A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1223 Secret Operation

Brother Shawn leaves and the first match in the ring is about to begin.

The on-site host introduced both parties to enter.

The blue team has eleven professional matches, with a record of seven wins and four losses, and two KO opponents.

The red team has fifteen professional matches, with a record of eleven wins and four losses, and six KO wins.

Based on their record, height, wingspan, etc., the red player has a clear advantage.

The two players took the stage to prepare, and the six-round competition officially started five minutes later.

These five minutes are not only the players' adjustment time, but also the betting time of the audience.

The odds are different depending on the conditions of the two people.

If you buy the red side and win, you pay 0.80 points.

If you buy the blue side, you will pay two for one.

The betting time started, and the two young men picked up the betting machines and couldn't wait to place their bets.

"Fei, why don't you play?" Gene asked.

"Don't worry, I'll take a look and then talk."

"Brother, don't hesitate."

"I have seen the red team's game. This guy is very fierce and has great physical strength."

"Listen to me, there will be no problem buying Red Fang Sheng." said the little milk dog.

"How much did you buy?" Lu Fei asked.

"A million dollars."

"And you?"

"I'm the same as Brother Long." Wang Xinlei said.

"Brother, why don't you place a bet?" the little nanny urged.

"Don't worry, I'll take a look."


"Lao Ji, why don't you place a bet?" asked the little milk dog.

Gene chuckled.

"I'm waiting to fly."

"I will buy whoever Fei buys."

"are you crazy!"

"If you don't look at your strength, what's the use of following the trend?"

"Even if you admire my brother, you don't have to do this, right?" said the little dog.


"Of course it works."

"Fei is very lucky now, so you can't go wrong buying from him."

Four minutes passed, and Lu Fei still didn't place any bets. The little naughty dog ​​was so anxious that he turned on the verbose mode again.

\u003e After another ten seconds passed, Lu Fei looked at the current betting amount displayed on the big screen, and then took the betting machine.


"How do you play this?" Lu Fei asked.

"Here I go, just tell me how much to bet, and I'll help you operate it," said the little milk dog.


"Buy me 10 million blue square wins."


"Ten million blue cubes"


"Brother, do you want to buy Lan Fangsheng?"

"Did you make a mistake?"

"The blue side will definitely give it to you for free. You are right to listen to me."

"Stop talking nonsense and buy what I say."


"Hurry up!"

"Oh fine!"

"You're rich, you're awesome!"


The little puppy cooed and helped Lu Fei place his bets.

Next to him, Gene bought 10 million Lan Fang Sheng without hesitation.

After confirming that the bet was successful, the little nanny pouted and asked reluctantly.

"Brother, why did you buy Lan Fangsheng?"

"Because the blue team will win!" Lu Fei said.


"Have you given medicine to Hong Fang?"

"I'll feed your sister!"

"Let me ask you, how many times have you participated in such betting boxing matches?" Lu Fei asked.

"So many times, I can't remember exactly."

"Think about how much money you lost in total?"

"Hey, what do you mean?"

"Can't I win money?" the little dog said unconvinced.


"If a fool like you can win money, the sun has to come out in the west."

"Tell me, how much did you lose?" Lu Fei asked.

"Yeah, I didn't lose much, maybe ten or twenty million!"

"Brother, how do you know I lost money?"

"You wouldn't have paid attention to me a long time ago, right?"

"Pay attention to shit!"

"Betting like you is unreasonable without losing money."


"The organizer is doing business, not charity."

"On-site betting, the red side has more than 87 million, and the blue side only has more than 5 million." .??.

"If the red side wins, the merchant won't be allowed to compensate for vomiting blood?" Lu Fei said.

"You, you said they were operating behind the scenes to make things fake?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"If that were the case, the audience would have exploded."

"I don't believe it, absolutely not."

"The red side will definitely win in the end, so just wait for the slap in the face!" said the little milk dog.

Lu Fei cursed an idiot and said to Gene.

"More than $80 million was bet on the first game."

“There’s a lot of fun here!”


"This is nothing!"

"This is a high-end club, and everyone who comes here is not short of money."

"Eighty million is just average. Last year, the total bet on a game exceeded 600 million."

"It is estimated that today's ultimate showdown will not be less than 200 million."

"Otherwise, why would the club make so much money?" Gene said.

"You have a point."

"By the way, is there a limit on betting?" Lu Fei asked.

“There is no cap on total bets, but there is on individual bets.”

"The upper limit is determined based on the odds of both parties and the total amount of bets. When it reaches saturation, it is capped."

"This handicap is the same as the handicap when you fight for treasures."

"There are two lights on the betting machine. As long as the red light is not on, you can place bets at will."

"When the red light comes on, it means the upper limit."

“However, rules are rules

. "

“So far, we haven’t had a cap bet at this club,” Ginn said.

Five minutes are up and the betting is closed.

Buying the red side won more than 93 million.

On the contrary, those who bought the blue side only had over 30 million.

Moreover, Lu Fei and Gene are worth 20 million.

The bell rings and the game officially begins.

The two young men danced and waved flags and cheered for the red team.

When the two of them fought, the red side completely suppressed the blue side and had every advantage on the scene.

However, even though the red team launched a violent attack, they were all defended by the blue team.

At the beginning of the second round, the red team seized the opportunity and kicked the blue team down with a side kick.

The referee counted the seconds for the blue side. Most of the people in the field were betting on the red side to win. Seeing the blue side fall to the ground, these people were completely excited.

In the box, Little Dog and Wang Xinlei were almost crazy.

There was a lot of noise, high fives, and toasts.

"Hey, how's it going?"

"Brother, what do I say?"

"Ten million will be wasted. Are you dumbfounded?"

"Quack quack"

"You're such a bastard!"

"Did the red side win?" Lu Fei sneered.


The little naughty dog ​​looked into the field. After the countdown, the blue team didn't bother to join the battle again.

Moreover, the pace is steady and the defense is much tighter than before.


"Can you still fight?"

"Isn't this Blue Fang too stubborn?"

"But it doesn't matter. The red side has all the advantages. The final victory must belong to the red side."

"Brother, you will definitely lose."

Even though the little naughty dog ​​had a tough mouth, in the next three rounds, he became a little uneasy.

With continuous attacks, the red team consumes a certain amount of energy and the rhythm gradually slows down.

At the beginning of the last round, the blue team took the initiative to attack uncharacteristically, and the situation instantly turned around.

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