A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1298 Think Tank

Before Long Yun left, his boss told him.

"Long Yun, when you go to Jincheng this time, the first thing you need to do is determine whether the one in Lu Fei's hand is the Seven-Star Sword."

"One more thing, I'm worried that the other two companies are not good for Lu Fei. You have to secretly protect Lu Fei's safety."

"Lu Fei is very important to us, nothing can happen to him."

"If there is any trouble that cannot be solved, please inform me as soon as possible and I will arrange for someone to pick you up." The boss said.

"I know boss."

"One more thing, what if the increase offered by the other two companies is too high, and Lu Fei can't resist the temptation and sells the knife to them?"

"Of course, this possibility is unlikely, but just in case!" Long Yun said.

The boss nodded.

"You're right to be worried."

"You should pay close attention to Lu Fei during this period. If there is any sign of this, please notify me immediately and I will take care of it myself."

"Ok, I see."

At five o'clock in the morning, the 747-8IP luxury aircraft landed smoothly at Jincheng Airport.

Today's Jincheng is overcast with clouds and drizzle, and the air is quite muggy.

After leaving the terminal, Chen Xiang, Xu Maochen and others drove five cars and had been waiting for a long time.

After not seeing each other for many days, Lu Fei couldn't wait to rush up and take his lover into his arms.

But there were so many people around that in the end I didn’t have the nerve to take action.

After getting in the car, we found a clean noodle shop to have breakfast, and then the convoy drove directly back to the food factory's courtyard.

When they got home, Lu Fei settled down Ji Hongxuan and Zhao Jianyun's family and handed them over to Zheng Wenjuan and Sister Xue to entertain them.

Xu Erye and Wan Xiaofeng reported to Lu Fei the progress of the basement project.

The basement and the main body of the museum have been constructed, and all that remains is the installation of supporting facilities and decoration, as well as the surrounding greening.

This also takes time.

It is estimated that it will take more than two months at the earliest.

Lu Fei was not in a hurry about this.

It doesn't matter if it takes longer, but the project must be done carefully.

In addition to engineering, there is also a small episode.

In the past six months, cousin Lu Yong's logistics city has been booming.

Due to their good reputation, Jincheng's routes to North China and the five southwestern provinces are almost monopolized by them.

This makes colleagues very angry.

A few days ago, the boss of Xicheng District Logistics City got more than 20 people to come over to find trouble.

There was a disagreement between the two parties and they started fighting on the spot. Mr. Xu called the police and ordered more than 100 workers at the construction site to go to the construction site to provide support.

There is a huge disparity in strength between the two sides, and the result is self-evident.

Not only were those people beaten to death, but the Xicheng District boss was also arrested for provoking trouble.

After this battle, it is estimated that no one will dare to come and give Lu Yong a hard time.

After everyone chatted for more than ten minutes, Mr. Xu took everyone away wisely.

Lu Fei and Chen Xiang were the only ones left in the living room, and Lu Fei couldn't wait to hug Chen Xiang.

But Chen Xiang gave him a sharp look.

"Lu Fei, it's broad daylight, do you want some more?"

"Why are you so shameless?"

"A little farewell is better than a wedding, don't you miss me?"


"You are just a hooligan, shameless." Chen Xiang rolled his eyes and said.

"I go!"

"Xianger, you are getting stronger and stronger now."

"Tell me honestly, do you have a think tank behind you to give you bad ideas to deal with me?"

"Tell me, who is so annoying?"

"You were not like this before." Lu Fei said calmly.


When Lu Fei said this, Chen Xiang's face suddenly turned red.

He took two steps back, grabbed his clothes and lowered his head, feeling extremely guilty.


I really guessed it right.

Lu Fei could even guess that Yao Meier was definitely the one who attacked Chen Xiang.

That girl has a criminal record before.

Tingting and Fang Junfeng were having an affair, and Yao Meier was trying to trick Tingting from behind.

Tingting, a pure and innocent girl, was suddenly trained into a shrew by Yao Meier.

Now Fang Junfeng felt aggrieved when he saw him, and almost cried several times.

It doesn't matter how she trains Tingting, she will lead Chen Xiang to bad things.

"Tell me the truth, was it Yao Meier who tricked you?" Lu Fei said with a dark face.

Chen Xiang shook his head repeatedly. .??.

"No, no one helped me. It was you who went too far."

"You are just shameless."


"Xianger, you can lie to others now!"

"Is this okay?"

"No, I have to go find Yao Meier."

"I have to clean up that damn girl's movie today."

Lu Fei stood up and walked out. Chen Xiang quickly came over to pull Lu Fei.

But Lu Fei was just a false move.

Chen Xiang came over and Lu Fei pulled her into his arms.


"Lu Fei, you are going to die!"

"Let me go!"

"Tell me the truth, do you often ask Yao Meier for advice?"

"I'm telling you, that girl is very bad. You must not imitate her."

"Otherwise, I will really deal with her." Lu Fei said.

"don't want!"

"It's none of Yaomei'er's business."

"By the way, speaking of Yaomei'er, I have something to tell you."

"Xia Kai's parents have been here three times to discuss the marriage between Yao Meier and Xia Kai." Chen Xiang said.

Lu Fei slapped his forehead and cursed "Damn it."

I was so busy taking care of myself that I completely forgot about this serious matter.

Last year, I had agreed with Lao Xia to let Yao Meier and Xia Kai get married this year.

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