A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1429 Pursuit

The most ordinary dinner brought Lu Fei and Xiao Jin'er closer to each other.

Although he didn't get the effect he wanted, Lu Fei was already very satisfied.

The two made an appointment to go to Hollywood Antique Street to pick up missing items tomorrow, and then left the Bashu family together.

When we got downstairs, bodyguard Ajie was already waiting in front of the door.

"Mr. Lu, where are you going? I'll ask Ajie to take you back," Xiao Jin'er said.


"I live in Phoenix Mountain, very far away."

"I'll just take a taxi back."

"That won't work!" .??.

"You are my guest, and I must send you back safely and comfortably."

"I live in Taipingshan, just on the way."

"When I get home, let Ajie take you back." Xiao Jin'er said.

"It's too far and it's inconvenient."

"How about this!"

"If Mr. Xiao doesn't mind, can you lend me your car?"

"I'll give it back to you tomorrow when I go to Hollywood."

Lu Fei had several choices when returning home.

In fact, Xiao Nai Gou and others were drinking in a restaurant not far away, and I could definitely join them and go back together.

Borrowing a car from Xiao Jin'er was to ensure that she would not give up tomorrow.

Even if Xiao Jiner has something to do and can't go to Hollywood, he can still use the excuse of returning the car to see him again.

"No problem at all."

"I still have a car at home, you can use it as you wish."

After getting in the car, I sent Xiao Jiner home first.

Xiao Jin'er asked on the way.

"By the way, I'm going to pick up leaks tomorrow. Do I need to prepare anything?"

Lu Fei nodded.

"You should really prepare."

"You'd better change into something more ordinary and don't bring any luxury goods."

"Those traders are very smart."

"If you assume you have money, the price will be outrageous."

"You have a point."

"Then I must be good

get ready. "

"Mr. Lu, I'm serious, please don't let me go!" Xiao Jin'er said.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"of course not."

"I wanted to go shopping in Hollywood last time, but I was too busy and couldn't do it."

"I have time these days. Even if you don't go, I'm going to go myself!"

"That's good."

"I'll be waiting for your call tomorrow!"

"no problem."

When they arrived at Taiping Mountain, Lu Fei also planned to see Xiao Jin'er's residence.

Unfortunately, she and her bodyguard got off the car at the bottom of the mountain and took a battery car up the mountain, so Lu Fei had to drive away.


"Lu Fei is alone, should we take action?"

"Where is he now?"

"At the foot of Taiping Mountain!"


"There were too many people there."

"Follow him quietly and report to me at any time."

“Find the right opportunity and then make plans.”



After finding a spacious place to park the car and lighting a cigarette, Lu Fei once again experienced every detail of getting along with Xiao Jin'er.

After this contact, Lu Fei became more suspicious.

The fairy-like eyes, the persistence in the bones, and the way she eats, and everything else, are so similar to the little girl in my memory.

But what disappointed Lu Fei was that Xiao Jin'er didn't have any abnormal reaction when talking about what happened after he was a child.

My little sister was already five years old when she went missing. It is impossible to forget everything that happened in the past.

Especially the things I mentioned are my little sister’s favorite things to do, and there’s no reason to forget them.

But in fact, Xiao Jin'er just didn't respond, which made Lu Fei a little confused.


Did you guess wrong?

Xiao Jin'er just looks like the younger sister?


No matter what, I just feel comfortable and happy when I'm with this girl.

First, contact more and understand more, what is the truth, sooner or later there will be results.

At this time, Little Milk Dog sent a message asking Lu Fei if he was going to meet them. Lu Fei simply made a call.

"Brother, are you coming or not?"

"I just ate and I won't go."

"Explain it to Brother Ji and Brother Zhao. When we return to the villa tomorrow night, I will drink with them."



"What are you and Mr. Xiao doing?"

"Brother, don't blame me for talking too much."

"You are a married woman now, so you must take care of your private life!"

"If you do something sorry for your sister-in-law, even if she doesn't blame you, the Chen family will not let you go."

"Don't think that you are doing well now compared to the Chen family."


Lu Fei spat and hung up the phone, started the car and headed straight for Phoenix Mountain.


"Lu Fei moved!"

"Is he still alone?"

"Yes, it's him."


"Hang him from a distance, don't let him notice, and don't lose him."

"We'll meet you right away."

Moving forward slowly, fifty minutes later, Lu Fei arrived at the foot of Lantau Island.

It was already past nine o'clock at night, the tourists had dispersed, the noise of the day had subsided, and the mountain road was extremely quiet.

Lu Fei turned off the air conditioner and lowered the window, feeling the natural breeze while slowly going up the mountain.

But after turning two mountain bends, there was a roar of a motor from behind.

The roar was very messy and obviously not

Stop one car.

The sound approached quickly, and a few seconds later, a string of car lights appeared in the rearview mirror. Within a few breaths, it had already caught up with him.

"Lu Fei!"


"Stop if you dare!"

"Lu Fei, stop!"

"Crash him, kill him!"

Lu Fei frowned when he heard this cry.

This voice is all too familiar to me. It is the performance artist Yoshida Chohei.

Lu Fei guessed correctly, Yoshida Changhei was behind him.

Not only Yoshida himself, but also more than a dozen people from his island country, and more than two dozen local friends from Hong Kong Island.

More than thirty people and a total of twenty supercars came to deal with Lu Fei.

Previously, Yoshida Changping sent people to follow Lu Fei.

After learning that Lu Fei was alone, Yoshida Changhei was extremely excited. He met up with the following brother and followed Lu Fei from a distance, waiting to find a suitable place to retaliate.

At first, Yoshida Chohei was worried about the location of revenge.

But Lu Fei left the city and went more and more remote, and unexpectedly arrived at Lantau Island in the middle of the night.

This made Yoshida Changhei very happy.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, far away from the city and still on a mountain road.

This is simply a God-given opportunity!

There are more than thirty people on his side, and a judo red belt master was transferred from the island country. Even the Buddha Guanyin can't save Lu Fei this time.

Seeing Lu Fei ascending the mountain road, Yoshida Changhei couldn't wait to order an attack.

Perseveringly, the mountain road was narrow and Lu Fei was driving in the middle, so his car couldn't pass it at all.

Yoshida Chohei was reluctant to part with his Bugatti and ordered the Audi R8 behind him to hit it directly.


There was a loud noise, and one side of the R8 bumper shattered.

But the Mercedes-Benz S65 driven by Lu Fei was almost unscathed.

This is the advantage of commercial vehicles.

Yoshida Chohei screamed angrily and ordered the impact to continue.

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