A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1234 Thermal Imaging

Facing Carlos' threat, Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Carlos, I said, I only care about remuneration."

"The rest has nothing to do with me."

"Mr. Lu Fei is really smart."

"Don't worry, if you complete the task successfully, you will not be disappointed with the reward we will give you." Carlos said.

After a while, Canby came back.

There was no suspense in the result, and Lu Fei agreed to his conditions.

However, Canby made his own request to search Lu Fei's bag.


This is absolutely impossible!

If you are in doubt, the transaction will be stopped immediately.

Under Lu Fei's tough attitude, Canby finally compromised.

Lu Fei made a list and asked Wade to go down and prepare it.

In less than an hour, all the necessary items were ready.

"Fei, I want to wrong you again."

"I see."

Putting on the blindfold again, Wade led Lu Fei to a room in a zigzag manner.

The blindfold was taken off again, and Lu Fei looked around.

This is a completely enclosed space, surrounded by walls and not even a single window.

The furnishings are even simpler.

A square table and a chair.

There was a nuclear explosion-proof password box on the square table, and all the materials needed for the landing were placed on the floor.

After looking around carefully and confirming that there was no monitoring equipment, Lu Fei felt relieved.

"Fei, is this okay?" Wade asked.

"Yes, it's right here." Lu Fei said with satisfaction.

Kanby opened the box, brought it to Lu Fei and said calmly.

"This is our family's heirloom."

"From now on, this knife is in your hands."

"Please Mr. Lu Fei, please fix it."

"If it's really difficult, there's no need to force it, but there is one purpose: never cause secondary harm to this knife."

"Mr. Canby, please don't worry, I have a

grip. "

"That would be best."

"I'll leave this to you while I prepare supper and wait for your good news."

After speaking, Camby left with Wade and others.

The door was closed, Lu Fei locked it inside, and checked it carefully again to make sure there was no monitoring equipment, and he suddenly felt extremely excited.

No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to find anything. It takes no effort at all to get there!

The biggest purpose of spending manpower and material resources to search for the Sea King in the South China Sea is to find the Seven Stars National Treasure Sword.

But I didn’t expect that when the east is not bright, the west is bright.

There was no progress over there for two months, but here we encountered the third knife by chance.

Moreover, Lu Fei was sure that the Robert family must know the purpose of the Seven Star Sword.

Not only the Robert family knew about it, but Yunlong's boss probably also knew about it.

Otherwise, I would not have reached such an agreement with myself.

Now that Boss Yunlong knows it, is it possible that he also has the Seven-Star Sword in his hand?


very possible!

Now this knife is already in his possession.

It can be said that Seven Knives has already occupied three of them.

If the Poseidon is found, there are four, even if the exact location of the treasure cannot be found, there is greater hope.

It would be even better if Boss Yunlong really had a Seven-Star Sword and he could find a way to get it.

As for the sneaky change of concept with Canby to ask for "Yongle Dadian", that was Lu Fei's deliberate move.

This was a temporary decision Lu Fei made after seeing the photo of the Seven Star Sword.

This knife is of great importance. No matter who is in the hands of it, once the information is leaked, the consequences will be disastrous.

Don't look at the fact that Wade and his son are polite to themselves and promise to pay themselves a lot of money.

But Lu Fei knew that they would be extra careful to guard against him.

In order to prevent myself from leaking

News, killing people and silencing people are nothing new.

Lu Feishi opened his mouth to give them the illusion of being greedy.

Let them think that all they care about is money.

Only in this way will they despise themselves and even eliminate suspicion of themselves.

The moment he saw the photo, Lu Fei had already prepared for the worst.

Even if they really want to harm themselves, if they can't escape, they must destroy the secrets of these three knives before they die.

That way, no one can fucking find the ultimate treasure.

However, that was only the worst-case scenario.

The most important thing right now is to get the secret of this knife.

Looking at the knife, Lu Fei concluded in his heart that the gold foil was 100% in the rivets.

The reason is simple. The handle of this knife has been disassembled, and even the blade has been cut into three parts.

If it were hidden in another location, it would be impossible not to discover it.

Lighting a cigarette, Lu Fei sat down and examined it carefully.

Sure enough, the rivets on this knife were untouched.

Looking at the knife, although it was broken into three parts, it was not difficult for me to repair it.

But under the conditions here, even if I have the ability to reach the sky, I still can't complete it.

In fact, Lu Fei had no intention of repairing the knife at first.

From the moment he was sure it was the Seven-Star Sword, Lu Fei already had a plan.

After getting the second Seven-Star Sword last time, Lu Fei took one of them with him in case of emergency.

It just came in handy today. I gave him a package swap plan directly, which saved both worry and effort.

However, the overall exchange is not possible.

There are two hidden marks on the handle of the Robert family's knife, and it has been disassembled at least three times. The marks are quite obvious.

But this is not a problem for Lu Fei. He keeps the handle of the knife and simply replaces the blade with a KO.

Having made up his mind, Lu Fei took action immediately.

Bring all the materials prepared by Wade to the table.

Two small household ovens are connected to the power supply and the horsepower is turned to maximum.

Open the oven door, and soon the surrounding temperature will rise.


"This yellow-skinned monkey deserves to die!"

In the next room, Carlos gritted his teeth and cursed loudly.

Although there are no cameras in the room, they still have ways to monitor Lu Fei.

That's thermal imaging.

The thermal imager was turned on, giving a full view of Lu Fei's movements.

But after just monitoring for a while, the area of ​​red images around Lu Fei became larger and larger.

Soon it turned into a fiery red, and even Lu Fei's outline could not be seen.

This made Carlos extremely depressed.

"Dear cousin Carlos, as I told you, there is an oven inside and thermal imaging is useless."

"This is a closed room. It's impossible for Lu Fei to escape if he plays tricks."

"Why do you need to do this?" Wade said.

"Wade is right, Lu Fei can't play tricks in this situation."

"He doesn't dare!" Canby said.

"Uncle, the sword is of great importance. Those families have been peeking at our sword for more than a day or two!"

"Who among us can guarantee that Lu Fei is not a spy sent by those companies!"

"If Lu Fei finds the secret of the sword and tells those families, the consequences will be disastrous for us!"

"Don't forget, Lu Fei and Long Yun have been in contact before!"


After Carlos finished speaking, Canby frowned.

"Father, I have investigated clearly the contact between Lu Fei and Long Yun."

"Lu Fei and Long Yun don't know each other at all."

"The last time we met, Long Yun and Lu Fei were just buying tea."

"Both Carter and Fernand can prove this."

"Besides, Boss Long Yun likes that kind of tea the most, and you know this too!"

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