A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1364 Special Day

After hanging up Wade's call, Lu Fei called Long Yun again.

After getting the same answer to the same question, Lu Fei felt relieved.

It seems that hidden wealthy families also have their own rules!

However, even if Murray does not use the items at home to support Yoshida, Murray's channels cannot be underestimated.

Wade said that they can also introduce channels to themselves.

But Lu Fei didn't want to ask them for help unless it was absolutely necessary.

If you are short-handed, it is best not to owe any favors.

After putting up his cell phone, Lu Fei smoked one cigarette after another, thinking about every detail that might happen.

I don't know how long it took, but Chen Xiang came to Lu Fei's side.

"Lu Fei, are you worried about something?"

Lu Fei smiled and said.


"It's too messy over there at the construction site, but it's clean and peaceful here."

"It's getting late, let's go back and rest!" Chen Xiang whispered with a blushing face.

Looking at the time, it was already past ten o'clock at night.

This point has almost reached Chen Xiang's biological clock.

"Go back to sleep!"

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine." Lu Fei said.


"I-I'm scared to sleep alone!"


"Where's Qingyi?"

"Qingyi said that our two women did not have enough yang energy, so she went to find Xiaolong."



"why are you laughing?"

"What the hell, you don't have enough yang energy, Qingyi just misses a man."

"Let's leave them alone and let's go back to sleep."

Pulling Chen Xiang back to the guest room department, the boys sat around and discussed something secretly.

"What are you talking about?" Lu Fei asked.

"Brother Fei!"

"We discussed and prepared to catch ghosts at night." Wang Xinlei said.

Hearing the word "ghost", Chen Xiang was so frightened that her face turned pale and she huddled tightly in Lu Fei's arms.

Lu Fei glared at Wang Xinlei fiercely and said


"Are you sick?"

"Didn't I tell you that it was just the wind?"

"I think you are just too busy to feel uncomfortable."

"How about this!"

"You guys work three shifts and go to the site to supervise the construction."

"Anyone who dares to be lazy will be disqualified from participating in the stock market!"


"No, Brother Fei!"

"We were just joking!"

"Cut the nonsense!"

"Ok, deal!"

"It's nonsense not to have a good rest at night!"

"A bunch of psychos!"

Lu Fei said, and took Chen Xiang back to the room, leaving Wang Xinlei and others there in confusion with sad faces.

Back in the room, Chen Xiang took a shower and got into bed.

But after waiting for a long time, Lu Fei still had no intention of going to bed. He just sat in the corner and stared at the wall, smoking one cigarette after another.

Lu Fei like this almost made Chen Xiang doubt his life.

Normally, that guy would have pounced on him long ago.

But today was uncharacteristically different, it was simply unbelievable.

After taking a closer look at Lu Fei's slightly solemn expression, Chen Xiang immediately figured it out.

The Yoshida family's clamor and domestic public opinion's incomprehension, combined with these, put too much pressure on Lu Fei.

Looking at Lu Fei's deep eyes, Chen Xiang felt extremely distressed.

He put on his clothes and stood up, made a cup of tea and sent it to Lu Fei. Only then did Lu Fei react.


"Lu Fei, don't think about it anymore."

"I don't care what other people think."

"No matter what decision you make, I will always support you!" Chen Xiang said.

Lu Fei casually took Chen Xiang into his arms, kissed her gently on the fat-like face and said with a smile.

"Xiang'er, you are so considerate."

"When we have children in the future, you must

She is the best wife and mother. "



"If I don't hate you, you still don't like me!"

"Let's go!"

"I miss you so much."

Lu Fei said, picked up Chen Xiang from the waist and rushed towards the big bed.

Chen Xiang exclaimed and said coquettishly.

"Lu Fei, what do you want to do?"

"Aren't you thinking about things?"

"You go on, I can just sleep by myself."

"How about that?"

"I will be punished if I leave my beloved wife to sleep alone."

"My husband will sleep with you!"

At this time, Chen Xiang wanted to cry but had no tears.

He thought to himself, "Why are you making tea for Lu Fei?"

This is not. Hey!

After several clouds and rain, Chen Xiang fell into a deep sleep from exhaustion.

Lu Fei returned to the sofa, lit a cigarette, took out his cell phone and thought for a while, he already made a decision in his mind.

At one o'clock in the morning, Chinese netizens who were extremely disappointed with Lu Fei mechanically refreshed Lu Fei's Weibo.

I don’t know how many times this has been refreshed.

There has been no news before.

But today, Lu Fei's profile picture on Weibo lit up with a little red dot.

People clicked on it and saw a post that Lu Fei had just updated.

The post is just a few sentences.

I’ll be waiting for you in Jinling on December 13th.

The rules are copied from Hong Kong Island.

The judging panel is to be determined!




Three simple sentences, but like three nuclear bombs exploding, radiating the entire network instantly.

"Lu Fei responded!"

"Lu Fei responded!"

"Hey, look, Lu Fei has accepted the challenge!"

"Lu Fei finally accepted the challenge."

"December 13th, the location is Jinling, the rules are the same as those in Hong Kong Island Treasure Hunting

! "

"Yes, Lu Fei really accepted the challenge!"

Although it was already past one in the morning, it did not affect the spread of this post at all.

In less than ten minutes, the screenshot of Lu Fei's Weibo update was spread across all online platforms in China.

In just fifteen minutes, the number of views has exceeded one million.

"Lu Fei really accepted the challenge."

"It's not easy!"

"I have said before that Lu Fei is a bloody man and will never be timid!"

"Lu Fei did not disappoint me in the end!"

"Why is it set on December 13th, and why is it still in Jinling?"

"Does this have any special significance?"

"Who knows, we are asking online."


"December 13th?"

"Why do I feel like this day is so familiar?"

"But I couldn't remember it for a while."

"I know, I am from Jinling, and I am too sensitive to this day."

"December 13th, that was the day Jinling fell!"

"From that day on, the islanders carried out a brutal massacre of the people of Jinling!"

"Lu Fei chose this day and place because he wanted to avenge the fallen heroes!"

"Lu Fei is great, this day has been chosen so well!"

"December thirteenth."

"No matter how much the ticket costs, I must go to the scene to cheer Lu Fei on."

"That's right!"

"This day is so special."

"To deal with the Japs in Jinling, you will definitely get the blessing of the fallen heroes."

"The right time, right place and right people, Lu Fei can't even think about winning!"

"I just don't know if there is a handicap this time. If there is, I will put all my private money on Lu Fei to win."

"This is probably quite annoying. It seems that gambling is not allowed here in China, right?"

"How is this gambling? Is this obviously gambling?"

"And it's entertainment and gambling, so it shouldn't be a big problem!"

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