A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1463 Decoding Successful

In the terminal, the old goblin tore Ajie's shirt.

The moment the shirt was pulled open, a tattoo on Ajie's chest pierced Lu Fei's eyes like a bolt of lightning.

It's that tattoo!

Three crowned bird heads.

The one in the middle looks like a chicken head, the one on the left looks like a red bird, and the one on the right has an open mouth with a long, spiny tongue sticking out.


This turned out to be the pattern on the ring that my mother left for me.

Seeing this tattoo, Lu Fei stood stunned on the spot as if he were holding a needle in the sea.

There are so many thoughts in my mind that it has become a mess.

"elder brother!"

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Lu Fei didn't wake up until he heard Jin'er's call.

Only then did Lu Fei realize that the ground crew had already arrived at the scene. Adjustments were unsuccessful and Ajie and the old goblin were taken away at the same time.


"I'm fine!"

"I just saw someone who seemed to be an acquaintance of mine, but I couldn't remember who it was for a while."


"As long as you're okay!"

"elder brother!"

"Send it here!"

"Uncle Long is waiting for me inside. I'm fine." Jin'er said.

"I'm not in a hurry. I'll send you to the security check and then go back to solve Ajie's trouble." Lu Fei said.

"Brother, you don't have to worry about Ajie."

"He just cooperates and takes notes, there is no problem!"


"I'll take you there."

After sending Jin'er to the security check and watching her disappear from his sight, Lu Fei left.

On the way from the terminal to the parking lot, Lu Fei seemed to be sleepwalking.

After returning to the car, he lowered the window and immediately lit a cigarette.

After taking two puffs, I managed to calm down a bit.

This is the second time I have seen this pattern.

The last time I saw him was the man in black fighting on a rainy night.

Before, Lu Fei could be sure that the person spying on him was his mother.

Moreover, it was suspected more than once that the Xiao family where Long Yun lived was related to my mother.

But there has been no conclusive evidence.

Now seeing this tattoo on Ajie's body again, Lu Fei finally confirmed his guess.

Lu Fei was even more shocked when he was sure that his mother was related to the Xiao family.

Mom is from the Xiao family, so where is Jin'er?

The many similarities and coincidences between Jin'er and Xiaomei all became logical at this moment.

If his judgment is accurate, 99% of the time, Jin'er is his lost sister.

But if that's what I guessed.

Why is there no impression of her childhood in Jincheng in Jin'er's memory?

Also, I once tested Jin'er using my mother's name, but she didn't respond at all.

What's going on?

Did my mother change her name after she left?

So what is her status in the Xiao family?

Lu Fei was thinking wildly when his cell phone rang.

Lu Fei was so distraught that he planned to die.

But when he saw that the caller ID was Lang Lijing, he still answered the call.

"Sister, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Lu, the firewall was cracked successfully."

"I have obtained the surveillance videos from six cameras on the scene that day." Lang Lijing said.


Lu Fei sat up straight with a start and shouted loudly.


"Just now, the crack has been completed."

"I'm at the villa now. Will you come back and watch, or should I send it to you directly?"

"Send it over!"

"Send it now."


"Thank you so much

! "

"You're welcome, this is my job."

"All I got was the video, though."

"The live audio cannot be restored." Lang Lijing said.

"That's it!"

“Just have a video!”

"You have worked hard!"

"You're welcome, I'll send it to you right away."

Lang Lijing hung up the phone after speaking.

After a few seconds, a beep sounded and the video was forwarded.

Lu Fei threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, held his phone with both hands and clicked to watch.

The video was processed by Lang Lijing, starting from the periphery, and ran quite smoothly.

In the video, a car was driving from the southeast and parked on the side of the road in the lane opposite the electronics processing factory.

Three people got out of the back row, rushed across the road and green belt, and entered the electronics factory through the main entrance.

Judging from the faces of these three people, they are all yellow people of Chinese descent.

The three of them went directly upstairs and were stopped by Sean's two black bodyguards at the corner of the corridor on the second floor.

The meeting between the two parties was no nonsense.

Two people from the Chinese descent rushed up and knocked the nigger out cleanly with just two moves.

The skills of those two people shocked Lu Fei.

The attack is decisive and extremely fast.

In terms of skill, he is definitely not inferior to the man in black he met in Jincheng.

After knocking the nigger unconscious, the two Chinese men carried the two niggas on their shoulders and continued upstairs.

The two niggas are both about 1.9 meters tall and are strong.

It was visually estimated that the two people weighed at least two hundred and fifty kilograms.

But it was such a huge thing that the Chinese people carried them upstairs but it was like walking on flat ground.

Come to the room and drop the two niggas on the floor.

Sean and David were extremely frightened when they saw this.

Shao Yifeng opened his mouth and turned to run, but was caught by a Chinese man and slapped him on the back of the neck and knocked him unconscious.


br\u003e David and Sean shouted something in horror as they backed away.

At this time, the Chinese who had not taken action before said something, and Sean and David's eyes suddenly widened.

The next second, he knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing to beg for mercy.

The Chinese man said a few words to them, and the Sean brothers nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

Immediately afterwards, the Chinese knocked Xiao Xiao unconscious and tied them up together with Niigai and Shao Yifeng.

After doing this, the three Chinese people began to clean up the scene carefully.

The level of meticulousness in cleaning is even better than that between myself and Gao Yuan.

After the room was cleared, the five people who were tied up were carefully inspected.

After confirming that everything was correct, he left the room.

Then the three of them went back and cleaned up.

Not only is it meticulous, but it's also extremely fast, it's simply perfect.

At first glance, these three people are experienced drivers.

When they came to the courtyard, two of the Chinese people took out two things like brushes and cleaned up the footprints left one by one.

Including the green belt outside the gate of the electronic processing factory.

After everything was cleaned up, the three of them walked across the road back to the car and got into the back seat.

The car started and drove away.

Lu Fei looked at the time.

From the time the car appeared to when it left, it took a total of eleven minutes.

The time they left was three minutes before Lu Fei and the others arrived.

Lu Fei played the video again.

This time the focus is on the driving position of the car.

Lu Fei wanted to see who was driving.

As luck would have it, when the three Chinese people got out of the car, the driver's seat lowered the window and said something.

Although the driver showed his face, it was impossible to identify his facial features due to the distance.

Lu Fei looked at it three times in a row, but still couldn't see clearly.

Turning off the video, Lu Fei dialed Lang Lijing's phone again.

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