A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1337 Dyeing Materials

Lu Fei used a wet tissue to make a few gestures on the rough stone, and the stall owner who was originally unwilling to give up suddenly became scared.

This miraculous scene left all the brothers stunned.

Bai Zirui asked impatiently after leaving the stall before leaving.

"Hey, what spell did you cast on that grandson just now?"

"Why did that guy suddenly change his attitude?"

Looking at Bai Zirui, Lu Fei sneered.

"That guy will definitely change his attitude when he sees that I have found the evidence."

"Is it possible that you still have to wait for me to expose you on the spot?"


"What evidence?"

"Is that stone fake?" Bai Zirui asked.


"Such a big piece of material, if it were really seed material, people would have been snatching it up a long time ago."

"Is it your turn?"

"You are such an idiot, and you are still pretending to be here. It's really embarrassing."

"I advise you, jade is expensive, you can play with it casually, but don't take it seriously."

"Regardless of how rich you are, if you keep pretending like this, you will have to go to Tianqiao to beg for food in less than two years." Lu Fei said.


"Why do you think your words are so unpleasant?"

"I'm just playing around, how can I be serious?"

"Besides, I have some foundation in identification!"


"You have a hammer foundation!"

"You can't even distinguish the most rubbish dyes, how dare you say you have the basics?"

"Don't embarrass the people of Tiandu, okay?" Lu Fei said contemptuously.


"You said that's dye?"

"How can it be?"

"It looks very natural to me!" Bai Zirui said unconvinced.

"Of course it's shit!"

“Why doesn’t the stall owner let me turn the tissue over?”

"Because the filling is exposed when you turn it over, and the color of the stone has been wiped away by the paper towel."


br\u003e When Lu Fei said this, Bai Zirui was speechless. The younger brothers burst into laughter, making Old Bai blush with shame.

"Lu Fei, how do you identify whether it is seed material?" Chen Xiang asked.

“It’s actually very simple to identify seed materials.”

“First of all, let’s take a look at the color of Hetian jade seed material.”

"The seed material has been washed and polished in the river bed for thousands of years, and is naturally soaked. The color will be soaked in the soft areas, and the cracks will penetrate into the texture."

"The color of the skin changes from dark to light, and the color of the cracks changes from light to dark. This color distribution is caused by nature and is difficult to forge. This skin color distribution can be used to identify authentic and fake seeds."

“Furthermore, this kind of skin color is very natural, and it becomes more friendly and attractive as time goes by.”

“Secondly, the skin color of Hotan seed material has a sense of layering.”

"This is because the skin color of the seed material is slowly formed on the surface of the original gravel, and is affected by factors such as weathering and water analysis, as well as macro and micro climate cycle constraints."

"This staged influence causes the color to penetrate into the jade layeredly, and the skin and flesh feel consistent and in a gradual transition."

"In addition, the skin color of the seed material is fully wrapped and slightly transparent."

"The origin of Hotan jade results in its round shape and skin shells of varying thicknesses, often with colors such as jujube red skin, autumn pear skin, etc."

"The round material must be fully wrapped in skin color."

"The skin is slightly transparent, shiny and soft like oil."

"Besides that there is one most striking feature."

"What characteristics?" Chen Xiang asked.



"Stones also sweat?"

"No, it's not the stone itself that sweats."

"It's that the seed shell has countless tiny gaps similar to pores."

"People with sweaty hands hold the material for two or three minutes, and the

The moisture will be absorbed by the leather shell. "

"When you take your hands away, the surface of the leather shell will be a little moist and the color will be heavier."

"It's called sweating."

"Of course, this method is limited to sweaty hands." ??

"You are a dry hand, you can't understand it." Lu Fei said.


"You know Sister Chen Xiang's hands very well!"

"What else do you know?"

"Can you tell everyone about it?"


Lu Fei and Chen Xiang drank in unison.

"Oh well!"


After laughing, Bai Zirui asked.

"Does that mean that large rocks are not seed material?"

"of course not!"

"As early as the Neolithic Age, the ancestors at the foot of the Kunlun Mountains discovered jade."

"From the beginning of the Qin Dynasty to the end of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, Hetian jade was called royal jade, and ordinary people were strictly prohibited from mining it."

"If there is a crime of disobeying the U-turn."

"In the past, carving was not as simple as it is now. It took a lot of time to shape an object."

"It can take as little as half a month or as long as several years. Even the royal family mines according to demand."

"Resources were plentiful at that time. According to records from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the largest piece of seed material excavated in Jiaqing in three years weighed a thousand kilograms."

"In the Republic of China, the Yang, Qi, Meng, and Sun families set up several very large mines in Yudu and began frantically digging for export to Hong Kong Island."

"After they fiddled with it, more than half of the aniseed was lost."

“In 1994, the country liberalized the jade market and allowed individuals to mine jade mines.”

“Those years were a disaster for the best quality seed material.”

"After seven or eight years of hard work, aniseeds weighing more than ten kilograms have become rare."

"Few, doesn't mean there aren't any."

"There are too many uncertainties in the Khotan River's more than 800 kilometers of riverbed. Even if people from all over China come here to dig, they may not be able to dig it clean."

"If nothing else, I can guarantee that the Duan family must have a large amount of materials in stock, and there are quite a few of them."

"Otherwise, wouldn't the title of Jade King of the Northwest be in vain?" Lu Fei said.

"Hey, Duan Laoer, do you have any big materials at home?" Wang Xinlei asked.

"That's all my grandfather's business, how do I know?" Duan Hongxi said.

"Depend on!"

"You are the direct grandson of the Duan family. I don't know what to do?"

"If you don't know anything, won't you be looking for a disadvantage when the family is separated in the future?"

After Wang Xinlei finished speaking, Duan Qingyi quit.

"Damn Xiaolei, you actually instigated Hong Xi to separate the family. Are you looking for a fight?"


"I'm sorry, sister-in-law, I didn't mean it."

Wang Xinlei was very clever. When he called out his sister-in-law, Duan Qingyi was greatly benefited and immediately forgave him.

After looking at the ordinary people's stalls, there were generally no ingredients as big as eggs, Bai Zirui continued to ask.

"Without the aniseed, can we make money from just such a small gadget?"

"Is it worth working so hard just for this little gadget?"


"Don't underestimate these small individuals."

"Their value is no less than the previous aniseed."

“In the past, when aniseed was rampant, one kilogram only cost a few hundred yuan.”

"However, those materials have already been processed into utensils and scattered all over the place."

“Today’s price per gram of seed supplies has soared to 20,000 yuan per gram with no upper limit.”

"Good-quality ingredients, the size of an egg, are worth tens or even millions!"

“In recent years, people have started playing with rough diamonds.”

“Nowadays, rough stones of good quality are sold by the gram!”

“And the price is ridiculous.”

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