A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1419 Too wronged

Captain Lou Xiaowei planned to turn a blind eye, but there happened to be a stubborn subordinate Yuan Bin.

"Captain, this gentleman is lying."

"Our law enforcement cameras have records, and the car was driven by them."


Lou Xiaowei looked embarrassed, and the little puppy was even more depressed.

"Officer, you must have seen it wrong."

"Your captain has a sharp eye and he will definitely enforce the law fairly." said the little milk dog.

"That Yuan Bin!"

"I'll take care of it here. You go back and help stop the car first!"

Lou Xiaowei said this, and several other traffic policemen quickly pulled Yuan Bin to prepare to return to work.

But Yuan Bin had no intention of going back at all.

"team leader!"

"This man was not wearing a seat belt, and his alcohol content was more than three times the limit for drunk driving. He was risking his life!"

"Whoever he is, such a person must be severely punished."

"Yuan Bin!"

"Didn't Mr. Di say that he didn't drive?"

"If you didn't drive, of course you can't count it as drunk driving." Lou Xiaowei said.

"He said it wouldn't work if it wasn't turned on."

"The evidence I have here is conclusive and cannot be tolerated by him."

Yuan Bin said, pulling up the video of the law enforcement device. Lou Xiaowei couldn't stop him even if he wanted to.

Lou Xiaowei was angry at Yuan Bin for refusing to show his face, and the little naughty dog ​​even sent greetings to this stubborn relative several times in his heart.

"Captain, look."

"This is their car."

"We stopped when we saw us checking the post."

"This is the proof."

"This gentleman is suspected of multiple violations and must be dealt with seriously." Yuan Bin said.

Lou Xiaowei pulled Yuan Bin aside and whispered.

"Xiao Yuan, listen to me."

"Mr. Di is a foreign guest and one of the shareholders of the shanty town reconstruction and commercial plaza."

"Mr. Di has made outstanding contributions to our city's investment promotion."

"This has no serious consequences, so please stop being so serious, okay?"

"Captain Lou, what do you mean?"

“What is our mission and responsibility?”

"How can you practice favoritism and cheat!"

"Thousands of families are torn apart every year just because of their lawlessness."

"It's simply miserable!"

"As law enforcers, we cannot encourage their arrogance."

"If you let them go so easily, they won't have a long memory."

"Just because something didn't happen this time doesn't mean something won't happen next time."

"Once there is an accident, life is at stake, Captain!"

"If you are worried about their background, you can go back and take charge of the overall situation. I will handle it here."

"Someone blames me. Yuan Bin is responsible for it alone."

"I must deal with him according to law."

"Yuan Bin!"

"Why are you so stubborn!" Lou Xiaowei said.

"It's not that I'm stubborn, I'm responsible for the safety of the general public."

"The emperor is guilty of the same crime as the common people."

"No matter who he is, no matter how powerful his background is."

"As long as he does something wrong, he must be held responsible!"


There was nothing wrong with Yuan Bin's words, and Lou Xiaowei was speechless.

"Hey, are you ready?"

"Can I leave?"

"They're still busy at the construction site!" the little puppy asked, stretching his neck.

"You can't leave!"

"You are suspected of driving without a license and drunk driving. You must come back with me to be dealt with."

Yuan Bin said, taking out the cold handcuffs and going to attack the little puppy.

The little puppy quickly stepped aside.

"What kind of plane is this police officer of yours doing?"

"Your captain said that I was not driving under the influence. Why are you so stubborn!"

"Don't talk nonsense. When did our captain say this?"

"I have video evidence here, you can't rely on it."

"Please cooperate and come back with us, otherwise, we will take coercive measures against you." Yuan Bin said.


The little naughty dog ​​rolled his eyes angrily.

If Lou Xiaowei didn't show up, the little puppy would have resigned himself to his fate.

Anyway, he was tricked by his own brother. The worst he could do was go back with them.

With the relationship between my brother and Jiang Zhihui, he can come back with just one phone call.

But Lou Xiaowei's attitude gave the little dog a chance to get lucky.

As a result, he was hit in the head by Yuan Bin in the next second, which instantly shattered his newly ignited hope.

Now, the little naughty little dog can no longer control its arrogant temper, and is about to play tricks.

At this time, Lu Fei opened the car door and walked out.

"Mr. Lu?"

Lou Xiaowei and the traffic police present were greatly surprised to see Lu Fei.

Even though he may look unfamiliar to a little puppy, Lu Fei is a well-known internet celebrity, and everyone present recognized him.

"Mr. Lu, it turns out you are also in the car!" Lou Xiaowei said with a smile.

"Hello Captain Lou, we meet again."

"Hello Mr. Lu!"

Seeing Lou Xiaowei being so polite to Lu Fei, and the traffic policemen, including Yuan Bin, looking at Lu Fei with slightly admiring eyes, the little girl felt at ease.

He said in his heart that with my brother taking action, everything should be safe now.

Lu Fei nodded to Yuan Bin and said.

"Officer, according to the regulations, how should my brother's situation be handled?"

"This friend of yours has violated the law seriously and is evil in nature."

"The lightest penalty is to revoke the driver's license and not be able to take the test again within five years."

"Because he did not cause serious consequences, we can not hold him criminally responsible."

"But detention for fifteen days is necessary."

"Mr. Lu, you are a great man and a great philanthropist."


I think you won't interfere with our law enforcement, right? "Yuan Bin asked.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"of course not!"

"There are no rules. No matter who you are, you must accept punishment if you make a mistake."

"I have advised you not to drink and drive before, but this brother of mine is too willful and does not listen to the advice at all."

"With you guys teaching him this time, I think he will definitely remember his lesson and change his ways."


Hearing what Lu Fei said, the little puppy almost vomited blood.


How shameless!

What's the truth? Don't you have any points?

How did you say such shameless words?

"Brother, you"

Tears of grievance filled the little puppy's eyes, and he planned to argue with Lu Fei.

As a result, he got a hard look from his brother.

"I won't let you open, but you won't listen."

"Nothing happened. If something serious happened, you wouldn't even have time to regret it."

"Stop talking nonsense and actively cooperate with the police officers to go back and receive processing."

"Remember, you must have a correct attitude."


The little puppy's eyes were about to burst, but in the end he didn't dare to open his mouth, so he could only grind his teeth and breathe heavily.

"Mr. Lu, thank you for your cooperation."

"You are indeed a great philanthropist, and your character is indeed worthy of our respect!" Yuan Bin said sincerely.


"You're too kind."

"It is the obligation of every citizen to abide by the law and it is nothing to me."

"On the contrary, you are worthy of respect if you can stick to your heart and strictly enforce the law!"

"However, can you give me a bit of patience and not use the handcuffs?"

"I promise you, he will never dare to escape."

"If he escapes, you hold me accountable."

"no problem!"

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