A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1277 Air Show

"Brother, you are awesome!"

"When someone hires you, you threaten them in return."

"You are so awesome."

"People like you are rare in history!"

“By the way, is old Holden a bitch?”

"Why is Mao Shang so eager to ask you to be a committee member?"

"Are the current committee members so worthless?" asked the little dog.


"You're half right!"

"To an individual, this committee member is really worthless."

"But at a large level, this is quite important."

“In the more than half a century since UNESCO was founded, all those in power have been people from developed Western countries.”

"So far, no Asian has been in charge."

"I am a member of this committee, which will definitely bring face to China."


"As you said, shouldn't we be scrambling to squeeze in?"

"Why do Holden and the others insist on asking you to be this committee member?"

"Isn't this a shame?" Wang Xinlei asked.


“There is no such thing as a free dinner.”

"The reason why they chose me is to ride on my popularity."

"Others wanted to squeeze in, but the conditions simply didn't meet their requirements." Lu Fei said.

"Take advantage of the heat?"

"Why do they want to rub off on you?"

"Brother Fei, even if you are popular, it is only in China."

"What benefits can you bring to them?" Wang Xinlei asked.

"Of course."





“Doesn’t UNESCO charge membership fees?”

"Are they still short of money?" said the little dog.

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"That little membership fee is just a drop in the bucket.

salary. "

“Regardless of the organization, more of the financial resources come from fundraising.”

"They have many foundations under their umbrella, which is an important source of funds."

"In the past, the donations they received mainly came from bigwigs and companies from all walks of life in the United States."

"The United States withdrew from the group for the second time the year before last, and those big guys stopped raising funds, which temporarily caused a financial shortage."

"Even several expedition projects were forced to give up."

"In the past two years, they have been struggling to survive, and they have all been supported by the second largest fundraiser."

"The second largest fundraiser is China?" asked the little dog.

"You're smart."

"It is precisely because of this that Asia will be chosen for this conference."

"Otherwise, it's simply not possible."

"China's donation gives them a sense of dependence."

"They believe that having a Chinese person sit on the organizing committee will give the Chinese people a sense of security and honor, thereby increasing the amount of donations."

"This is not the first time Holden has told me about dragging me into the group," Lu Fei said.

"But there are so many people in China, why do they have to drag you into the group?" Wang Xinlei asked.

The little puppy rolled his eyes and said contemptuously.

"You're talking nonsense!"

“Influence is incompetent.”

"Those who are capable have nothing to do with UNESCO."

"Looking at the state, only those Guan Lao are qualified and have public offices."

"My brother is very red and purple right now. Who else will I pull if I don't pull him?"

"If it were you, the first choice would definitely be my brother."

Lu Fei chuckled.

"This time your analysis is absolutely correct. This is the reason why they brought me into the group."

"Pull me in and give me an insignificant and nominal committee member to pretend to be, and they won't suffer at all."


groove! "

"These foreigners are really smart!"

"Isn't this trying to get money in the name of Brother Fei?" Wang Xinlei said.

"Money hunting?"


"I'm afraid they may have miscalculated." Lu Fei said with a smile.


"They miscalculated a little."

"I have my own foundation."

"Even if the big guys in China donate money to save my face, they can only donate it to my foundation, which has nothing to do with them."




"Didn't Holden and the others suffer a big loss this time?" Wang Xinlei laughed.

"Whether they lose or not is their business, it has nothing to do with us."

"Bringing this conference to China will indeed promote the cultural development of China."

"It would be even better if we could get a World Cultural Heritage List."

"The term of committee members is four years. Even if they regret it, there is nothing I can do in these four years."

"In the past four years, I have gained both fame and fortune, and I have been able to bring benefits to China. No matter how you say it, I have made a lot of money."

Half an hour later, a group of three cars arrived at Chicago Beihang Airport.

This airport has a history of a full hundred years.

Chicago's new airport opened just after Christmas last year.

This century-old airport has finally ended its mission.

In honor of the airport, this year's air show left Houston and settled here for the first time.

This is already the third day of the air show, but there are still many luxury cars.

There were even two dozen private helicopters parked outside the air show.

I have to say that there are indeed too many rich people in the United States.

A big boss like Li Yunhe with a net worth of tens of billions of Shenzhou coins is already second to none in Bianliang.

But in the United States, it’s not enough.

Not allowed

If you don’t admit it, this is the gap.

After checking in for security check, enter the abandoned terminal building, which is the exhibition hall.

Entering the showroom is the floor plan.

Nineteen areas are divided above.

The world's top airliner manufacturers gather here.

In the exhibition hall, you can learn detailed information about the latest aircraft and 1:1 restored model prototypes for everyone to choose from.

All real airplanes are parked on the runway at the back. If you are interested in buying, you can get on the airplane to visit at any time.

At the exhibition, there are models ranging from several million dollars to hundreds of millions of dollars.

There is another characteristic here. The cheaper the model, the less interested it is.

The vast majority of people are looking at mid- to high-end models.

Models priced between 10 million and 20 million are the most popular.

Lu Fei also discovered an interesting situation. At the air show here, there were actually one-third Chinese people.

In recent years, China's economy has taken off and there are so many billionaires.

With higher incomes, the requirements for quality of life are getting higher and higher.

To put it more directly, there is too much spare money in the pocket, and it starts to swell.

Seeing these people, Lu Fei couldn't help but sigh.

So why not myself?

Everyone came to the Gulfstream company's exhibition hall.

After looking at the quotation, the little nanny swore.

The Gulfstream G500 that their family bought for nearly $50 million two years ago is now $8 million cheaper for the same model.

Don't blame the little naughty dog ​​for being angry. He lost 8 million in two years, and the average annual depreciation expense is 4 million.

It has to be said that the Di family is rich and powerful. If ordinary people couldn't imagine it, they would be angry and vomiting blood.

"Let's go, dear brother!"

"What's the rush? I'll take a look."

"Look somewhere else, I'm having trouble here."

The little puppy said, pulling Lu Fei away.

As he turned around, he bumped into someone.

The little puppy staggered and almost fell down.

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