A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1272 See the mezzanine again

A vintage Louis Vuitton men's bag was unexpectedly found in the second safe, and Lu Fei couldn't help laughing.

Lao Lu is indeed a high-end product!

Any bag is so awesome.

This bag instantly beats all the limited editions on the market. This is a veritable antique bag.

It just so happened that I had plans to set up an auction house, and when it opened, this bag had to be put up for auction.

It will definitely shock the world.

The bag was opened, and inside was a sealed portfolio.

Inside the portfolio are more than a dozen pages of documents and a seal.

The seal is made of top-quality Shoushan stone and is Lu Qinzhai's personal seal. ??

After looking at these documents, Lu Fei took a breath of air.

Damn it!

Get rich!

Get rich!


This document turned out to be an equity document.

This is the 10% equity document of Coca-Cola purchased by Lu Qinzhai for 250,000 dollars in 1919.


Coca-Cola's current market value exceeds $200 billion.

This 10% share is a windfall!

Lu Fei's palms were sweating with excitement. He picked up the equity book and read it one by one.

This equity document is absolutely authentic and valid, and this seal is the certificate.

But it may not be easy for me to get this property.

After all, he has nothing to do with Lu Qinzhai.

However, if Wade is asked to handle this matter, there should be a possibility of success.

Forefathers planted trees for future generations to enjoy the shade.

The $250,000 back then is now worth more than $20 billion!

If you can get this kind of wealth, it will be awesome.

No, not if.

Such a large amount of property must be obtained.

After the excitement, he put the documents into his backpack and threw the antique Louis Vuitton bag into the trolley case.

Next are the two large brocade boxes below.

Lu Fei moved it and found that the box was very heavy, so he simply opened one of the boxes in the cabinet.


The moment the lid was lifted, Lu Fei's pupils shrank to the extreme.

"Great Water Method!"

"Sheep's head!"

"I'll be a good boy!"

The box turned out to be a sheep head from the Twelve Zodiac Great Water Method of Haiyan Hall in Yuanmingyuan.



These two brocade boxes have the same appearance and same size. What's inside?

In a nervous mood, Lu Fei did not carefully appreciate the Sheep's Head Water Technique, but instead reached for another identical brocade box.

The lid was lifted, just as Lu Fei guessed.

There is also an animal head inside.

It is the monkey head of the twelve zodiac signs of Dashu.

This old guy actually has two animal heads in his hands, which is simply unbelievable.

The largest antique dealer in China, Lao Lu really deserves his reputation!

Although the sheep and monkey heads are valuable.

But seeing these two beast heads, Lu Fei was only slightly shocked, not too happy.

Including the dragon head obtained by the Liu family on Baodao, he already has three animal heads.

Although this thing is good, I can't hold it. Sooner or later I have to contribute it.

Although he couldn't keep it as his own, Lu Fei still felt a sense of accomplishment after collecting three of them.

The two animal heads were taken out and put into the trolley case, and the safe was also emptied.

The surprise of the two safes was huge.

The total value added up can scare a person to death.

Especially that share of equity, Lu Fei couldn't let go for a long time.

After loading the things, Lu Fei closed the safe and prepared to leave.


The safe was closed, he pulled up the trolley case and was about to leave, but Lu Fei stood there with his back to the safe.

After thinking for ten seconds, he slowly turned around, stepped on the trolley case, and opened the safe above again.

drawer pull out

I came to look at it, then jumped down and opened the cabinet below.

Looking at the empty space, Lu Fei suddenly frowned.

Lu Fei jumped on the trolley box and came up to take a closer look. Lu Fei's eyes lit up.

I took out a box ruler from my bag and measured it in the empty cabinet above.

The inner hollow of this safe is one meter long, fifty-eight centimeters high, and sixty-eight centimeters deep.

Jump down again and measure the one below.

The inner hollow is one meter long, the same as the one above.

Fifty-eight centimeters tall, exactly the same.

But when it comes to measurement, there is a gap in depth.

The depth of this cabinet is sixty-five centimeters, a full three centimeters narrower than the one above.


Safes with the same specifications have different internal spaces.

This absolutely shouldn’t be the case!

Lu Fei measured it again and found that there was a gap of three centimeters.

Moreover, the thickness of the outer edges of the two safes is the same, and the problem lies in the innermost inner wall.

The inner wall of the lower cabinet is three centimeters thicker than the upper cabinet.

Take out the flashlight and shine it to watch carefully.

The two safes are made of the most advanced stainless steel at the time and are made of one-time pressing.

However, there are three tiny gaps on the three sides of the innermost wall of the safe below.

These have all been specially treated.

If you hadn't looked carefully, you wouldn't have noticed it.


There is a mezzanine!

This old guy is really a thief!

He actually did some tricks on the inside of someone else's safe.

When closing the safe, Lu Fei instinctively felt that something was wrong.

However, it just felt wrong.

After rechecking the comparison, I discovered that the two safes were of different sizes.

This is because I am so careful, and if it were anyone else, 99% of the time it would be impossible to discover it.

Get closer with the flashlight and be careful

Look, the gaps in the partitions inside are sealed with porcelain repair glue.

Then it was polished and polished, almost blending in with the two sides.

If you are an ordinary person, you may not be able to find any doubts even if you stare at it.

But it was facing an extraordinary Lu Fei, and it had no way to hide.

He stretched out his fingers and tapped on the inner wall of the partition.

The inner wall is very elastic, but the sound is muffled, and a sound about thirty centimeters in the middle is hollow.

At this point, Lu Fei is 100% sure that there is a mezzanine inside.


The items and equity in the safe are extremely valuable, but only on the surface.

What kind of heaven-defying treasure could it be that Old Lu had tried so hard to hide inside?

Thinking of this, Lu Fei was filled with excitement.

When he knocked just now, Lu Fei judged that the thickness of the partition inside was about three millimeters.

With such a thickness, your own demon dragon can easily cut it.

But there were some players who played it just now, so the object inside is probably made of wood.

If you use the demon dragon to destroy it, if you don't control the strength well, it can easily cause devastating damage to the things inside.

The best way is to remove the entire partition intact.

Regardless of the fact that the gaps were glued together by repair glue, this was not a problem at all for Lu Fei.

Putting the bag on the ground, he took out a few small porcelain bottles and prepared half a bottle of potion.

Use a brush dipped in the potion to apply on the gaps in the inner wall.

Apply all the gaps, and Lu Fei uses a flashlight to observe carefully.

After a minute, the potion gradually dried, and the appearance of the repair glue in the gap also turned light yellow.

Lu Fei smiled and applied it again.

Apply evenly and wait for it to dry naturally.

Repeat this five times until the repair glue in the gap between the partitions turns dark brown.

After the seventh application of the potion dried, the gap had turned dark brown.

He put his fist in and tapped lightly on the edge of the gap, and the repair glue in the gap suddenly cracked.

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