A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1452 Not too stupid

Jin'er vowed to give proof, but the two old men were almost furious to death.

The melon-eating crowd around him even booed.

"Little girl, are you kidding me?"

"Does your brother mean it if he says it is true?"

"Why should he?" Yu Zhenhua said.

Jin'er was not nervous and said calmly.

"It just depends on my brother's eyesight."

"I believe my brother. If he says it's true, it must be true." ??

"You are making trouble unreasonably."

"Which one is your brother?"

"I want to see who your brother is."

Lu Fei came to Jin'er, glanced at the two old men with disdain and said.

"I am her brother!"

"My sister is right."

"I say it's true, he has to be true."

"do you have any opinion?"

Chang Yufei and Liu Laoer were stunned when they heard Lu Fei's voice.

"Who are you?"

"Why do you say such arrogant words?" Wu Hai asked.

At this time, another old man squeezed into the crowd.

It was Dong Dayuan who had picked up the missing pen holder from Lu Fei before.

Dong Dayuan came to Wu Hai and said.

"Mr. Wu, don't listen to their nonsense."

"This young man owes more than 2 million yuan to outside loan sharks. He even stole his father's pen holder and sold it."

"I guess he is a liar."

Jin'er was unhappy with what Dong Dayuan said, and shouted loudly with her eyebrows raised.

"Boss Dong, why do you call my brother a liar?"

"I want you to apologize to my brother immediately, otherwise I will sue you for defamation."


Dong Dayuan snorted with disdain.

Seeing his expression, Jin'er was full of resentment. If Lu Fei hadn't stopped him, he would have had a fight with Dong Dayuan.

"never mind!"

"It's not okay to be angry with such an idiot."

"Boy, how dare you curse?" Dong Dayuan shouted.


"I'm just telling the truth."


Dong Dayuan was furious, but Lu Fei was too lazy to pay attention to him.

"Jin'er, this piece of amber is ground out, do you like it?"

Lu Fei said as he took away the sandpaper and handed over a golden object in his hand.

Jin'er held it in the palm of her hand, looked at it, and immediately exclaimed.


"So beautiful!"

When Jin'er spread his hands, everyone's eyes were fixed.

This is a piece of gold amber slightly larger than an egg.

From the outside, it looks crystal clear, with no ice flakes visible and no cracks.

This is nothing.

The most awesome thing is that there is something inside.

Those standing further away couldn't see clearly, but several people around Jin'er were shocked to the point of being injured.

In the center left of the amber, there is a leaf similar to a willow leaf.

The two ends of the leaves are tilted up, like a small boat.

There was a beetle crawling under the leaves. It was as big as the nail of the middle finger.

Not only that, there are two little guys on the leaves.

If you look closely, you can see that they are two flying ants with wings.

Two ants intertwined with each other facing each other, one above the other, obviously mating.

The ant above spreads its wings as if to protect its mate below.

The two ants, including the leaves and beetles, are quite intact, surrounded by two small bubbles and a few grass clippings.

But it does not affect the overall beauty at all.

Insect amber is not too new.

But most people have never seen such a large insect with such beautiful appearance.

The combination of beetles, leaves, and mating ants is even rarer in the world.

If people who see it clearly are not shocked, then it’s only new!

"Do you like it?" Lu Fei asked with a smile.

"I like it, it's so beautiful!"

"elder brother!"

"There are ants in here!"


"It's so magical!" Jin'er exclaimed in surprise.

"I'll give it to you if you like it."

"When I get back, punch a hole and braid a red string and put it around my neck."

"Amber is like jade. Wearing it for a long time is good for your health." Lu Fei said.

"Thank you bro!"

When they heard that Lu Fei was going to give it to Jin'er to wear, all the melon-eaters became uneasy.

"Girl, such a big gold amber would not look good on a girl."

"You should just sell it!"

"I'll pay a high price!"

"I'll give you eight million."

"Beauty, don't listen to him."

"Eight million is not sincere at all, I will give you ten million."

"I'll pay eleven million."

"I will pay 13 million."

The melon-eating crowd instantly went crazy, and in just ten seconds, the price was raised to 15 million.

Wu Hai stood up and said.

"Little girl, sell it to us!"

"I'll give you twenty-five million!"

Although Wu Hai directly added 10 million, it could not stop the enthusiasm of the melon-eating people for this piece of insect amber.

"I'll pay 26 million."

"I'll pay 27 million."

Wu Hai raised his arms high.

"We at Gatorade offered 32 million."


"Stop bluffing, I'll pay you 33 million."

"Hey, don't make any noise."

"We won't sell this piece of insect amber," Lu Fei said.

"Young man, do you think the money is too little?"

"We can still discuss it!" Wu Hai said.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"It has nothing to do with money. We are not short of money and will not sell it no matter how much we give."

Wu Hai heard this and was extremely disappointed.

Dong Dayuan came up again.

"Boy, stop pretending."

"Don't you still owe two million usury?

Loan? "

"Now that Mr. Wu is offering you a high price, you should sell it quickly."

"I know you want a high price, but you can't be too greedy."

"Young people must know when enough is enough!"

Lu Fei snorted coldly.

"You don't want to hear that you're an idiot."


"I gave you a chance to pick up Wu Zhifan's pen holder, and you were dazzled by victory?"


Dong Dayuan took a breath of air when he heard this.

"You, you know that is Wu Zhifan's pen holder?"


"My brother already knew that it was Wu Zhifan's pen holder."

"My brother also said that Wu Zhifan is the best bamboo carving master in Jiading."

"My brother said that pen holder is worth at least 7.5 million."

"It's really annoying that you don't appreciate it when I let you take advantage of me!" Jin'er said, rolling her eyes.


Dong Dayuan felt as if he was struck by lightning when he heard this, he took two steps back and said tremblingly.

"You, you know the value of that pen holder, why did you sell it to me at a low price?"


"Of course there is a reason."

"As for the reason, you can guess."

Dong Dayuan thought for two seconds and suddenly realized.

After thinking about it, Dong Dayuan broke out in cold sweat.

"You, are you doing it for the bag in my apprentice's hand?"

"correct answer."

"It seems you are not completely stupid. You can still be saved if you meet a good doctor!"

"Boy, don't talk nonsense."

"I've seen everything in the bag, and there's nothing valuable at all."

"Don't lie to me." Dong Dayuan said.

"Tricking you?"

"Who do you think you are?"

"My brother said that the dirty wooden board is a great treasure, much more valuable than the pen holder!" Jin'er said.

"No way, absolutely impossible."

"I do not believe."

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