A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1300 The biggest enemy

As soon as he entered the door, Yang Wanbo made accusations with a stern face. Of course, Lu Fei would not give him a good look.

In fact, there is a reason why Yang Wanbo is unhappy.

Bashu has such an outstanding person as Lu Fei, and everyone feels that it is a good thing.

But since Lu Fei debuted, apart from being close to Qu Yang and Cui Hongwei of the Jincheng police force, he had no interest in the leaders of the provincial government at all.

Not to mention treating guests to dinner, I didn't even make a phone call.

This made the leaders very unhappy with Lu Fei, who often said that Lu Fei didn't know how to behave.

Today John and Morey asked Liu Hongxu to help ask Lu Fei for a knife.

Liu Hongxu specially sent Yang Wanbo to follow him.

Yang Wanbo originally planned to meet Lu Fei to brush up his presence and let Lu Fei know that you are just a businessman.

Your development requires the support of your leaders, so don’t take your leaders seriously.

But he didn't expect that Lu Fei didn't come out to greet him when he arrived, and Yang Wanbo was filled with resentment.

When they came to the living room, Lu Fei not only didn't prepare tea, he didn't even give up his seat, which made Yang Wanbo even more angry.

No matter how good you, Lu Fei, are, you are still just a businessman, a rich man at best.

I am a civil servant of the country, the secretary of a provincial leader!

I'm a bachelor who doesn't want to fight for power. How can you show off in front of me?

Yang Wanbo deliberately taught Lu Fei a few words to make Lu Fei understand the situation.

But I didn't expect Lu Fei to be more arrogant than me, and he was almost scolded in the street.

This immediately confused Yang Wanbo.

"Lu Fei, please pay attention to your attitude."

"Mr. John is the British ambassador and he represents the British government."

"Don't insult the dignity of China because of your rudeness." Yang Wanbo said.

Lu Fei snorted coldly, not even bothering to look at Yang Wanli.

He raised his head and looked at John and Murray, and said in English.

"You two, please stop pretending to be dead."

"If you have something to say, please tell me quickly. I'm very tired after flying all night. I'm going to rest now."

Yang Wanbo as

A secretary in the provincial government can of course speak English.

Hearing Lu Fei say that the foreigner was pretending to be dead, Yang Wanbo got goosebumps all over his body.

I thought this Lu Fei was going too far.

With such blatant talk, Mr. John would be in trouble if he was blamed.

Yang Wanbo was just about to teach Lu Fei a lesson when he was stopped by John.

John said with a slight smile.

"I've long heard that Mr. Lu is different, and today I can see that he truly deserves his reputation!"


"Thank you for your compliment. Please elaborate on the key points." Lu Fei said.

"Mr. Lu Fei, you bought a gold knife in Kuala Lumpur yesterday."

"That's Mr. Murray's family heirloom."

"I hope you will be a grown man and sell the knife to Mr. Murray."

"As far as I know, you bought this knife for half a million Malaysian dollars."

"Mr. Murray would like to give you a million."

"And promise that the great Thomas family will owe you a favor."

"You may not know much about the Thomas family."

"I can tell you clearly that the Thomas family's favor is far more than a million dollars can compare with," John said.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"I'm not short of money!"

"I don't care about favors!"

"You said the knife I bought is an heirloom of their family, how can you prove it?"

"If you can prove it, I won't give you a cent back."

"If you can't prove it, then don't waste your time with me."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Murray, who had never spoken, spoke.

"Mr. Lu, can I sit down?"

"Of course, Mr. Murray."

"Xiaolong, give it to Murray

Make tea, sir! "

"Make the best jasmine tea in our family!"


The little puppy almost laughed when he heard it.

The little naughty dog ​​heart said, my brother is really bad.

The best jasmine tea, indeed.

It was during the Chinese New Year, and Yao Meier bought scented tea for smoking chicken, which cost fifty yuan a pound.

Although it is not expensive, it is indeed the best scented tea at home.

Because there is only this kind of scented tea.

Even though it only costs 50 yuan per catty, it is not worth it to give them milk dogs.

Following Lu Fei's instructions, he made Murray a drink alone.

As for others, there is not even mineral water.

If you want to do something, you will die if you don't.

This is what I get for pretending to be cool with my brother.

Murray sat down and thanked him.

"Mr. Lu Fei, that knife is indeed an heirloom of our family."

"In the second year of the Republic of China, my ancestors found the knife in China and asked Count Sirhan's Sea King to transport it to London."

"The next two months, contact with the Sea King was lost."

"According to our investigation, the Sea King probably ran aground and sank in the South China Sea."

"I have found out clearly that your knife was caught from the South China Sea by a fisherman named Ahmed."

"This is basically consistent with the loss of contact with the Neptune in the South China Sea."

"Also, we have seen the promotional advertisement of Hongxuan Auction House. I am very sure that the knife is our family's heirloom."

"I hope Mr. Lu will make it happen."


After Murray finished speaking, Lu Fei felt like a thunder exploded and buzzed in his mind.

Lu Fei had investigated Count Sirhan in his previous life.

Once, Lu Fei was surprised to find that Sir Han was very respectful to an old foreign man dressed as a servant.

After several follow-up investigations, Lu

Fei was shocked to discover that although Sirhan was a count, he was just a puppet.

There is a mysterious power behind him.

And that old man is the representative of that mysterious power.

On the Neptune, the old man always carried the gold box containing the Seven-Star National Treasure Sword with him.

It was obvious that the old man was either the ancestor of their family as Murray said, or a close associate of the Murray family.

In other words, it is very likely that the Thomas family where Murray belongs is the mysterious force behind Hillhan.

In this case, the owner of that ship's treasure must be the Thomas family.

Damn it!

In other words, the Thomas family is the biggest enemy of himself and the twelve brothers.

After thinking about this clearly, Lu Fei gritted his teeth and swore in his heart that sooner or later, he would have to pay with blood.

Lu Fei was full of hatred in his heart, but he pretended to be calm on the outside.

"Mr. Murray, with all due respect, these are just stories, not evidence."

"Please provide direct evidence."

"Such as certified physical evidence, or direct evidence such as video."

"Otherwise, all I can say is regret."


After hearing this, Murray vomited blood.

"Mr. Lu, are you kidding?"

"The Sea King has been missing for a hundred years. Where do you want me to find evidence?"


"That's your business. Without direct evidence, how can I believe that this is your family's heirloom?"

"If you want me to sell you the knife based on your one-sided words, you would be too fanciful!" Lu Fei said.

Murray frowned slightly and said.

"Mr. Lu, I don't have any evidence."

"But I swear on the honor of our Thomas family and on God."

"That knife is our family's heirloom."

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