A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1305 Testing

Lu Fei repeatedly promised the stall owner, but the stall owner was very afraid and insisted on returning the money.

Lu Fei could tell that the boss was not pretending, but was really scared.

This shows how arrogant this gang of gangsters is.


Now that he has been offended, the good days of these grandchildren will come to an end.

Lu Fei took out his cell phone, found Qu Yang's number and dialed it.

Qu Yang suddenly got goosebumps when he saw it was Lu Fei's number.

This troublemaker really frightened Qu Yang.

But since the call was connected, it would be impossible not to answer, so Qu Yang had no choice but to press the answer button.

"Little ancestor, who provoked you again?" Qu Yang asked nervously.


"Boss Qu, you have a wonderful plan!"

"How did you know I was being bullied?"


Look, look.

As expected, I guessed it right.

This troublemaker!

Can't you just stop for a few days?

Qu Yang was extremely worried and said while wiping his cold sweat.

"What, what's going on?"

"I'm at the East Third Ring Road Farmer's Market."

"There is a group of bullies here who are extorting money from me. They are extremely vile. What do you think we should do?" Lu Fei said.

"Are you sure you didn't cause this problem on your own initiative?" Qu Yang asked.

"Fuck, am I such a nasty person?"

"Hurry up and bring someone here. Let me tell you, I have foreign guests here!"

"They are looking for someone to come back to take revenge on me. If you arrive too late, you will regret it if it leads to bad consequences." Lu Fei said.

"I go!"

"Just wait, I'll take someone over right away."

Lu Fei said to the stall owner after hanging up the phone.

"The person on the phone just now was the leader of the Jincheng Police Force, Qu Yang."

"He will bring someone over right away, don't worry now!"


"What else?"


I've been explaining it to you for so long, why don't you believe me? "

"I'm telling you, I paid the money and the deal is done."

"If you don't deliver the goods, I'll go to the management office and sue you immediately, and you won't be able to do business anymore." Lu Fei said with a stern face.

This scare made the stall owner cry.

On one side is the bully he can't afford to offend.

Here is the young boss who is unwilling to give up.

You can't afford to offend yourself inside or outside, so what can you do?

Damn it!

Today’s ideas are too memorized.

If I had known this, I shouldn't have left the stall today!

After much thought, the stall owner had no choice but to put the chicks on a tricycle and follow Lu Fei out of the market.

As soon as they arrived at the gate, Dong Ge gathered more than 20 fierce men with sticks and stood ready.

Seeing this formation, the stall owner almost peed his pants and quickly stepped aside.

Brother Dong pointed at Feng Zhe with a baseball bat and shouted loudly.


"Aren't you good at fighting?"

"There are so many of us, can you win?"

"Oh shit!"

"How dare you kick me, brothers, I'll break all his legs!"

This kind of formation can only scare the stall owner. Feng Zhe and Zhu Tianbao not only are not afraid, but actually rub their hands in excitement.

The two of them smiled and were about to rush forward, but were held back by Lu Fei.

"Brother Fei!"

"Don't make trouble!"

"There are more than 20 people and there are guys there. You will suffer a loss if you go up there."

When Lu Fei said this, not only Zhu Tianbao and Feng Zhe, but also the two young men were confused.

What kind of plane is Fei Ge doing?

There are just twenty gangsters, how could we suffer a loss?

Not to mention holding a stick, this kind of garbage can be hit even with a machete!

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"It's not appropriate for you to go to such an occasion."

"We have professional experts here."


"Brother Long Yun, didn't you say you wanted to protect me?"

"I suspect these people are probably sent by Murray, so I'll leave them to you!"


Long Yun rolled his eyes angrily.

"You are so shameless!"


"Brother Long doesn't want to take care of it?"

"I don't care!"

Long Yun glared at Lu Fei, gritted his teeth and shouted "Go".

The four bodyguards in black who were guarding the car rushed towards the gangsters with their bare hands.

More than twenty people were fighting against four unarmed men in black. The gangsters didn't care at all and rushed up!

However, they regretted it the next second.

When the sticks fell, the gangsters thought they would definitely succeed, but in the end they all failed, and they couldn't even touch the clothes of the man in black.

Even if he can't hit the man in black, the gangster who strikes in the next second will definitely be knocked down by the man in black.

Moreover, all gangsters who fall down are 100% unconscious and completely lose their fighting ability.

Lu Fei's decision to let Long Yun's men take action was not a trick, but a deliberate move.

In the past few days, Lu Fei had made a bold guess.

Lu Fei suspected that Long Yun and the man in black who attacked in front of his house on a rainy night were of the same group.

In other words, Lu Fei guessed that Long Yun might be his mother's man.

This is not a random idea.

After several contacts, Long Yun didn't have any hostility towards him.

During his trip to the United States, Long Yun reminded himself many times to be wary of the Robert family.

There is another reason. Long Yun is from China.

And the man in black who attacked him that night was also from China.

The most important thing is that Xiao Jin'er, the eldest lady Long Yun calls, looks exactly like his little sister Lu Yao.


Moreover, Long Yun’s boss is also named Xiao.

The slightest resemblance is a coincidence.

It's a bit surprising that they have so much in common.

Lu Fei was certain that the person who installed the camera in front of the door to monitor him must be his mother Xiao Mengyun.

Because the pattern of the man in black is so special.

The reason why Long Yun's people took action was to see if his bodyguards had the man in black who attacked him on a rainy night.

Even though he didn't see the other person's appearance, Lu Fei clearly remembered the other person's kung fu characteristics.

Whenever he sees that person doing something again, Lu Fei will definitely recognize him.

Of course there is a shortcut, that is to see if Long Yun has that tattoo on his chest.

As long as there is, it's 100% certain.

But there was no excuse. It was obviously unrealistic to ask Long Yun to take off his shirt and show it to him.

So now we can only observe Long Yun's men.

To Lu Fei's disappointment, among the four people, there was no man in black who attacked him that night.

Long Yun, the four bodyguards, jumped into the flock as soon as they took action, and violently tortured these gangsters with an overwhelming advantage.

In less than twenty seconds, nine people fell to the ground unconscious.

Now Brother Dong finally understood that today he was kicked on the steel plate.

Two more gangsters fell to the ground. Brother Dong was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

As soon as the boss ran away, the trees fell down and the hozens scattered, and the remaining gangsters screamed and ran for their lives.

Seeing this, Wade's bodyguard also rushed forward, and Lu Fei ordered Feng Zhe to come over and help.

After a while, the twenty or so gangsters were wiped out.

The only one who was awake was Brother Dong who was under control.

At this time, the sirens were blaring outside.

In the blink of an eye, eight police cars drove into the compound.

Qu Yang came down and frowned when he saw the situation.

"Leader Qu Da, why did you come just now?"

"I was almost beaten to death by them."

"You are too unreliable!"


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