A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1253 You are wise

After learning that the boy who beat his son was Lu Fei, Yoshida Ohno's attitude changed drastically, and he was extremely polite with a smile on his face.

But Lu Fei didn't want to give him face at all.

"I'm sorry, but with someone like you who doesn't even know the most basic respect, we have nothing to talk about."

"However, if you want revenge, I can accompany you at any time."

"Mr. Lu, I explained it just now. There was a misunderstanding between us."

"We are all businessmen. Businessmen talk about interests. Please don't get stuck in trivial matters."

"If you know what I plan to talk to you about, you will definitely be interested." Yoshida Ohno said. ??

Lu Fei wanted to say something else, but Hayes stood up.

"Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen."

"If you have any personal grudges between you, please find another time to resolve them."

"It's half past two and our auction will begin immediately. Please be quiet."

Hayes spoke, which completely resolved the embarrassment between the two parties.

After all, the auction is the highlight of the day.

Today's auction is a little different, it will be held in an open-air courtyard.

Big screen, no.

Auction table, auction table, no.

VIP seats, drinks, tea and coffee are not available.

Don't talk about this, there are not even chairs, only standing votes.

Just give each person an A4-paper number plate with a film seal.

But even so, everyone is still enthusiastic.

Everyone consciously stood at the back. Hayes and his assistant stood at the door, holding a document in their hands, looking at it and saying loudly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon!"

"Entrusted by Ms. Gu Lina, I will preside over the packaging of her belongings for auction."

"All proceeds from the auction and personal deposits will be donated to the Kong Fanlong Archaeological Foundation of China as special archaeological funds."

"On behalf of Ms. Gulina, I welcome everyone."

"In the morning, everyone has entered one after another.

All one hundred and nineteen antiques and properties were appraised. "

"The next step is the auction."

"The auction will end in a moment, please don't leave."

"I want to hand over to Ms. Kong Panqing, the general director of the China Kong Fanlong Foundation, under the witness of everyone."

"Now, let's talk about the auction rules."

“We have also consulted professionals and had all the antiques appraised.”

"After research, we have set a starting price of 300 million U.S. dollars for Ms. Gu Lina's collection and real estate."

"In order to save everyone's time, each bid cannot be less than 10 million dollars."

"The final transaction price shall be based on the last bid price, without any commission."

"Now, the bidding begins."

Hayes announced the start, and people present rushed to raise their placards.

"Mr. No. 03 bids 300 million U.S. dollars."

"Mr. No. 90 bids 310 million."

"Ms. No. 77 bids 320 million."

Hundreds of people were vying for the auction. There was no professional auctioneer, just Hayes' two assistants. They were sweating profusely and their eyes were dazzled by the busy work.

The reported numbers were frequently wrong, but no one cared.

Two minutes later, the price was raised to $450 million, and people present were still enthusiastic.

Guan Haishan sighed in surprise.

"Damn it!"

"There are so many rich people now!"

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"With your ability, if you don't work as general counsel, you will definitely be a billionaire within ten years."

"The premise is that you can live for another ten years."


"Shut your stinky mouth

! "


After several rounds of bidding, the price reached 500 million.

At this point, the number of people holding placards has decreased by more than half, but there are still more than 20 people changing hands frequently.

Kong Panqing shook her head and said.

"Xiao Fei, I noticed a detail."

"The people bidding now are all Chinese collectors."

"And most of them are a few people jointly bidding on the shares."

"Foreigners, especially Christie's and Yoshida, have no intention of taking action yet."

"If this continues, the transaction price will definitely exceed 600 million."

"Xiao Fei, remember not to get angry, take it if you can, forget it if you can't."

“Great value for money, pointless.”

"Don't worry, Aunt Kong, I know what's going on." Lu Fei said.

The asking price reached 550 million, and only four or five people were left to compete.

Moreover, the rate of bidding has also slowed down. Obviously, it has reached the limit of what these people can bear.

At this moment, Anthony raised his number plate and shouted loudly.

"I'll pay 580 million!"

In the previous competition between the Chinese people, they were extremely cautious every time they asked for a price, because this price was already the ceiling of what they could afford.

Now Anthony directly increased the price by 30 million dollars, which completely overwhelmed several Chinese buyers who had combined stocks.

When the price was quoted, several groups of people shook their heads and put down their number plates helplessly.

Seeing that the Chinese people had ceased their activities, Anthony was a group of people.

His eyes were full of contempt.

But not even three seconds later, Nakata Yota raised the number plate.

"I'll pay 600 million."


The price of 600 million was quoted, which immediately caused a small commotion.

"Oh shit!"

"Our things were stolen by big noses and little devils

Competition, what a fucking disgrace! "Guan Haishan muttered in a low voice.

"I'm not willing to give in, but it's a pity that none of us have money!"

"Laoguan, how about you organize everyone to raise funds and win it as a partnership?" Zhang Yanhe said.


"Collection is collection, and it must be done according to one's ability."

"What's more, 600 million has already reached the ceiling."

"If we organize everyone to win together, there will be no complaints in the future."

"The auction is just a form, and the objects are just collections. Don't add emotional factors. This is a taboo."

"In recent years, as long as there are people from China participating in major auctions, there must be insiders."

"At critical moments, insiders will be sent to raise prices."

“Because what people value is the patriotism of Chinese people.”

"Are there not many wealthy Chinese people who have been cheated over the years because of this?"

"We must not be fooled!" Pan Xingshou said calmly.

"Mr. Pan, I understand everything you said, but I just can't accept it!" Zhang Yanhe said.

"What can I do if I don't give in?"

"Countless Chinese treasures have been lost overseas. Even if the Chinese collectors are drained, it is impossible to recover them all."

"This is a problem left over from history and cannot be undone by oneself."

"As long as we stick to our hearts, it's best if we can get it back. If we can't get it back, we have a clear conscience."

"That's enough." Pan Xingshou said.

Lu Fei gave a thumbs up and said with a smile.

"You old saint!"

"Baolan Fei, we don't have the ability, why don't you take action?" Zhang Yanhe said.


"I deserve to be tricked if I have the ability, right?"

"Besides, it's none of your business whether I do something or not?"

"You old man should just watch your lively calculations."

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