A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1320 Amazing skills

All items were checked and confirmed to be correct. Under everyone's confused eyes, Lu Fei was ready to take action.

The black cloth was torn into two pieces.

A small section of it was laid flat on the table, he picked up the blue and white plate that had been used in the cafeteria for many years, shook it and said.

"Yoshida, watch out, the prop for this game is this porcelain plate."

After saying that, put the plate on the black cloth.

Pick up the four corners of the black cloth to form a cloth pocket, and put the porcelain plate in the middle. .??.??

Then, Lu Fei hit the floor hard with his cloth bag!


After a crisp sound, the old guys in China collectively began to curl their lips.

Everyone complained about Lu Fei.

This pretender who kills a thousand swords, can't you be more f*cking gentle?

With such a strong force, the plate will be turned into crumbs, so what's the point of repairing it?

Damn it!

This thing really doesn’t make people worry!

Lu Fei completely ignored everyone's complaining expressions.

He took the cloth bag and put it on the table again, and asked the two young men to cover it with the other half of the large black cloth.

Lu Fei took out his hand, took out a blue and white porcelain bottle from his bag, and poured half a bowl of white powder into the bowl.

Then rinse with boiling water and mix well and set aside to wait.

Find a basin, wash your hands, and start another task.

Make dough!

Crack in six eggs and add baking powder and baking powder randomly.

Three bowls of flour.

Half a bag of sugar.

Add the cream and half a bucket of fresh milk.

Then the dough was too thin, which was a bit embarrassing!

It doesn't matter, if you have more milk, add more flour.

After struggling for a while, the noodles were too hard again, so Lu Fei shook his head again.

This communication operation lasted for twenty minutes, and everyone was even more confused.

The master pastry chef couldn't stand it anymore and asked tentatively.

"Mr. Lu, what are you going to do?"

“You ask for it, and I’ll get it for you!”


Lu Fei nodded and said gratefully.

"Thank you!"

"Just help me make a dough that's soft and hard enough for making bread!"

"What do you want the dough for?"

"Make bread!"


Everyone's noses were twisted with anger when they heard it.


Dozens of people were waiting for Lu Fei to repair the porcelain, but this man was mixing dough to make bread.

This is too ridiculous!

Although the pastry chef didn't understand Lu Fei's intention, he still followed Lu Fei's requirements and operated skillfully.

In fact, others didn't know that Lu Fei was not deliberately dawdling, but was waiting for the potion he prepared to dissolve naturally and produce chemical effects.

To achieve the best results.

Half an hour later, Lu Fei looked at the glue brewing in the bowl again and nodded with satisfaction.

Next, take out a small brush, soak it in water and wipe away the water stains.

Use a brush to stir the glue a few times to confirm that the desired effect is achieved, then rest assured.

Just when everyone was about to become impatient, Lu Fei made a move.

He put his hands into the black cloth and fumbled around for a while, then took out his right hand and picked up the brush and quickly penetrated into the black cloth.

Make some gestures inside, take out the brush, dip it in glue, and stick it into the black cloth again.

The initial frequency is about once every five seconds.

After five or six times, Lu Fei suddenly increased his speed and became faster and faster.

At the fastest time, the speed of a round trip was no more than two seconds, and it was already dazzling for those with bad eyesight.

Once, twice, three times.

At first, everyone counted silently in their hearts.

But Lu Fei’s frequency brought too much shock to everyone.

By the time more than a dozen times, people’s hearts

The numbers that were recited silently were completely messed up.

After maintaining this frequency for a full minute, Lu Fei stopped.

Although I don’t remember the number clearly, there were definitely more than twenty round trips.

Lu Fei took out his hands, threw the brush aside, lit a cigarette and smoked it leisurely.

After smoking a cigarette, I unfolded the tinfoil paper and cut out six pieces of the same size, then reached in again and tinkered with it for a while.

When Lu Fei took his hands out of the black cloth again.

The prototype of a plate wrapped in tinfoil was clearly displayed in front of everyone.

Seeing this scene, everyone including the islanders suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone's faces were filled with disbelief.

Judging from the force with which Lu Fei smashed the porcelain plate, the plate must have broken into at least a dozen pieces.

And there must be a lot of dregs and stubble in it.

It was damaged to such an extent that it was almost impossible to repair it.

Not to mention repairing it, even putting the fragments and dregs back together is no small undertaking.

However, Lu Fei not only completed the splicing, but also connected the pieces directly with the feel of his hands without blind splicing.

And the speed is amazing.

Not to mention ordinary people, even Ning Haitao was stunned and stunned.

It was this unique skill that shocked everyone.

Lu Fei's extraordinary performance immediately made the islanders nervous to the extreme.

Yoshida Changhei suddenly felt bad, and his heart rate began to rise rapidly.

Furuyama Kawasaki and Koo Nagano were so shocked that they were sweating profusely, while Hide Oshima was ashen-faced.

The facial expression is full of horror and disbelief.

Taking out the porcelain plate wrapped in tin foil, Lu Fei asked the little dog to take away the black cloth.

The large piece of black cloth on the top was removed, and everyone looked over at the same time. The black cloth on the bottom was clean, without a single white residue.

This shows that Lu Fei has glued all the debris together.

With the help of the master chef, the dough was mixed early, and it has fermented and expanded nearly doubled.

Lu Fei asked the master chef to roll the dough into pancakes, then put the tinfoil bag in, and then wrapped the tinfoil bag like a bun.

For the sake of visual beauty, Lu Fei shaped the wrapped dough into a baking pan, brushed the surface with egg liquid and salad oil, and then put it into the preheated oven.

Adjust the upper and lower heat to 200 degrees, and time will do the rest.

"Mr. Ning, please ask someone to clean up this garbage."

"It must be cleaned up."

In the last sentence, Lu Fei's voice was deliberately aggravated.

This is to wake up Ning Haitao and prevent the islanders from taking away the glue and going back to study its ingredients.

Hearing what Lu Fei said, Oshima Hide suddenly realized it and regretted it at the same time.

From Lu Fei's methods, he already understood how powerful Lu Fei was.

This is the legendary Heavenly Craftsman’s Ghost Hand!

The glue used by such a master must be a top-notch formula!

Not only the glue, but also the potion Lu Fei prepared before that can dissolve and dilute his own glue. They are definitely good things.

Unfortunately, I never had the chance to study it again.

Ning Haitao understood and packed up everything himself.

Even the glue dripping on the table and the potion on the floor were carefully wiped clean with toilet paper.

Ten minutes later, the rich aroma of bread came from the oven.

The dough is filled with real ingredients.

The ratio of eggs, cream, and fresh milk is quite high, and the taste is much more fragrant than that of a cake shop.

Smelling this fragrance, many people's stomachs made strange noises.


"I feel hungry when I smell this fragrance!" said the little milk dog.

"Just hold on a little longer, and I'll give you a taste first when it's out of the pot!"

"Can that thing of yours be eaten?"

"Depend on!"

"Can I wash my hands?"

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