A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1399 Mushroom Head

Taking down the Wu family, the only nail household, is of great significance to the entire shantytown demolition work.

Lu Fei said that the Wu family compound was not part of the plan, which was an excuse to deceive Wu Bing.

It has only been more than half a month since Lu Fei won this project.

Anyone with a little bit of common sense knows how it is possible to come up with a plan in such a short period of time?

But the Wu siblings just believed it to be true.

Therefore, being uneducated is really terrible.

Although the planning diagram has not been made.

However, the design department and engineering department of Yunlong Group have already made several plans.

One of the plans was approved by all shareholders.

This plan is to connect the commercial plaza and shanty town projects into a whole to create a super CBD.

Shopping, cinemas, leisure, entertainment, hospitals, schools, hotels, 4S shops, etc., you can find everything here.

With such an environment, the residences here must be the most high-end in the area.

You can also maximize the benefits of this piece of land.

According to the design, the Wu Family Courtyard is located at the junction of the community and the school.

Therefore, this nail household must be captured no matter what.

The reason why I didn't talk to Wu Bing these days was because I was studying countermeasures.

Unexpectedly, the two sisters could no longer keep their temper.

Lu Fei was very excited to win the Wu family easily.

He brought Gao Yuan and the two young men to demolish the house in person.

The courtyard wall was pushed down, and Lu Fei came to the courtyard for routine inspection.

The courtyard is almost the same as before, and Wu Bing has abandoned all the sauce vats.

I randomly brought two jars, which were full of various pickles. Added together, they weighed at least a dozen tons.

Lu Fei picked up a vegetable head and tasted it.

The sauce is rich in aroma, crispy in texture, and tastes pretty good.

Such good ingredients are wasted here, the Wu siblings are really a waste of money!

They were prodigal, and Lu Fei couldn't bear to waste it.

Call Sun Xing to send trucks and forklifts to transport all the pickle jars back to the project department canteen.

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