A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1352 They are all crazy

Lu Fei insisted on buying Pingxia Villa. Chen Xiang and Li Yunhe tried to persuade him, but Lu Fei insisted again and again.

Helpless, Chen Xiang and the two had to give up.

They understand Lu Fei, and the decision Lu Fei makes will not change easily.

No matter how much you say it, it will make you angry, so let’s just let him do what he wants!

Chen Xiang couldn't help it, and Duan Laoer couldn't persuade him anymore, so he had to agree to Lu Fei's request.

Duan Laoer took out his mobile phone and made arrangements on the spot.

When I came to the city, I found an auto repair shop to change the windshield of my Mercedes-Benz S500 and wash it.

We found a Hui restaurant and had a sumptuous meal of Hui cuisine.

It was already after five o'clock in the afternoon after dinner, so we found a hotel nearby to rest.

Just after arriving at the hotel, good news came from Duan Laoer. Pingxia Villa has been acquired and can be transferred to Lu Fei's name at any time.

Lu Fei was overjoyed and promised to give Duan Laoer's friend a reward of one million.

Duan Qingyi's face suddenly darkened when he heard that Lu Fei had bought Pingxia Villa.

"Lu Fei, are you crazy?"

"That's a haunted house over there!"

"Where did you buy it?"


The little girl and the others were about to play cards when they heard the word "Ghost House" and stopped at the same time.

"Haunted house?"

"Where is the haunted house?"

"Is it fun?" the little puppy asked excitedly.

Duan Qingyi glared at him fiercely and said.

“The locals’ expressions change when they mention it, but you actually said it’s fun?”

"Are you sick too?"

"Hey, let's not talk about this for now. What is going on?"

The little brother was so curious that Duan Laoer had to repeat what was said in the car.

After listening to Duan Laoer's words, not only were the boys not afraid, they were all screaming with excitement as if they had been given chicken blood.


"It's so exciting!"

“I’ve only heard of haunted houses before, but I’ve never seen one!”

"This has always been my regret. I have to go and see it tomorrow." The little dog said excitedly.


br\u003e Wang Xinlei curled his lips.

"What are you going to do tomorrow?"

"Didn't you hear what Duan Laoer said? It's only haunted at night. You can't even see it during the day!"

"Brother Fei, let's go take a look soon, okay?"

"That's right, I'm going to buy some equipment later, and let's explore a haunted house and live broadcast the whole thing."

"This stunt is exciting enough and is guaranteed to be popular all over the Internet!"

"Yes, I can't wait."

"Let's go, I'll go buy equipment with you, buy the best." Ji Yong said.


"You are all crazy!"

"Di Ruilong, if you dare to go live, don't blame me for being impatient with you!" Duan Qingyi shouted.

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"Don't make any noise."

"Everyone go to bed early tonight. Let's go find out tomorrow morning."

"I won't go, it's too scary!" Chen Xiang said.

"What are you afraid of in broad daylight?"

"What's more, I'm with you!" Lu Fei said.

"Don't go then either!"

"Just go, Qingyi and I will stay in the hotel."

"That's not okay!"

"We're leaving. What if Xing Yufeng comes to trouble you?"

"Be obedient and follow me. I promise it'll be okay."

"I do not want to go!"

"must go!"

"Lu Fei you"

In the end, Chen Xiang couldn't defeat Lu Fei and had to agree.

There was nothing to say all night. After breakfast at around nine o'clock the next morning, everyone set off to Pingxia Villa.

By the way, having breakfast after nine o'clock is not because everyone stays in bed, but because there is a time difference of more than two hours between the northwest and the mainland.

It doesn't get dark until eight o'clock in the morning here, and we don't go to work until ten o'clock.

When I go to school, it’s quite normal to have breakfast at nine o’clock.

Arriving at the entrance of the villa, a Porsche Cayenne was parked outside.

Two handsome young men were chatting with three old Han men.

"Brother Fei, let me introduce you."

"These two are my buddies."

"This is Liu Ming, and this is Chi Hao."

"It was Chi Hao who helped you buy the villa yesterday." Duan Laoer said.

Lu Fei shook hands with the two warmly and expressed his gratitude.

The 8 million used to buy the villa had been transferred to Duan Laoer. Lu Fei wrote two more checks for 1 million and sent them over, but they were rejected by Chi Hao and the others.

"Brother Fei, you are our second brother's friend."

"This little favor is nothing. Don't mention money."

"Also, we have heard of Brother Fei's name a long time ago. It is our honor to serve Brother Fei. Please don't be polite to us."

The little milk dog chuckled after hearing this.

"Okay, that's interesting!"

"I am so loyal to you. If there is a good business in the future, my brother will definitely think of you."

Chi Hao and the two nodded repeatedly.

"Thank you Brother Fei, thank you brother-in-law!"




"Aren't you Mr. Di?"

"You are engaged to Sister Qingyi, isn't that our brother-in-law?" Chi Hao said.

"Not nice!"

"When I hear you call me brother-in-law, I always feel like I'm stepping in."

"Don't call me like that in the future, just call me Brother Long." The little milk dog said with a straight face.

Duan Laoer rolled his eyes and said.

"They are both the same age as me. If you ask them to call you brother, can you still show some respect?"

"Holy shit!"

"Duan Laoer, how dare you teach your brother-in-law a lesson?"

"Are you kidding?

? "


The bickering between the two caused everyone to burst into laughter.

"Brother Fei, these old men are responsible for guarding the villa."

"You have the final say whether you want to use them or not," Liu Ming said.

"Are the three old men on duty here 24 hours a day?" Lu Fei asked.

The old man surnamed Li nodded and said.

"That's right!"

"The three of us are old bachelors, and we have room and board here."

"Boss, if you don't mind, please let us stay."

"We will definitely help you look after the villa."

"Don't worry, old man, I won't drive you away."

"What was your original salary?"

"This villa is special. No one else dares to come, so the boss pays us a slightly higher salary."

"Three thousand yuan per person per month."

"If you think it's too much, you can give me less, as long as you don't drive us away." Old Man Li said nervously.

Lu Fei smiled.

"Don't worry, old man. I promise I won't drive you away and I will keep my word."

"From now on, this place will be left to you three elders."

"The three of you can eat and drink as much as you like, and I'll reimburse everything."

"In addition, on the basis of the original salary, we will double your salary to 6,000 yuan each."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, the three elders almost doubted life.

Lu Fei emphasized it three times, and then the three elders believed it. They thanked Lu Fei a thousand times and burst into tears of gratitude.

Lu Fei introduced himself to Chi Hao and the others, and everyone exchanged a few words and prepared to enter the villa.

But as soon as they got into it, Chen Xiang and Duan Qingyi both backed down.

Even Chi Hao and Liu Ming didn't look good.

Lu Fei spent a lot of effort, coaxing and deceiving, and finally pulled Chen Xiang in.

When Chen Xiang went in, Duan Qingyi didn't dare to stay outside alone, so she had no choice but to follow him.

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