A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1444 Adjust your mentality

The vendors setting up stalls have average eyesight.

Experts previously concluded that there are only five pomegranate-flowered double-orioles bowls in existence. Even if the authentic one is in front of them, they themselves would not believe it.

In addition, they generally have only two purchase channels.

The first is to wholesale from merchants who sell distressed works of art.

Another channel is to go to the countryside or purchase it yourself.

It is estimated that the stall owner's collection of this bowl will not exceed fifty yuan.

So three hundred yuan is already a big profit for them.

But he didn't know that he had already given away unimaginable wealth.

This small bowl is made of white porcelain with painted enamel. It depicts a ripe pomegranate blooming on a pomegranate branch. A pair of orioles stand on the branch, grinning at each other, as if expressing their sincere feelings. The pomegranates complement each other, combining movement and stillness, creating a peaceful scene on the bowl.

His painting skills are skillful and meticulous, his brushwork is smooth, the pomegranate branches have charm, the two orioles are spirited, and they are very vivid.

There is a poem on the side of the bowl that says, "I admire his opening, and his smile falls all over his head." It is a wonderful finishing touch.

There are seals next to the poems, which can be said to be complete with seals for both poetry, calligraphy and painting.

The bottom of the bowl is identified as a double-framed four-character Song chiseled seal-style blue and white pattern "made in the Yongzheng year", which is authentic and authentic.

The small bowl is fifteen centimeters in diameter, neither too big nor too small, with regular round and rectangular shapes. Every aspect of its production is exquisite, and it is well-deserved and pleasing to the eye.

Pomegranate occupies an important position in China's traditional auspicious culture.

Because pomegranate flowers are red and bright, pomegranate fruits are plump and round, and pomegranate seeds are crystal clear. They are blooming in spring and fruitful in autumn, which is very consistent with the Chinese people's psychological wishes of celebrating the red season, praying for a good harvest, and bringing peace to their families.

This gives the pomegranate auspicious symbolic meanings such as redness, prosperity, prosperity, harmony, happiness and contentment.

The pattern of this bowl expresses this metaphor. The male and female orioles sing and laugh happily, and the pomegranate fruit is perfect and full of children. The auspicious meaning is obvious.

This double-orioles bowl is not only exquisite in style, but importantly, only one batch was produced, so it is quite valuable.

After Lu Fei explained, Xiao Jiner immediately understood.

"elder brother!"

"Is this bowl real?"

"of course it's true!"

"How much can you earn?" Xiao Jin'er asked.

"Guess for yourself."

"Guess the big one!" Lu Fei said with a smile.

"Twenty thousand?"

"Guess higher."

"Two hundred thousand?"


"After two hundred thousand, add the word "multiple" and that's it."

"Two hundred thousand times?" Xiao Jin'er said in shock.

"A little more than that."

“Yongzheng painted enamels are quite popular, coupled with the fame and rarity of the Double Orioles Bowl.”

"The value of this small bowl will not be less than 70 million yuan."


"This, so much?" Xiao Jin'er's mouth became O-shaped.

"How does it feel to exchange three hundred yuan for seventy million?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

Xiao Jin'er was stunned for five seconds before blinking.

"elder brother!"

"You, you're not tricking me, are you?"

"How is it possible to earn so much?"

"How is it impossible!"

"This kind of efficiency can be regarded as catching up with mistakes!"


"It's so exciting."

"Brother, wait for me here while I continue!"

After Xiao Jin'er finished speaking, she jumped away like a little swallow.

Looking at her back, Lu Fei showed the happiest smile.

After several contacts, Lu Fei discovered that some of Xiao Jin'er's characteristics were very similar to his little sister's personality.

Although she said she was born in Australia and had never been to God


But Lu Fei's suspicion that she was his little sister not only did not lessen, but actually became more certain.

Whether it is specific or not, more time will be needed to verify.

The most important thing right now is to enjoy the good times now.

Half an hour later, Xiao Jin'er came back mysteriously and handed Lu Fei a bronze mirror.

"Brother, this is so heavy!"

"That boss is very smart. I spent a lot of effort and spent 800 yuan to buy it back."

"Look, how much is this worth?" Xiao Jin'er said.

"This is the Pisces Bagua Bronze Mirror, a Ming Dynasty object with a wide open door. It was used by rich people or government officials to ward off evil spirits."

"This bronze mirror is badly worn, but fortunately this type of mirror is scarce in the market and is worth about 50,000 yuan," Lu Fei said.


"It's only fifty thousand yuan!"

"I just spent three hundred yuan on that small bowl and made so much money."

"This bronze mirror cost me 800 yuan, and I can only earn so little. It's really depressing!" Xiao Jin'er said with a pout.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Your mentality is not good!"

"Eight hundred yuan turned into 50,000 yuan, which is more than 60 times the profit."

"That's quite a profit."

"An ordinary person would be extremely happy if they picked up such a big leak."

"The Shuangying Bowl is a super big mistake. This opportunity is really rare. It is impossible to have such perverted luck every time."

"If that were the case, people in this industry would have become insane."

Xiao Jin'er nodded and said.

"Brother, you are right, I am too greedy."

"Wait for me, I'll continue!"

Half an hour later, Xiao Jin'er came back holding a dark stone.

This stone is slightly larger than a fist, with a black appearance and dense trachoma.

, flat shape, with relatively regular lines on the plane.

It looks like a turtle shell.

"Brother, this stone is so strange!"

"It's so big, but it's quite light."

"What kind of treasure is this?" Xiao Jin'er asked.

"I'll tell you this later. First, how much did it cost to buy it?"

"Four hundred dollars!"

"How about it? How much can I earn?"

"It's not clear yet. We need to study it carefully."

"Anyway, you shouldn't lose money."

"There is another bamboo tube. Go and buy it. I'll wait for you here." Lu Fei said.


After a while, Xiao Jin'er came back holding a bamboo tube with a somewhat depressed expression.

Handing the bamboo tube to Lu Fei, Jin'er pouted and said.

"elder brother!"

"Isn't this just a bamboo pen holder?"

"Is this a good thing too?"

"The stall owners don't even give me brocade boxes!"

Taking the bamboo tube and looking at it, Lu Fei laughed and thought, silly girl, this is a real good thing!

This pen holder is about fifteen centimeters high and less than eight centimeters in diameter. It is orange-red in color and has a thick paste.

The material is a section of bamboo trunk, straight wall, with bamboo joints as the base and three legs.

There is a relief on the outer wall of a horse lying on its back and rolling. Next to it is a man raising a horse, holding a rope and looking at it with a smile.

The horse opens its eyes and exposes its teeth, lifts its nose and raises its head, its mane and tail hair are scattered in all directions, and it makes a vigorous rolling posture with its waist and legs.

Yueren steps sideways and throws the rope sideways, full of movement.

The inscription in running script behind the person's body reads: "Chaxi Wu Luzhen".

Although the carving of this pen holder is monotonous, it is actually very simple.

Its carving techniques can only be seen by ordinary masters.

It's almost impossible to imitate.

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