A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1439: Counterattack an army

Secretary Li felt disgusted by Yoshida Ohno's shouting and simply ignored it.

Secretary Li turned around to go back, but was stopped by Tian Liguo again.

"Secretary Li, please help me!"

"Our children have been detained at Lu Fei's place all night. There are more than 20 people in total."

"Human lives matter!"

"Please report to Leader Zhang, can you let us meet him?"

"Sorry, I told you, Leader Zhang."

"Xiao Li, what happened?"

"Why are there so many people!"

At this time, a middle-aged man of medium height walked out with his hands behind his back. It was Zhang Handong, the highest official of China in Hong Kong Island.

"Leader Zhang!"

"Leader Zhang is here."

"Hello, Leader Zhang."

"You help us make the decision!"

Tian Liguo and others swarmed forward, and security rushed up to stop them.

"Inspector Tian, ​​are you here too?"

"What happened?" Zhang Handong said.

Before Tian Liguo could reply, Hideki Hanayama came up to him.

"Mr. Zhang, good morning!"

"Ambassador Huashan, you are here too!"

"Are you okay?" Zhang Handong asked.

"Mr. Zhang, I came to see you because I have something to do."

"Last night, Mr. Lu Fei detained eleven citizens of our island country."

"As far as I know, Mr. Lu Fei once fired a gun in public and injured one of our citizens."

"That's not all. Mr. Lu Fei also unleashed dogs to bite people. All citizens of our island country were harmed to varying degrees."

"Currently, those eleven citizens are still being detained by Mr. Lu Fei."

"Please seek justice."

Zhang Handong frowned slightly when he heard Lu Fei's name.

"Ambassador Huashan, is what you said true?"

"Absolutely true!"

"Then why does Lu Fei conflict with your citizens?" Zhang Handong asked.



Hanayama Hideki hesitated for a moment, and Yoshida Ohno took over.

"Mr. Zhang, Lu Fei has always been arrogant, and he is extremely prejudiced against our islanders."

"Not long ago, my son Yoshida Chohei was publicly humiliated in the rehabilitation center."

"It's not surprising at all that he's giving my son a hard time again."

"I hope Mr. Zhang will severely punish Lu Fei on behalf of China and give justice to our Yoshida family."


Yoshida Ohno just refused to admit it, and the wealthy businessmen in Hong Kong already hated him.

Now Yoshida was talking nonsense again, Tian Liguo was so angry that he spat hard.

"Mr. Zhang, don't listen to Yoshida's nonsense."

"In fact, it was his son Yoshida Chohei who deliberately provoked him."

"Yoshida Chohei deceived our children and wanted to take revenge on Lu Fei."

“Chasing all the way from Lantau Island, period”

Tian Liguo told the story exactly, and Zhang Handong's eyebrows were raised with an angry look on his face.

"Inspector Tian, ​​is everything you said true?"

"Absolutely true."

"Mr. Yoshida, Ambassador Hanayama."

"Mr. Lu Fei is a famous entrepreneur, philanthropist and collector in China."

"He has made an indelible and outstanding contribution to the archaeological cause of China."

“Such entrepreneurs and philanthropists are rare in China.”

"But your people actually dared to murder Mr. Lu Fei, you are so brave!"

"Ambassador Huashan!"

"I will investigate this matter immediately."

"If the facts are what Inspector Tian said, we in China must hold them accountable." Zhang Handong said.

"boss Zhang!"

"Anyway, Lu Fei shoots and commits murder, and letting dogs bite people is a matter of course.

Come on! "

"Lu Fei treats our citizens like this, shouldn't he be punished?" Hanayama Hideki said.

"Ambassador Huashan, please clarify, that is Phoenix Villa."

"If you don't understand Phoenix Villa, I can explain it to you."

"Phoenix Villa is a special area set aside when our two countries handed over."

"That mansion has access to ten guns."

"And this authority is for a hundred years."

"Your people chased into the villa and knocked over Mr. Lu Fei's vehicle. Even if Mr. Lu Fei killed them on the spot, he would not have to bear any responsibility."

"If you don't believe it, you can appeal anywhere."

"Please come back!"

"I will personally follow up on this matter."

"Don't worry, if your citizens are innocent, I will help you protect your rights."

"On the contrary, we must pursue it to the end."

have to!

He came to protest aggressively, but Zhang Handong counterattacked and led an army.

The key is that they were speechless and could only leave in frustration.

"Mr. Zhang, as for our son, please excuse me."

"Your children are even more hateful."

"You are all prominent figures in Hong Kong, but how do you discipline your children?"

"Don't you feel guilty for collaborating with outsiders to persecute your own compatriots?"

"Mr. Zhang, you are right. We will definitely strengthen education later."

"As for Mr. Lu Fei, see if you can"

Tian Liguo was interrupted by Zhang Handong before he finished speaking.

"As you said, Mr. Lu Fei is the victim in this matter."

"You'd better ask for Mr. Lu Fei's forgiveness."

"If Mr. Lu Fei wants to hold your children accountable, we will deal with it impartially."


failed to get

Zhang Handong's request for help was met with disappointment.

The wealthy businessmen on Hong Kong Island are all depressed to death.

But no one dared to speak anymore.

Furthermore, if Zhang Handong supports Lu Fei to hold their children accountable, it will be a big loss.

It was already eight o'clock in the morning when I left Zhang Handong's place.

After discussion with dozens of parents, they really couldn't think of a better solution, so they had no choice but to bite the bullet and plead with Lu Fei.

These people formed a group and drove to Fenghuang Mountain with a feeling of trepidation.

When I arrived at the entrance of the villa, I found that Yoshida Ohno had already arrived.

As soon as the parents got out of the car, they heard heart-wrenching crying inside the villa.


"I'm here."

"Daddy, please help me!"


Parents' hearts are broken when they hear their children's cries for help.

Everyone rushed to the door of the villa to look inside, and everyone gasped.

Forty or fifty meters away, a Mercedes-Benz overturned in the middle of the road.

All parked around are top-notch supercars.

Not far away, two groups of people sat together on the grass.

The surroundings were in a state of disarray and there were large areas of blood stains.

Surrounding the two groups of people were eight heavily armed strong men guarding them with guns. Next to each of them squatted a vicious dog with eyes wide open and fangs bared.

Seeing such a scene, everyone felt shuddering.

At this time, several young people walked out of the gate, it was Wang Xinlei and others.

As soon as the little puppy showed up, a wealthy businessman quickly recognized him.

"Master Di?"

"Are you Mr. Di, the young director of Baihua Bank?"

"We want to see Mr. Lu Fei, could you please inform us?"

"Sorry, you're late."

"My brother went out to do some errands, and he probably won't be able to come back until dark."

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