A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1248 Big Tonic

Two pigeons were killed in succession, and the Chinese people present were stunned.

The foreigners cursed and prayed for the pigeons in silence.

But Lu Fei on the tree had no intention of stopping.

Fortunately, the pigeons in the first pigeon's nest took advantage of Lu Fei to attack his companion and dispersed.

The pigeon was gone, but Lu Fei's anger still did not subside, and he kicked the pigeon's nest down hard.


"You devil!"

"You will be punished!"

"The Lord will not forgive you."

"stop it!"


That's simply impossible.

After finishing the first pigeon nest, we came to the middle pigeon nest.

The pigeons inside also fled in all directions. Although the pigeons were gone, there were a few pigeon eggs in the nest.

Lu Fei reached in and touched it, and took out a pigeon egg and shook it to the people under the tree, all of them with stern expressions.

He put a pigeon egg into his pocket and continued to put his hand in it.

The second one, the third one!

When Lu Fei put his hand in for the fourth time, a soft package the size of a smartphone entered the cuff of Lu Fei's shirt.

After getting the fourth pigeon egg, Lu Fei stood up and raised his arms to show off his achievements to the people under the tree.

At the same time, the soft packaging slides down the cuffs and under the arms.

The body twisted slightly, and then slid down the armpits to the lower back, where it was firmly stuck by the belt.

After taking out a total of six pigeon eggs and checking the last pigeon nest, Lu Fei climbed down from the tree.

After picking up the two unfortunate pigeons, Lu Fei finally showed a satisfied smile.

"This is the retribution of a white-eyed wolf."

"Tonight we will eat braised squab."

Hayes came to Lu Fei with a sinking face and glared at him.

"Mr. Lu Fei, why are you doing this?"

"This is Ms. Gulina's property, why do you want to destroy it?"

Lu Fei chuckled.

"the reason is simple

, because they don’t know how to be grateful. "

"I feed them with good intentions, but they poop on me."

"My personal customization worth 30,000 dollars was completely destroyed by them."

"These white-eyed wolves should be punished."


"Calm down, dear Mr. Hayes."

"Maybe you think I'm irritable and unreasonable."

"But I'm going to tell you something."

"There is an old saying in China: A good man will be bullied by others, and a good horse will be ridden by others."

"If you choose to tolerate being bullied, the other person will only think you are a weakling."

"Not only will they not show mercy to you, but they will bully you even harder until you doubt your life."

"Whether it's a human or an animal, the principle is the same."

"They pooped on me today. If I choose to tolerate it, they will be emboldened to do it even worse the next time I feed them."

"It's even more unscrupulous. Even if it pecks my skin or my eyes, it's possible."

"I deeply regret the damage caused to Ms. Gulina's property."

"However, I will be responsible to the end."

"According to the rules you set before, five times the compensation for damaged items, I completely agree."

"Please ask your people to liquidate the losses immediately, and then go to Ms. Kong Panqing to get the money."

"Is this okay?"


“Pigeon is a traditional delicacy in China!”

"Moreover, pigeons have extremely high nutritional value. They are not only a valuable delicacy, but also a high-end nourishing product."

“Pigeon meat is a high-protein, low-fat food with a protein content of 24.47%. At the same quality, it contains more calcium, iron, copper and other minerals and vitamins A, B, E, etc. than chicken, fish, beef, etc. It’s high in mutton.”

"Dove liver contains the best bile, which can help the body make good use of cholesterol and prevent arteriosclerosis."

“Pigeon meat is rich in pantothenic acid, which is very effective in preventing hair loss, gray hair and premature aging.”

"Pigeon meat is rich in chondroitin, which can increase skin elasticity, improve blood circulation, and speed up wound healing."


"my Lord!"

"Please stop talking."

"Isn't it okay if I don't pursue this matter?"

"Stop talking."

In Western countries, pigeons are regarded as messengers of peace. They are such respected animals that almost no one is willing to eat them.

After hearing Lu Fei's theory, Hayes almost vomited.

This is Lu Fei. If it had been anyone else, Hayes would have turned against him.


"Don't worry, Mr. Hayes, I'm not a deadbeat."

"Let your people liquidate, and I will pay ten times the compensation."

"By the way, you are welcome to taste it tonight, it is really delicious!"


After the farce, people quickly returned to normal.

Lu Fei called Lang Lijing and came to Kong Panqing and others with two dead pigeons.

"At this juncture, I'll give you a tonic and a pot of pigeon soup tonight."

"By the way, if you keep drinking pigeon soup every day, your bald spot may grow back!"


"Fuck you uncle!"


Kong Panqing took out a tissue to help Lu Fei wipe the pigeon feces on his body, but it didn't help at all.

"Xiao Fei, what size do you wear? I'll buy you a new set of clothes!" Kong Panqing said.

"No, I just called and my people will send it to me right away."

"your people?"



While he was talking, there was a roar in the sky, and a sky blue helicopter approached quickly.

When the helicopter arrived over the lake, there was a burst of cheers.

"I bought it!"

"This is EC225L!"


"This helicopter costs more than 30 million dollars, and there are only a few of them in the entire United States. Whose does it belong to?"

"Beautiful, so beautiful!"

Listening to the cheers of the foreigners, Guan Haishan frowned slightly.

"Let me go, just a helicopter costs 30 million dollars?"

"That's more than 200 million Shenzhou coins!"

"Isn't it that exaggerated?"

Lu Fei chuckled.

"More exaggerated than you think."

"Thirty million dollars is the ex-factory price of the aircraft."

"The modification and decoration of this helicopter alone cost 20 million dollars."

"In total, it's over 50 million dollars!"


"Oh my god!"

"So expensive?"

"How much does civil aviation cost?"


"Baolanfei, how do you know so clearly?"

"You didn't go up there. How did you know it had been modified?"

"Because this is my plane."


"Mr. Hayes, my plane is requesting to land in the courtyard. I want to change clothes, is that okay?" Lu Fei asked.

"That's no problem, Mr. Lu, please excuse me."

With Hayes' permission, Lu Fei sent instructions to Lang Lijing and chose a flat lawn by the lake to land.

Lu Fei called everyone over. Except for Kong Panqing and the Feng brothers, who were not surprised, the old guys all stood blankly on the spot.

"Let's go!"

"Baoshaifei, this, is this really yours?"


"If you don't believe me, just stay here!"

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