A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1402 Cynical

Yan Shifan has a short neck, a fat and pale appearance, and is a big fat man. The opposite of Yan Song's thin appearance, he probably inherited his mother's fat and pale genes.

The most powerful second-generation rich man has some special skills.

He is cunning and witty, well-read and memorized, familiar with rules and regulations, and knowledgeable about current economic affairs. He is also energetic and capable of complex dramas.

He is especially good at figuring out the emperor's likes and dislikes.

It is said that there is an interesting incident. Emperor Jiajing once passed an imperial decree at night and asked how to deal with something. It was quite difficult to draft the order.

Yan Song discussed carefully with the bachelors Xu Jie and Li Ben in the duty room. Each of them wrote a post and put forward his opinions on how to deal with it.

However, after repeated deliberation and revision, the three of them still felt that it was inappropriate and never dared to copy it and submit it.

Yan Song had no choice but to send Pegasus to ask Yan Shifan for advice.

It was past the fourth watch, and the eunuch asked for the ticket several times. He said that the emperor was "too slow and angry" and demanded immediate return.

As a last resort, the three of them had no choice but to submit a transcript of the discussed votes.

The eunuch took back the sticker that the three people had planned, and saw that the emperor's red pen had scrawled on it in many places and ordered it to be redrawn.

Just at this time, Yan Shifan's reply came. After submitting the ticket according to his plan, the emperor was immediately satisfied and followed the plan.

Only then did Dukes Xu and Li become convinced.

From then on, when the emperor often had important problems, and Yan Song and other cabinet ministers were embarrassed and unable to answer their questions, they handed them over to Shifan. Shifan quoted scriptures and made comprehensive reports, and he was always praised by the emperor.

It was precisely because of the emperor's favor and Yan Song's connivance that Yan Shifan was bold and lawless.

Although Yan Song was greedy and cunning, he only had one wife, Ouyang, and the two stayed together until old age.

Yan Shifan was completely different from his father in this regard.

Greed leads to lust, and lust leads to greed. This may not be accurate when applied to Yan Song, but it is very appropriate to apply to Yan Shifan.

Yan Shifan had twenty-seven wives and concubines, and countless other maids and maids.

Yan Shifan used an ivory bed, surrounded by a golden curtain, and sang and danced in the morning and night. He was very proud of his

Feel proud of living a luxurious life.

But he didn't expect that this was one of the reasons why he was hated by the people the most.

During the Jiajing Dynasty, with the Japanese in the south and the captives in the north, the people were in dire straits. Yan Shifan's extravagance and extravagance naturally made people hate him even more.

Once, Yan Song's adopted son Zhao Wenhua came back from Jiangnan and gave Yan Shifan a priceless gold silk tent as a meeting gift.

He also gave each of Yan Shifan's twenty-seven concubines a jeweled bun.

Yan Shifan thought these gifts were too little and was very dissatisfied, which shows the extent of his greed.

Sejong's third son, Prince Yu, Zhu Zaijing, should be established as the crown prince as a rule, but Sejong was not very close to him.

Therefore, Yan's father and son were also very cold towards him.

Even the annual gift that should be given to Prince Yu's Mansion as usual was not given by the Ministry of Revenue for three consecutive years because there was no order from Yan and his son.

Finally, the future emperor collected 1,500 taels of silver and gave it to Yan Shifan. Yan Shifan happily accepted it and asked the Ministry of Revenue to reissue the annual gift.

Yan Shifan always boasted to others: "The emperor's son wants to give me money, who dares not to give me money?"

See, it’s so awesome.

However, this is nothing.

The most terrible thing is that Yan Shifan dared to build a building on the dragon vein.

Dragon veins represent dragon energy.

Building a building on the dragon's veins means suppressing the dragon's energy.

At that time, this crime alone was enough to punish him with a serious crime that would kill the Nine Clan.

This is not the end.

Yan Shifan colluded with Jiangyang gangsters, trained private armed forces, and plotted against evil.

When he was most arrogant, he actually colluded with the old Tie Luo Longwen to collude with the Japanese pirates and betray the country.

It is because of this

This article caused public outrage.

In the forty-first year of Jiajing's reign, Yan Song lost power.

Yan Shifan was sentenced to exile in Leizhou, Guangdong. Unexpectedly, Yan Shifan returned to his hometown without authorization on the way and expanded his mansion wantonly.

Two years later, the imperial censor Lin Run impeached Yan Shifan for colluding with Japanese pirates and plotting evil intentions. Emperor Shizong of the Ming Dynasty was furious and had Yan Shifan arrested and imprisoned.

On March 24, the 44th year of Jiajing's reign, Yan Shifan and his party leader Luo Longwen were executed together.

Their heads were paraded through the streets.

At this point, Yan Shifan has received his due retribution.

Logically speaking, the body of a serious criminal like Yan Shifan would never be allowed to be collected.

If you really want to collect the corpse, even though Yan Song has lost power, there must be a way.

What puzzled Lu Fei was that the Yan family was originally from Jiangxi.

Even if Yan Shifan's body was collected and buried secretly, he shouldn't be buried in Hangzhou!

This is indeed strange.

Didn't Yan Song dare to bury his son in the ancestral grave?


It seems possible.

But no matter what, with this epitaph and that awesome fake head, Lu Fei can be sure that this is Yan Shifan's tomb.

It must be Yan Shifan's tomb, and Lu Fei became even more excited.

The Yan family is as rich as the country, and they have lots of good things.

Even if it loses power in the later stage, a skinny camel is still bigger than a horse.

The golden crown, gold medal epitaph, and awesome fake head are the best proof.

In addition to these, there are other good things in Bao Buqi's coffin!

It would be really cool if there were one or two awesome items.

Thinking of this, Lu Fei was ready to continue exploring.

But at this moment, another large pile of soil collapsed on the edge of the coffin.

In order to prevent the overall collapse, there may be good things in the coffin.

After causing damage, Lu Fei decided to get the entire coffin up first before continuing to clean it up.

Construction is about to begin here, and Yan Shifan's coffin will be exposed sooner or later.

No matter what, Lu Fei must get rid of this coffin.

So we might as well get the coffin out first.

Call Gao Yuan and ask him to extend the bucket of the excavator.

The little puppy enthusiastically signed up, but unfortunately, Lu Fei couldn't give him this opportunity.

Gao Yuan controlled accurately, and Douzi stopped in front of Lu Fei.

Taking out the folding engineering shovel, Lu Fei carefully cleaned the layer of wet soil on the coffin lid.

The thickness of the soil layer is nearly thirty centimeters.

Coupled with the dense density of tiny roots inside, it is quite laborious to clean.

Just for this task, Lu Fei worked for more than two hours.

At nearly midnight, the entire coffin was finally exposed.

As Tie Dou came up, Lu Fei smoked a cigarette and looked around carefully.

Yan Shifan's coffin was buried in a hurry.

There was no tomb, so the coffin was just laid out and buried.

There would be no grave goods around such a tomb.

If there is anything good, it must be in the coffin full of sewage.

Therefore, Lu Fei felt relieved and asked Gao Yuan to empty the surroundings of the coffin.

Half an hour later, all the wet soil roots around the coffin were cleaned up, and the next thing to do was to hoist the coffin as a whole.

But when everything was ready, a real problem faced Lu Fei.

The golden nanmu coffin was in ruins, partially rotted, and filled with water.

If it is hung directly, the coffin may not be able to withstand the force and fall into pieces.

In that case, if there is any good stuff inside, it must be seriously damaged.

Faced with this problem, Little Milk Dog volunteered to give his own opinion.

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