There is a picture frame on the bedside table in the last room.

Inside the frame is an old black and white photo.

In the photo is a middle-aged Chinese man in a suit and leather shoes.

This man has a plump heaven and a round square, a high nose bridge, a big mouth, and the corners of his mouth are upturned.

The mouth is big and eats in all directions, and the corners of the mouth are upturned and restrained to gather wealth. This is a typical face of wealth.

In the photo, this man is sitting on a bench in the courtyard, holding a five- or six-year-old blonde mixed-race beauty in his arms.

Lu Fei had no impression of this girl, but when he saw this man, Lu Fei's heart beat wildly and he was almost ready to speak out.

No wonder Lu Fei was so excited, because this man was so awesome.

His name is Lu Qinzhai, the number one antique dealer in China.

Lu Qinzhai was born in the late Qing Dynasty and worked as an apprentice in an antique shop since childhood.

This man is extremely smart. Over the past few years, he has developed a sharp eye and is proficient in English and French. He was quickly appreciated by his boss.

Within a few years, Lu Qinzhai was promoted by his boss to be the first counter clerk.

Later, Lu Qinzhai followed Zhang Jingjiang, one of the Four Heavenly Kings under Chiang Kai-shek, to France.

Zhang Jingjiang established the "Yuntong" company in Paris to sell Chinese porcelain, calligraphy and paintings, etc.

All the proceeds were used to support Mr. Sun who was engaged in the domestic uprising.

Soon, Mr. Sun rebelled, Zhang Jingjiang closed the Express Company and returned to China to assist Mr. Sun. Lu Qinzhai singled out to open his own antique shop and established Lu Wu Antiques Company.

After the fall of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, the Beiyang government was still unstable, and the antiquities and treasures in the Forbidden City were lost overseas.

Lu Qinzhai, with his extraordinary vision, successfully purchased many ancient and rare treasures at low prices and sold them to the European market to make huge profits.

The antique company run by Lu Qinzhai is very successful.

At the beginning of the Republic of China, Lu Qinzhai returned to China every year to inspect and place orders, and to learn about the latest domestic market conditions.

The Lu Wu Company is very wealthy and frequently acquires tens of thousands of dollars worth of antiques.

\u003e This makes a group of antique shop owners who have dreams of getting rich scramble to hold the thick legs.

At that time, Europe was prosperous and Oriental fever became fashionable.

Playing with Chinese antiques has become a symbol of status, education and high quality.

Therefore, his company is very profitable.

After World War I, Lu Qinzhai realized that the United States had become the center of the antique market.

So, he and Wu Qizhou, a native of Shanghai, opened the largest antique store in the United States on the corner of Madison and 57th Street in New York.

Lu Qinzhai's fame and connections soon made him a supplier and consultant to many private museums.

Since the second year of the Republic of China, Lu Wu Company has exported cultural relics to the United States for thirty years, including countless national treasures.

Only a small shareholder of the company could receive hundreds of thousands of yuan in dividends every year. Back then, the annual turnover of an antique shop in Liulichang was not that much!

According to authoritative statistics, more than half of the Chinese antiques lost overseas were sold by Lu Qinzhai.

Among them, "Sa Lu Zi" and "Quan Mao Jun" among the six horses in Zhaoling are the most famous.

In the third year of the Republic of China, Lu Qinzhai broke up the Sa Lu Zi and Quan Mao Gun and transported them to the United States, where they were sold to the Museum of the University of Pennsylvania for a price of 125,000 U.S. dollars.

To this day, the six horses in the Zhaoling Mausoleum of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty are all separated from each other. This is simply the greatest tragedy in the Chinese archaeological community.

Therefore, Lu Qinzhai is not only an antique dealer, but also the biggest sinner in China's collecting world.

In the last life, Lu Fei had blacklisted this guy, but it was a pity that fate failed to do so.

Not only does this guy resell cultural relics, but his private life is also unruly.

Men become bad when they have money, and this is clearly reflected in him.

When he was still in "Tongyun", Lu Qinzhai and Ma De

I first met Olga, a female shopkeeper in a hat shop in Orchid Square.

Olga's father is Polish and her mother is Italian.

She worked as a housekeeper in a childless home in Paris when she was very young, but the male head of the family seduced her and made her pregnant, giving birth to a daughter, Marie-Rose.

Lu Qinzhai fell in love with Olga, who was four years older than him.

Olga, who is strong and passionate, on the one hand does not want to lose an old lover who gave her a hat shop as a gift, but at the same time she does not want to give up on the suave and passionate Oriental man Lu Qinzhai.

To this end, she thought of a "two-legged approach" and married her daughter, fifteen-year-old Mary Rose, to Lu Qinzhai.

In this way, Lu Qinzhai's bloody plot, which is hard to see even in the movie, really happened.

Later, Ross gave birth to four daughters to Lu Qinzhai and took control of Lu Qinzhai's financial power.

In the late 1950s, Lu Qinzhai got married in Switzerland, and Ross passed away soon after.

As for Lu Qinzhai’s four daughters, their whereabouts are unknown since then.

Lu Fei estimated that the girl in the photo should be one of Lu Qinzhai's daughters.

Judging from Lu Qinzhai's appearance in the photo, she is 90% the youngest daughter.

Since he is Lu Qinzhai's flesh and blood, it is not surprising that there are so many genuine items in his home.

The advertisement made it clear that the property belonged to a woman named Gulis.

It is estimated that this Ms. Gulis is Lu Qinzhai's daughter.

However, Lu Fei also discovered an incredible place in the advertisement.

Gulis had no children. Before her death, she made a will and entrusted Mr. Hayes, a well-known local lawyer, to package the property and all the items in the house for auction after her death.

All proceeds from the auction will be donated to the Kong Fanlong Archaeological Foundation of China as a special fund for archaeology of China.


It seems, as if this is fate!

"Si, the flea market is here."

Lu Fei was deep in thought when the black driver's voice came from ahead.

Lu Fei recovered from the shock and smiled slightly.

"If you don't want to go, take me back."

"Drive as slowly as possible, or just find a place for a drive by yourself."

“I’ll pay for it together in the end!”

Lu Fei made such a bizarre request, and the driver was immediately confused.

However, since you gave me money, why should I worry about something?

Then go around in circles!

As the car started, the driver glanced at Lu Fei in the rearview mirror and said to himself, this Chinese man is really sick.

In fact, Lu Fei was not sick. After seeing this advertisement, visiting the market really no longer mattered.

The reason why the driver asked the driver to go around was because he wanted to read the advertisement several times. Because it was a villa, Lu Fei had to look at every corner carefully.

Lu Qinzhai has been brilliant for decades, and he has created tens of thousands of treasures.

There are indeed some interesting things in this room, but Lu Fei suspects that Lao Lu's inventory is far more than that.

Maybe there's something shady going on in this property.

Since Gulis decided to donate all the proceeds from the auction to her foundation, it was impossible for her to hide the things deliberately.

Even if it is hidden in a corner, the renovation or demolition of the house must be cheaper for others.

The key is, Lu Fei saw the style and age of this villa, and estimated it to be at least eighty or ninety years old.

Maybe it was a property purchased by Lu Qinzhai a few years ago.

If Lu Qinzhai is hiding something good, maybe his daughter doesn’t know about it either?

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst.

It would be really cool if something happened.

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