A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1266 Good intentions

The monitor showed Mo Xueqing's tied-up look, and Zhu Tianbao suddenly burst into laughter.


"how so?"

"Who did this?"

"I'm going to kill him!"

"Shut up!"

Lu Fei gave this guy a hard look.

"Brother Fei!"

"What are you arguing about?"

"Won't I bring you to rescue her?"

"Shut your mouth and listen to my arrangements. Don't worry, Mo Xueqing is absolutely safe."

After Lu Fei said this, Zhu Tianbao reluctantly calmed down.

Lu Fei looked at the picture on the monitor and asked in confusion.

"Sister, how did you do it?"

"This is so amazing!"

Lang Lijing said with a faint smile.

"This is very simple."

"Just now through satellite imaging, I discovered that this factory has monitoring equipment."

"Just connect their optical cables, crack the password and find the IP?"

"If you have enough time, there is no need to connect fiber optic cables."

"You can just crack the base station password and it will be done."

"I go!"

"So magical?"

"So, whoever's camera you want to see is fine?" Lu Fei asked in surprise.

"In theory, you could say."

"I'll be a good boy!"

"Well, Wang Mang, when you get back, remove all the cameras in my room."


"Why are you laughing? Let's get down to business."

"Mr. Lu, come and take a look at this place, it's incredible." Lang Lijing said.

Lu Fei asked, stunned.

"what's the situation?"

"look by youself."

Lang Lijing clicked a few times on the keyboard as she spoke, and the overall image of the room was displayed on the monitor.

After seeing the situation clearly above, everyone in Lu Fei took a breath of air at the same time.

In the picture, Mo Xueqing was quietly tied to a chair.

\u003e There are five people tied to the ground three meters away.

Lu Fei had seen two of the black bodyguards before.

There is also a thin Chinese man, Shao Yifeng who came with Mo Xueqing.

There were also two white foreigners who had their shirts taken off and tied up, it was Sean and David.

At this time, all five people were motionless, in the same state as Mo Xueqing, obviously unconscious.


"I'll go, what's going on?"

"You even tied yourself up for kidnapping. What kind of plane is this?" Wang Mang said in surprise.

Lang Lijing zoomed in on the screen and said.

"Mr. Lu, the ropes tied to these five people are quite strong. It cannot be an illusion."

"I guess someone was one step ahead of us, and it should be your friend who came to your rescue." Lang Lijing said.



Hearing these two words, a shadow of a person flashed in Lu Fei's mind.

Long Yun.

Gene couldn't be.

Wade is on Paradise Island, which is even more impossible.

Moreover, he and Wade were using their relationship.

If he helps, he must do it openly. At the very least, he must owe him a favor.

It is absolutely impossible to do such a good deed without leaving a name.

The only possibility is Long Yun.

Long Yun said that he would come to the United States, and he was still waiting for his good news!

However, due to the inconvenience of showing up due to the Wade family, this is definitely possible.

"Lang Lijing, can you turn the surveillance camera upside down to see who did it?" Lu Fei asked.

Lang Lijing shook her head and said.

"The other party has experts and has set up a very tight firewall."

"All we can see are images from seven minutes ago, but during this period, this is the image, and no suspicious persons appeared."

"Can this firewall be cracked?" Lu Fei asked


“This takes time and it takes luck.”

"I will try my best when I go back."

"Okay, try to crack it if possible."

"This is very important to me." Lu Fei said.

"Okay, I'll try my best."

"I just checked them one by one. There is no danger inside. You can rest assured to save people."

"Tianbao!" ??

"Here you are, Brother Fei!"


"Brother Fei, you, what are you doing?"

Zhu Tianbao came close to Lu Fei, and suddenly there was a flash of cold light. Zhu Tianbao felt a slight cold on his wrist, followed by a stinging pain.

Looking down, he saw that the back of his hand had been scratched by Lu Fei.

The wound was not deep, but blood flowed profusely, and now everyone was stunned.

"What are you calling for?"

"You won't die if you bleed a little. I'm creating a chance for you."

"Go in and carry Mo Xueqing out. Remember, you are carrying her out."

"Whether your boy can get Mo Xueqing, success or failure depends on this."

"Also, don't you hear that no one else is allowed to move?"

Lu Fei's words drew a blank stare from Lang Lijing and others.

Zhu Tianbao was stunned for a moment and nodded seriously.

"Let's go in, everyone."

Two cars drove into the electronics factory openly.

After getting out of the car, Lu Fei asked everyone to pay attention to the traces left by the helper.

Unfortunately, even after reaching the third floor, I couldn't find any clues.

Even the footprints have been carefully processed.

At first glance, they are a group of veteran drivers.

Entering the room, Zhu Tianbao stretched out his bloody hands to help Mo Xueqing untie the rope.

He felt his breath, and then gently picked up Mo Xueqing. Lu Fei was recording the whole process with his cell phone.

Lang Lijing said with great contempt.

"You have really good intentions!"

"I can't help it.

Human beings are born to work hard! " Lu Fei said.

"Mr. Lu, can I tell the truth?"


"You are the most shameless person I have ever seen."

"Haha, thank you for the compliment!"


Lang Lijing suddenly felt hopeless.

"Tianbao, you have nothing to do here. Hold Mo Xueqing in the car and wait."

"Yes, Brother Fei!"

"Wang Mang, take Shao Yifeng away and wait for me in the car."


Everyone left, leaving only Lu Fei and four dead ones in the room.

Lu Fei checked one by one and found that without exception, all four of them had been hit on the Fengfu point on the back of their necks, causing them to faint.

It's not easy to do this.

If the force is too light, it won't work, but if the force is too strong, it will kill you.

If you want to not hurt the opponent but also cause the opponent to become unconscious, the force must be just right.

If you are not an experienced master, you will definitely not be able to do it.

The two niggas ignored them. Lu Fei carried Sean and David to the chairs and untied the ropes.

Facing these two trash, Lu Fei had no scruples.

Even if two people attack at the same time, Lu Fei is sure to make them see God within five moves.

After untying them, Lu Fei administered acupuncture to the two of them.

A minute later, the two took a long breath, rubbed their eyes and woke up at the same time.

When the two of them saw clearly that Lu Fei was sitting in front of them, their sapphire eyes were full of fear.

Before Lu Fei could say anything, the two of them jumped up from their chairs at the same time, knelt down in front of Lu Fei and kowtowed with a loud sound.

"Lu, Mr. Lu, we don't dare anymore, not anymore."

"Please let us go!"

"Can we make cows or horses for you from now on?"

"Please don't kill us!"

"I swear to God I will never betray you, never!"


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