A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1230 Song Gui

Lu Fei asked for a helicopter in a vague and tortuous manner.

That shameless behavior attracted the collective contempt of the little milk dog and other brothers.

However, Lu Fei didn't care.

Wade doesn't care either.

"There are businesses selling helicopters in Hawaii."

"However, they are all ordinary goods."

"Such a high-end helicopter requires reservation, and modification also takes time."

"Fei, if you don't mind, I still have one to spare."

"That one is the same model as this one, and they were used twice."

"If you don't think it's a second-hand product, I'll give that one to you," Wade said.

"This, isn't it good!"

"I'm rich. I won more than 20 billion yesterday." Lu Fei said with a smile.

Jean said nonchalantly.

"We are friends. Don't talk about money between friends."

"You can take whatever you like from me at any time."

"That's okay!"

"Then I won't be polite to you."

"Carter, have someone clean the EC225L in Boston and send it to Mr. Lu."

"Yes, Master!"

Carter went down to make arrangements, and Gene and Wade greeted everyone into the mansion.

Once inside, it is luxurious in two words.

How luxurious?

This Lu Fei couldn't describe it at all.

The decoration style of Dijia in Malaysia is not the same as here, so it cannot be counted.

All the other mansions Lu Fei had seen were completely incomparable compared to this one.

Wade called the servants to greet everyone with the best coffee and the best fruit cigarettes.

After briefly chatting for a while, and leaving the little puppies to Gene to entertain them, Wade invited Lu Fei to the study on the second floor.

The study room was obviously carefully decorated by Wade.

The decoration inside is all Chinese style.

The mahogany furniture, golden nanmu writing desk, and ancient porcelain from the official kilns of the third generation of the Qing Dynasty are placed on the ancient shelves.

Just the decoration of the study and these items are a huge expense.


However, Lu Fei just swept it away, and the remaining 90% of his energy was firmly attracted by a wooden box on the ground.

Wade handed Lu Fei a cigarette, sat down and said.

"Fei, you've been flying for more than ten hours, are you tired?"

"It doesn't matter, I just work hard!"

"That's nothing to me."

"Whenever I need to repair that knife, I have no problem at any time." Lu Fei said.

"That's great."

"Can we go after dinner later?"

"no problem."

"The sooner the better."

"Otherwise, I would be ashamed to accept your surprise!"


"Fei, you don't have to be polite."

"The surprise is that I am doing my best to be a landlord."

"The helicopter is your reward, you don't have to take it to heart."

"In the box is your deposit for repairing the knife."

"Whether it works or not, it's yours."

"If the repair is completed successfully, there will also be a treasure to thank you for," Wade said.

"Then I won't be polite."

"By the way Fei, let me ask you a question."

"I heard that you had a relationship with Long Yun."

"Who are you?" Wade asked tentatively.

"Oh, that's right!"

"After the treasure fighting conference, Long Yun found me and asked me to buy tea."

"Originally I didn't plan to sell."

"But he said he is your friend and his boss has a good relationship with your family."

"For your sake, I agreed to sell it to him."

"By the way, how is your relationship?"

"That guy won't lie to me under your guise, right?" Lu Fei asked with a smile.


When Long Yun was mentioned, Lu Fei had a natural expression.

When asked about the relationship between the two, Lu Fei was even more unpretentious.

Wade chuckled.

"No no."

"Long Yun didn't lie to you, we are indeed friends."

"I'm just curious. I thought you recognized it a long time ago!"

"Okay, let's not talk about him anymore."

"You can slowly appreciate our sincerity. I'll go down and make arrangements for dinner."


After finishing speaking, Wade left the study and closed the door. Wade let out a long breath before going downstairs.

Looking at Wade's back, Lu Fei also frowned slightly.

Boss Long Yun reached a deal with him, and Wade asked about his relationship with Long Yun.

It seems that the relationship between these two families is very subtle!

Wandering between two giant beasts, you really have to be extra careful.

Once you have done this, you will be able to make a lot of money.

If you are not careful, you may be in danger.

Drinking water while thinking about the next trip.

After smoking a cigarette, Lu Fei stood up and walked around the box.

This is a wooden packaging box, sixty centimeters high and about fifty centimeters wide.

There were also two crowbars and hydraulic pliers placed on the ground, which were obviously carefully prepared for Lu Fei to unpack.

Now that everyone is ready, what are you waiting for?

Picking up the thing, Lu Fei couldn't wait to start unpacking it.

Lu Fei is very familiar with dismantling this thing.

Although it is not as good as professional workers, it is not much slower.

In less than five minutes, the outer packaging was completely opened.

Inside are several layers of shock-resistant foam and soft-packed high-density foam.

After carefully demolishing it layer by layer, five minutes later, we finally saw the true face of Lushan Mountain.

After seeing the objects inside clearly, Lu Fei took a breath of air.

This is a bronze Gui, the shape of which is Song Gui.

Thirty centimeters high and twenty-five centimeters in diameter.

The mouth is narrowed, the belly is bulging, and there are three small legs under the circle of feet.

There is a high ridge cover on the mouth, the cover is closed with the mother and child of the vessel, and there is a circle-shaped catcher on the top of the cover.

On both sides of the abdomen are animal heads with half-ringed ears and drooping ears.

The mouth and lid of the Song Gui are each decorated with a pattern of intersecting animal eyes, or a curved pattern, with an elephant eye in the middle and a hook-shaped curve on each side.

This kind of decoration is derived from animal images, specifically from a curled dragon pattern. It was mainly popular in the middle and late Western Zhou Dynasty and was one of the main decorations on bronzes at that time.

The abdomen and cover are decorated with several parallel groove-like patterns, called horizontal grooves.

Because it resembles the tile grooves on old-fashioned houses, it is also called tile rib pattern or tile pattern. This kind of decoration was very popular from the late Western Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn Period.

The handle on the top of the Song Gui is decorated with dragon patterns, and the circle foot is decorated with hanging scale patterns.

The upper and lower edges of the mouth are decorated with curved patterns, the lid and belly are decorated with horizontal ridge patterns, and the foot is decorated with heavy ring patterns. The shape is extremely solemn.

Everyone knows that the value of bronze vessels lies in the inscriptions on them.

Bronze vessels without inscriptions are completely different from those with inscriptions.

In China, private sales of bronzes are prohibited, but major museums also rank inscriptions first when screening bronzes.

Next is the age, individuality and rarity.

There are two Western Zhou bronze singing guis in Shenzhou, both of which are in Fu Yuliang's collection.

The shape of the two Song Gui vessels is exactly the same as the one in front of me, but they are slightly larger than this one.

Unfortunately, the two Song Gui pieces were both leftover and repaired by welding.

The two Song Gui pieces all have inscriptions, one has thirty-two inscriptions, and the other has fifty-four inscriptions.

Because of the inscription, even if it is a broken weapon, it is rated as a special first-class national treasure and will never leave the country.

The Song Gui instrument in front of me is complete in shape, without any damage.

Not only that, there are fifteen lines of one hundred and fifty-two inscriptions inside the lid, which can be said to be a priceless treasure.

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