A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1221 Matchmaking

Zhu Tianbao showed great courtesy to Mo Xueqing, and Lu Fei rolled his eyes and cursed silently that he was useless.

He dragged Zhu Tianbao aside and sat across from Mo Xueqing and asked.

"Mr. Mo, was that your friend just now?"

Lu Fei deliberately lengthened his words, obviously with ulterior motives, and Mo Xueqing quickly explained.

"He and I are just ordinary friends."

"That man's name is Shao Yifeng. His family is in the electronics business. He is very powerful among our generation in southern Fujian."

"Since last year, the real estate industry in southern Fujian has gradually become saturated, and business has been very bleak."

"I was preparing to transform, and Shao Yifeng took the initiative to find me for cooperation."


"What cooperation?" Lu Fei asked.

"Shao Yifeng opened an electronics company by himself and helped his father with processing."

"Boeing will be looking for companies around the world to process several parts next week, and Shao Yifeng is preparing to bid."

"But he is worried that he is not strong enough and plans to cooperate with me."

"I came here tonight to ask Mr. David, the Crown Prince of Boeing Company, for help," Mo Xueqing said.

Lu Fei smiled lightly when he heard this.

"Boeing's parts require extremely precision. At present, except for island countries, the technology of other countries in Asia completely fails to meet the requirements."

"Mr. Mo is considered an elite in the shopping mall. Do you think it is possible for you to win the bid?"

"I just came over to take a look. There is no contract signed between us yet."

"After Mr. Lu said this, I have decided to give up." Mo Xueqing said.

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"Just give up. You must investigate carefully before transforming."

“If the investment fails, the consequences will be disastrous.”

"You're right."

"Mr. Lu, if possible, I hope that Mr. Lu can help Xue Qing more."

"Xueqing must be very grateful." Mo Xueqing said.

"This is it"

"I can't even talk about gratitude. We are all friends."

"Also, my brother is deeply devoted to you. You

If we could get along together, we would be a family. "

"You know, my friend, there is never a shortage of good business." Lu Fei said.



My brother is so shameless.

In order to help Zhu Tianbao, he blackmailed Mo Xueqing with business. This is simply inhumane!

After Lu Fei finished speaking, everyone except Zhu Tianbao looked at him with contempt.

Mo Xueqing's face turned red with embarrassment, and she felt even worse.

"Mr. Lu, please, please don't say that."

"Xueqing is not just any woman." Mo Xueqing lowered her head and said.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Mr. Mo, you have misunderstood."

"My fair lady and gentleman are so charming."

"My brother likes you, there's nothing wrong with that."

"I'm not forcing you to marry him, am I?"

"It's just that I found that you have some misunderstandings about my brother."

"Tianbao is a straight-tempered person and doesn't like to be secretive about things, so he seems to be a bit reckless to you."

"Actually, Tianbao is as meticulous as a hair and has a lot of skills. His future is limitless."

"The most important thing is that Zhu Tianbao is my best brother."

"With me here, it will be difficult for Tianbao to be ordinary."

"What I mean is, I hope Mr. Mo won't be prejudiced against Tianbao."

"It would be better if we could try to contact and communicate."

"As for business!"

"As long as you become your own people, I will help you wholeheartedly."

"Whether it's medicine, catering, entertainment, or the recently launched beauty cosmetics series, I can leave it to you to run it."

"Even if you still want to continue developing real estate, I can still help you."

"If nothing else, the various projects of Yunlong Group are enough for you to digest, Mr. Mo."

"Of course, this is just my opinion, and I don't mean to force you."

"I hope Mr. Mo doesn't mind!"

"Here, let me toast to Mr. Mo!"

After having a drink with Lu Fei, Mo Xueqing's heart suddenly fluttered.

The projects Lu Fei mentioned are too tempting. .??.

If you just take one, it will be much better than the current business.

But Lu Fei's conditions were too harsh.

Not to mention getting along with Zhu Tianbao, even seeing Zhu Tianbao gives me nightmares. This is simply impossible!


There was a knock on the door outside, and Carter quickly stood up.

The box door opened, and Sean and David walked in with wine glasses in hand and smiles on their faces.

Shao Yifeng, who was with Mo Xueqing, also followed behind.

Shao Yifeng became furious when he saw Mo Xueqing chatting with Lu Fei.

But knowing that person was Lu Fei, he could only feel resentment in his heart.

The Sean brothers are incompatible with each other, so when they got together, everyone was somewhat surprised.

The little milk dog stood up and glared at David and said coldly.

"David, what are you doing here?"

This time, David surprisingly did not argue with the little puppy. He nodded slightly as a gentleman and was polite.

"Young Master Di, don't look at me like this. I don't mean any harm."

"We are in the box next door. I heard that Mr. Lu Fei and Mr. Gene are here and came here specifically to toast."

With that said, the two brothers came to Lu Fei, and Sean raised his glass and said.

"Thank you Mr. Lu for healing my father. I'd like to toast you."

Without reaching out to hit the smiling man, Lu Fei stood up and clinked glasses with Sean and drank in one gulp.

"You're welcome, Mr. Sean, everyone just gets what they need."

"That's not to say. In my heart, my father's health is more important than anything else."

"I'll toast you with another drink."

"And Mr. Jean, we are very grateful for your help this time."

"You can speak if you find it useful to get our brothers in the future."

"We must do our best to help."

"I'll toast you too."


Gene was too lazy to talk to him, so he sat on the sofa, raised his glass and took a sip, then chatted with Wang Xinlei.

After finishing a glass of wine, Sean sat next to Lu Fei generously and said.

"Mr. Lu also likes to watch boxing matches?"

"I just like to watch the fun." Lu Fei said.

"It will start later. Mr. Lu, would you like to place a bet?"

"It depends on the situation."

"If there is a player I like, I don't mind playing a little bit."

"After all, I'm not short of money, right?" Lu Fei said.

Hearing what Lu Fei said, the corners of Sean's eyes twitched involuntarily, but they returned to normal instantly.

"That's natural. Mr. Lu's current net worth makes him one of the top richest people in China."

"Mr. Lu likes gambling, and so do I."

"Since we all have the same temperament, how about we make a little bet and have some fun?" Sean said.

Lu Fei was amused, it seemed like this guy was going to show his trump card.

"Mr. Sean, how do you want to play?" Lu Fei asked.

"I see that Mr. Lu Fei's bodyguards have strong bodies and sharp eyes. They must all be legendary martial arts masters."

"I really want to see it."

"It just so happens that today is a boxing match. How about having your bodyguard spar with mine later?" Sean said.

"Just a discussion?"

"Of course, just gesticulating is no fun, why don't we make some symbolic bets for fun."

"What do you want to bet on?"

"It's too tacky for us to gamble directly with our status. Let's play something different."

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