A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1384 The shit stirrer

Lu Fei felt relieved after finding the agreement signed by Wu Dabao.

Looking at the locked door, Lu Fei asked.

"Aunt Wu, where are Uncle Wu and the others?"


"At the beginning of this year, Mr. Wu felt unwell and was hospitalized for recuperation."

"After being discharged from the hospital, I rest at home and rarely come over."

"When we signed the agreement, we went to his house to do it."

"Then please contact Aunt Wu again."

"Demolition is not a trivial matter. We must obtain the consent of the old man himself." Lu Fei said. .??.

"no problem."

"After lunch, I will take you to their house to meet him!"

Aunt Wu was talking when a white Great Wall SUV stopped beside a few people.

The car door opened and a man and a woman got out.

Both are in their forties.

When they saw Aunt Wu, they were extremely enthusiastic.

"Aunt Wu, long time no see. How are you?"

"Wu Bing, Wu Xia?"

Seeing these two people, Aunt Wu was even more friendly.

"Okay, I'm always good."

"It's great to meet you."

"Come on, let me introduce you."

Aunt Wu pulled Lu Fei and said to Wu Bing.

"This is Lu Fei, the big boss!"

"It's a good time for you. Our shabby place hasn't been able to be renovated for decades. We finally have Boss Lu here."

"Boss Lu has agreed to develop our place. In two years at most, we will be able to live in a new house."

"Boss Lu, these two sisters are Wu Xia and Wu Bing, the children of Mr. Wu Dabao Wu."

"You tell them they can also make the decision."

Seeing Lu Fei, Wu Bing was all smiles.

He took out the Nanjing cigarette and handed it to Lu Fei, lit it with both hands, and said with a smile.

"Hello, Boss Lu, I also heard that you wanted to develop this place, so I rushed over right away."

"You are a great benefactor to our community!"

"This place has been dilapidated for decades, and I finally look forward to having you here."


"Wu Da

You're welcome, brother. "

"You improve the environment, and our businesses make money. It's a win-win situation for us."


"You are absolutely right."

"Our pickle farm is large in area and is right on the side of the road. It has a unique location."

"How much do you think our compound can give?" Wu Bing asked.

"Does your yard have property rights?" Lu Fei asked.

"Yes, I have!"

“All the procedures are complete in our house.”

"How big is it?"

"The construction area is 422.5 square meters!" Wu Bing said.


"It's so small!"

"According to the 1:1.5 plan, your family can get more than 600 square meters!" Lu Fei said.

"so many?"

"Very good."

"By the way, our compound is originally for business."

"After we move back, can you give us a floor space of the same area?" Wu Bing asked.

Lu Fei nodded.

"no problem."

“Your yard totally qualifies.”

"Thank you, Boss Lu. It would be great if you can really provide us with business partners."

"You're welcome, you deserve this."

"By the way, how much can you give us?" Wu Bing asked.


Hearing this sentence, Lu Fei and others frowned at the same time.

"Brother Wu, the first condition for us to demolish this place is not to pay the demolition compensation."

"It's no problem to give you the base business, and there's no problem to the transition fee."

"However, there is no demolition compensation."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, the faces of Wu Bing and Sister Wu instantly darkened.

"No money?"

"Boss Lu, are you kidding?"

"Wu Bing!"

"When Boss Lu talked to us,

It was agreed upon immediately. "

“People agreed to develop it because we didn’t want compensation.”

"Everyone has approved this plan, and the leaders of Jiangnan University are witnesses," Aunt Wu said.

"All passed?"

"Why didn't I know?" ??

"This is the first time I've heard that no money will be paid for demolition. It's really novel!"

"A buddy of mine lives in a suburb. They demolished and built a building there. In addition to the relocation housing and transitional fees, they also gave him 750,000 yuan in compensation."

"Their home is in the suburbs, with an area of ​​less than 70 square meters."

"We are in the city center and in a prime location. How can we not get compensation?"

"Isn't this a joke?" Wu Bing said.

"Wu Bing, listen to me!"

"Your father has already agreed to our plan, and there is an agreement signed by Mr. Wu."

"If you don't believe it, go back and ask your father."

"We just don't have compensation here." Wu Yanhong said.

"Sign the agreement?"

"When did it happen?"

"Why didn't I know?"

"Where is the agreement my dad signed? Show me it!"

Wu Yanhong handed over the agreement signed by Wu Dabao to Wu Bing.

The latter looked up and down, and in front of everyone, he tore the agreement into pieces, and then put the scraps directly into his pocket.

"Wu Bing, what do you want to do?"

"You are breaking the law by tearing up the agreement privately!" Wu Yanhong shouted.

"Pull him down!"

"What a bullshit agreement."

"The things you forced my father to sign while he was confused will not count."

“Without compensation, our yard cannot be demolished.”

Seeing this scene, Wu Yanhong trembled with anger.

Pointing at Wu Bing and shouted.

"Wu Bing, you are so slanderous."

"The old man is not confused at all!"

"It's not your turn to make the decision in your family, so I'll ask your dad to make the decision."

"Looking for my dad?"

"My dad has been dead for more than two months."

"If you want to find him, you can only look for him below."

"Now, my sister and I are the legal heirs of my courtyard."

"My attitude is very clear."

"If you want to demolish it, you must give me the contractor and give me compensation."

"Otherwise, even if the King of Heaven comes, he won't be able to move."


"You said Mr. Wu is gone?" Wu Yanhong said in shock.

"That's right!"

"Acute myocardial infarction, I haven't been alive for more than two months."

"This yard belongs to us sisters now."

"If you want to demolish it, my sister and I must agree."

At this time, nine other groups also came closer.

Hearing the noise, all nearby residents came out to watch the fun.

All these residents knew Wu Dabao, and they were shocked when they heard that the old man was gone.

While I was surprised, I was also more worried.

With such a troublemaker, if Boss Lu throws the rake and becomes unhappy, everyone's newly raised hopes will be dashed.

The one who is most worried is Wu Yanhong.

For this project, she, Jiang Zhihui and others ran back and forth for several months.

It was about to achieve results, but a black sheep like Wu Bing appeared.

Upon hearing Wu Bing's request, Aunt Wu's lips turned blue with anger, and she gritted her teeth and tried to argue with Wu Bing.

Before she could speak, Lu Fei spoke first.

"Brother Wu!"

"What do you mean, we won't allow it to be demolished without compensation?"

"That's right!"

"The dealer has to give it to me, and the money can't be short of a penny!"

"Then how much do you plan to ask for?"

"This is a prime location for us."

"And it's guarding the roadside, and it's a factory with a registered trademark."

"For a factory like this, I will be compensated at least 100,000 yuan per square meter."

"I have more than 400 square meters here. I'll give you a fraction. You can give me 40 million."

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