A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1426 Jin'er's invitation

Seeing the elf-like girl in the elevator, Lu Fei instantly turned to stone and stood there stunned.

The girl was also slightly stunned, then smiled sweetly and waved to Lu Fei.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Lu."

"Nice to meet you."

"Hello, Mr. Xiao!"

When he said this, Lu Fei was extremely nervous.

Because this girl is too special to Lu Fei.

She is Xiao Jin'er, whom Lu Fei thinks is his lost sister.

Seeing Xiao Jin'er, the two young men were even more excited and rushed to say hello. .??.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao, do you still recognize me?"

“We met in Malaysia!”

"Hello, Mr. Di, Mr. Wang."

"Of course Jin'er remembers you. It's an honor to see you again."

"Hey, Mr. Xiao, you are too polite, I"

The little puppy said that he was about to squeeze into the elevator, but Lu Fei pushed him out with his elbow.

The little puppy was still stunned, but Lu Fei had already closed the elevator door.

"I go!"

"My brother is getting more and more over the top now. He simply values ​​sex over friends!"

"Xiao Yao, please call Sister Chen Xiang quickly and report my brother's shameless behavior." The little dog said with a face.

"Brother Long, please calm down for a while!"

"Brother Fei is not that kind of person." Wang Xinlei said.

"Why not?"

"When he saw Xiao Jin'er, his eyes turned into digital ones, and his eyes were full of desire."

"The look in Xiao Jin'er's eyes was even worse than the last time I saw her in Malaysia."

"I think he just learned bad things."

"You can pull him down!"

"Sister Chen Xiang or me, which one is not more beautiful than Xiao Jin'er!"

"Brother Fei, no matter what, the target must be my sister."

"Don't talk nonsense, Brother Fei is definitely not the person you imagined." Wang Xinlei said.

"Young Master Wang!"

"Then what should we do now?" Ji Hongxuan said.


"Let's find a place to eat first and take the land

Send the address to Fei Ge. "

"Whether he comes or not is up to him."

"But having said that, what is so special about Xiao Jin'er?"

"Why did Brother Fei lose his mind when he saw her?"

"How strange!"


"Mr. Lu, last time there was an emergency in the company, I let you go. I'm really sorry." Xiao Jin'er said embarrassedly.

"It doesn't matter!"

"The company is important."

"By the way, why is Mr. Xiao here?" Lu Fei asked.

"My company is upstairs!" Xiao Jin'er said.

"That's such a coincidence."

"The east hall on the ninth floor is the auction house I run, and we will be neighbors from now on." Lu Fei said.

"I knew this auction house belonged to Mr. Lu a few days ago."

"When it opens, Jin'er will definitely come to support it."

"If I bid, Mr. Lu, please give me a discount for the sake of your neighbors!"


"I'll give you the lowest discount I can afford."


"Mr. Xiao, who is this gentleman?"

Lu Fei asked, pointing to the man in black behind Xiao Jin'er.


"This is our company's security guard Ajie."

"By the way, I missed the appointment last time because of me."

"If Mr. Lu is not busy today, can you give Jin'er a chance to make amends? Can I treat you to dinner?"



Lu Fei was making up his mind to ask out Xiao Jin'er. Now that the other party took the initiative to ask him out, Lu Fei readily agreed without any thought.

As for Ji Hongxuan taking over for him, he could only let Xiao Nai Gou and others have full authority to represent him.

"I have no problem, thank you, Mr. Xiao."


You're welcome. "

"It's Jin'er's honor to treat you to dinner."

"Besides, Jin'er has something else she wants to discuss with Mr. Lu!" Xiao Jin'er said.


"whats the matter?"

"It's not convenient right now. Let's talk while eating later."


"By the way, Mr. Lu prefers Western food or Chinese food?" Xiao Jin'er asked. ??

"I'm free to do it."

"As long as it's human food, I'll do it!"


"Mr. Lu is really funny."

"Then let's have Chinese food, okay?"

"There is a Sichuan restaurant over in Tsim Sha Tsui. Although the store is not big, the taste is great. Can we go there?" Xiao Jin'er asked.

Hearing the word Sichuan cuisine, Lu Fei's heart was filled with ripples again.

“Sichuan food?”

"What's wrong?"

"Mr. Lu doesn't like it?"

"No no no!"

"I am an authentic Bashu person, and my favorite food is Sichuan food."

"I'm surprised that girls from other places are generally worried about getting acne from eating spicy food and are very averse to Sichuan food."

"I didn't expect you would like Mr. Xiao," Lu Fei said.

"Mr. Lu is right. It is true that many girls dare not eat Sichuan food."

"But I'm special."

"I just like spicy food. No matter how spicy it is, I won't get acne."

Hearing what Xiao Jin'er said, Lu Fei's thoughts flew back to his childhood.

My little sister can eat pickled peppers at the age of three and loves spicy food.

If a meal is not spicy, the girl will cry.

"Mr. Lu?"

"What's wrong with you?"

Seeing Lu Fei stunned, Xiao Jiner tilted his head and asked.

"Sorry, I was distracted."

"Then let's go eat Sichuan food."

Arriving at the underground parking lot, Xiao Jiner led Lu Fei into her Mercedes-Benz S65


Ajie was driving, and Lu Fei was sitting in the back seat.

"My impression is that young girls like colorful vehicles."

"Those who can afford it generally like to drive sports cars."

"I didn't expect Mr. Xiao's car to be a black business car," Lu Fei said.

"A car is just a means of transportation. The color is not important. Safety and comfort are the most important."

"Commercial vehicles are safer than sports cars."

"Besides, I'm not here often."

"The car company can also use it when I'm away."

"It would be too strange if a man drove a colorful car." Xiao Jiner said.


"indeed so."

After a while, we came to the Sichuan restaurant Xiao Jiner mentioned.

This store is called Bashu Renjia. It has two floors, each floor is no more than 80 square meters. It is indeed small and pitiful.

But the popularity is quite hot.

Entering the store, Lu Fei knew that this restaurant's craftsmanship was indeed good from the spicy and delicious smell wafting from the tables.

The waiter was a young woman in her thirties. When she saw Xiao Jin'er, she took the initiative to say hello. It was immediately obvious that Xiao Jin'er was a regular customer here.


"Miss Xiao!"

"You haven't been here for a long time, I miss you so much!"

"Hello, Sister Zhao!"

"I haven't been in Hong Kong recently."

"I just came back the day before yesterday. I'm going to check in today." Xiao Jin'er said.


"Is this your boyfriend?"

"So handsome!" Sister Zhao said with a smile.

"certainly not!"

"This is my friend, Sister Zhao, please don't talk nonsense!"

"My friend and I have something to discuss. We will sit in a private room today."

"Okay, I'll take you up right now."

"Well, eldest sister tells you that boyfriends evolve from friends."

"This guy is good, you have to work hard!"

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