.

"I feel a lot better and have some strength in my arm."

"Mr. West, my father asked me to go to China to invite Divine Doctor Lu to help you treat your illness."

"The fact that you woke up so quickly is all thanks to Mr. Lu Fei's miraculous medical skills." Gene said.

After looking at Gene, West nodded gratefully.

"Jean, thank you, thank your father for me."

"If I can recover, I will definitely come and say thank you."

Old West's words were all thanks to Gene, and he didn't even look at Lu Fei.

In his eyes, Lu Fei is just a doctor.

As for traveling thousands of miles to treat himself, it was all for money, which was the same as Greg's purpose.

For such a small person, he is only responsible for paying the fees. As for the thanks, he doesn't deserve it.

Everyone saw West's reaction.

The little puppy gritted his teeth, and Gene was even more unhappy.

But before Gene could speak, Lu Fei spoke first.

"Dear Mr. West, I don't need to tell you how serious your condition is. You know it yourself."

"However, I am confident that you will fully recover within five courses of treatment."

"I am a doctor and also a businessman."

"The purpose of waking you up this time is to talk to you about our next treatment plan and the reward I deserve."

Upon hearing that he could fully recover, a gleam of light suddenly flashed in West's absent-minded eyes.

However, when I heard Lu Fei said

When they talked about the remuneration, West's old face suddenly darkened.

"Young man, I like your straightforward character."

"You are right, if you work hard, you should be paid."

"In this way, you will treat me according to your own plan."

"As for the cost!"

"You said you need five courses of treatment. How about I pay you $50,000 for each course of treatment?"


Hearing the price, Gene's face was filled with tears, and the little naughty dog ​​swore directly.

"West, do you know me?"

"You, are you the son of the Di family?" West said.


"It's the young master!"

"Lu Fei is my brother. It costs RMB 100 billion to set up a foundation. How about you send a homeless person away with 50,000 yuan?"

"You are a toad jumping on your instep. You are not biting, but you are disgusting!"

"Di Ruilong, please watch your words!" Sean shouted with eyes wide open.

"I'm paying attention!"

"It's okay to scare others, but it won't work for me!"

"What's wrong?"

"Isn't it ungrateful to be ungrateful just after your condition has improved?"

"Have you forgotten that this disease requires five courses of treatment?"

"Who in the whole world can cure your father's disease except my own brother?"

"If you look down on my brother, you are blind."

"Just stay here by yourself!"

"My brother is no longer here to serve you. I want to see when you will meet your dear Lord."

"elder brother!"

"let's go!"

The little puppy turned around and Lu Fei laughed.

"You're right, let him endure it on his own!"

"But one thing you don't know is that the medicine I gave him can only last for one day."

"At this time tomorrow, he will be back to his original state."


"How long does Greg say he has left to live?"

"Half a month."


"That's too much to say."

"If he can survive a week, then I lose."


"Don't come to me for such a fucking business in the future. I find it disgusting."

Lu Fei's last words could cost his life.

When Jean heard this, his fair face turned red at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, his teeth clenched, and he couldn't hide the overwhelming anger between his brows.

Gritting his teeth, Gene clapped his hands and suddenly laughed.

But this smile seemed extremely terrifying to the Wests and his son.

"very good!"

"Respecting my father's instructions, I begged Mr. Lu for more than a month, and then I traveled thousands of miles to come here."

"You are so worthy of me and my father."


"No matter what, our family has repaid the favor. We will owe nothing to each other in the future, so you can take care of yourself."


Gene's weird words made the Wests dumbfounded.

If Lu Fei lets it go, he will be waiting for death.

Offending Jean was worse than waiting to die.

If Lu Fei and the others just left like this, the consequences would be absolutely disastrous.

Old West was extremely frightened and shouted with all his strength.

"Mr. Lu Fei, stay back. I was wrong just now. I'm sorry for you."

"Please put aside any past grudges and set the price as you wish!"

Lu Fei stood still, turned around and sneered.

"Regret it?"

"please forgive!"


"I treat you and collect medical fees. You are my boss. As long as you are willing to pay, there is no question of forgiveness."

"If you want me to cure your illness, you only need to agree to one condition."

"You, listen up!"

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