A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1311 Donation Ceremony

Two days later, at nine o'clock in the morning, colorful flags and ribbons were flying in the wind in front of the headquarters of Kong Fanlong Archaeological Foundation in Tiandu City.

Luxury cars gathered in the parking lot, and glamorous and successful people entered the headquarters one after another.

Hundreds of reporters from home and abroad gathered in the auditorium on the ninth floor of the foundation.

The auditorium facing the front desk was filled with famous figures.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the founder of the foundation Lu Fei, the director general Kong Panqing, the financial director Kong Jiaqi, the leader of Kauai Island in Hawaii James Porter, and Porter's assistant came to the stage.

The audience burst into warm applause.

The on-site emcee said loudly with a professional smile and a microphone in hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the press, good morning."

“Everyone is welcome to attend today’s donation ceremony.”

"Public welfare works in the contemporary era and will benefit the future."

“Moreover, public welfare does not respect national boundaries.”

"Last week, an elderly man named Gu Lina from Hawaii in the United States unfortunately passed away due to illness."

"Ms. Gu Lina made a will before her death, donating all her personal estate worth a total of 1.43 billion U.S. dollars to the China Kong Fanlong Archaeological Foundation for a special archaeological fund."

"Ladies and gentlemen, please applaud the kind-hearted old man Gu Lina."

As soon as the host finished speaking, the audience burst into thunderous applause.

The applause died down and the host continued.

"Mr. Gu Lina's righteous deed has moved the world, and even more moved China."

"With her drive, within a week, our foundation received another donation from well-known companies and individuals around the world, totaling $311.2 million."

"Among them, Mayfair Pharmaceutical Group of the United States donated 100 million U.S. dollars."

"Hong Kong Island Boya Company donated 100 million U.S. dollars."

"Shenzhou Sitong Trading Company donated 30 million Shenzhou coins."

"China Yixing Pharmaceutical Company donated 30 million yuan"

The donation from Mayfair Pharmaceuticals was not from Jean, but the total donation of 100 million dollars donated by Canby and his son in Mayfair's name.

Boya Energy

It is a donation made on behalf of the Xiao family.

The host took five minutes to list the long list of donations.

After all the scattered donations have been reported, it’s finally time for Gu Lina’s donation ceremony.

The money has already entered the foundation account.

Originally, Hayes Law Firm had to be paid a commission fee of 24 million.

That money was also saved thanks to Hayes' arrest.

The donation ceremony was simple. The staff handed a super-large fake check made of foam board to Porter, the representative of Gulina's side.

Porter handed his hands to Kong Panqing, reporters took photos, and both parties shook hands, which was considered complete.

After taking pictures, the two parties sat down again and the host continued.

"The amount donated by Gu Lina is huge."

"In view of the old man's will, our foundation has set up a special fund for this fund."

"This total of 1.43 billion U.S. dollars will be used for infrastructure procurement and maintenance of China's archaeological undertakings."

"All donations will be used in batches over twenty years."

"All expenditures are open and transparent, and people from all walks of life and journalists are welcome to jointly supervise."

The audience burst into applause again.

At this point, today's donation ceremony is basically completed.

Just as the host was about to announce the successful conclusion, a fashionable female reporter in the front row stood up.

"Host, I have a question for Mr. Lu Fei."

There was no question-and-answer session today. The female reporter suddenly asked a question. The host was slightly startled, but quickly returned to normal.

The host didn't dare to make the decision and could only look at Lu Fei.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"Of course, no problem, you can ask whatever you want."

The reporter nodded and smiled.

"Thank you Mr. Lu."

"I am Zhou Yao, a reporter from Hong Kong Island Global Media. I would like to ask Mr. Lu a question."

"As far as I know, the reason why Ms. Gu Lina donated all her inheritance to your foundation is because Ms. Gu Lina has Chinese ancestry."

"Ms. Gu Lina's father is a Chinese American, a famous entrepreneur, collector and philanthropist Mr. Lu Qinzhai."

"Ms. Gu Lina mentioned in her will that she hopes to donate this huge sum of money in the name of her father, Mr. Lu Qinzhai."

"But from beginning to end, I never heard Mr. Lu Qinzhai's name."

"Excuse me, Mr. Lu, what is going on?"

"Can you explain it?" Zhou Yao said.

At Gu Lina's house at that time, there were indeed many Chinese people witnessing the incident.

But it is only limited to the collection circle.

So not many people know about this.

When Zhou Yao said this, the reporters and the audience were surprised at the same time.

Not only was Lu Fei surprised that he concealed Lu Qinzhai's name, but he was even more surprised that Gu Lina turned out to be Lu Qinzhai's daughter.

People who didn't know what was going on looked at Lu Fei, waiting for Lu Fei's explanation.

Those who know Lu Qinzhai will immediately understand Lu Fei's purpose of not mentioning Lu Qinzhai.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Ms. Zhou, you are quite well informed!"

"You're right, there is indeed such a thing."

"However, what Ms. Gulina said in her will was a wish, not a necessity."

"As for why Lu Qinzhai was not mentioned, I have already talked with Ms. Gulina's representative, Mr. Porter, and obtained Mr. Porter's consent."

"So, I have nothing to explain."

"Mr. Lu, the laws of many developed countries in the West respect the last wishes of the deceased."

"There is even a saying in China that someone's death is a big deal."

"Ms. Gu Lina is just such a little girl.

It’s a small wish, why don’t you agree? "Zhou Yao asked.

"This is very simple."

“Some wishes can be respected, and some wishes cannot be implemented.”

"I still hope to develop Mars. Is this realistic?" Lu Fei said.

"Ha ha"

Lu Fei's humor caused a burst of laughter.

"Mr. Lu, I want to know if you don't agree to name the name after Mr. Lu Qinzhai because he has done a few things that are not honorable."

"Mr. Lu, no one can make mistakes without being a sage, can't you be more generous?" Zhou Yao asked.

"Ms. Zhou, I don't want to argue with you about this issue."

"I suggest you look up Lu Qinzhai's life when you have time. That will be more convincing than my explanation." Lu Fei said.

Zhou Yao nodded.

"Thank you Mr. Lu for your suggestion, I will find out more."

"I have one more question."

"I heard that you defrauded Mr. Yoshida Ohno of the Yoshida family of the island country of one billion and twenty million dollars."

"How do you explain this?"


When Zhou Yao said these words, the originally quiet venue suddenly became excited.


"Lu Fei defrauded Yoshida Ohno of one billion or twenty million dollars?"

"is it possible?"

"I'll go, one billion or twenty million!"

"Lu Fei is so horny!"

"By the way, how did he do it?"

Everyone was talking about it, but Lu Fei didn't care.

"Ms. Zhou, you are really good at joking."

"You reporters should know better than me how powerful the Yoshida family is."

"If I really defrauded Mr. Yoshida of so much money, would I still be able to sit here safely?"

"If what you said is true, is it possible that Yoshida Ohno will not pursue the case?"

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