A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1465 Ascension

When Carter's method was told, Horry sneered.

"My dear brother Carter, are you still awake?"

"The head of the Xiao family has been poisoned for more than ten years, and the huge Xiao family has used all its resources to cure his disease."

"This time he fell ill, which was his final time. Even God could not save him."

"But you said you should let him hold on for another three years. Isn't this just nonsense?"

The clan leader also frowned upon hearing this.

"Campbell said that once old Xiaotou gets sick, he will not live for more than half a month."

"Even the Xiao family's elixir doesn't help."

"Your method is simply not feasible."


"Campbell is at his wits' end, and the Xiao family's elixir won't help."

"But there is one person who must have a way." Camby said.


"Of course it's Lu Fei!"

"Lu Fei is a famous miracle doctor."

"Lu Fei can cure the hereditary disease in Gene's family."

"West's hemagglutination was also cured by Lu Fei."

"These are all terminal illnesses judged by medicine, but Lu Fei turned them all into miracles."

"Not only these, Lu Fei has cured many other terminal diseases."

"If Lu Fei takes action, he will definitely be able to cure the Xiao family master's illness."

"Even if the treatment is not good, there is absolutely no problem in letting him live a few more years."

"Don't expect too much. As long as the Xiao family master can live for three more years, it will be enough for us."

"What I mean is that we contact Lu Fei immediately."

"Promise him some benefits and let him help with the treatment."

"I think Lu Fei can definitely do it." Carter said.

After hearing what Carter said, the patriarch's eyes lit up.

But it dimmed again in an instant.


"Your method still doesn't work!"


"Lu Fei may be able to turn decay into magic."

"But think about it, can the Xiao family let Lu Fei enter the hinterland of their family?"

"Long Yun has a good relationship with Lu Fei."

"What's wrong with the Xiao family?

Maybe you don’t know Lu Fei’s superb medical skills? "

"But they haven't asked Lu Fei for help yet."

"This has already shown the position of the woman from the Xiao family."

"Either he doesn't agree with Lu Fei going to the Xiao family for treatment."

"There is another possibility that the woman doesn't want to treat the Xiao family leader at all."


"In no mood?"

"what do you mean."

Carter was shocked on the spot after hearing the patriarch's analysis.


"Is this any surprise?"

"Now in the entire Xiao family, only the head of the family can suppress that woman."

"Do you think she can accept it?"

"As long as the head of the family meets God, she can control the entire Xiao family with one hand."

"Don't she have such thoughts?"

"So I say, this method is definitely not feasible."

"If Lu Fei could save him, the Xiao family would have found Lu Fei long ago."

"I won't wait until now."

Carter nodded and said.

"The patriarch is right, I was too hasty."

"It doesn't matter, you just don't have enough experience."

"However, the fact that you can think of this method already shows that you are attentive."

"Do you guys have any other ideas?"

Wade stood up and said.

"Chief, can I share my opinion?"

The clan leader nodded and said.

"It's okay, just say it with confidence."


"I think it's not necessarily the head of the Xiao family who restrained that woman."

"There is another way to make her fear us."


"Tell me, what is it?"

"Seven-star sword!"


The patriarch's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he stood up directly.

"Wade, keep talking."


"That woman from the Xiao family is constantly recruiting troops to expand her power, even eyeing the junction."

"In doing so, she is not only strengthening herself, but also weakening us."

"The ultimate goal is not only territory and profit, but also the Seven-Star Sword in the hands of us and the Thomas family."

"When their strength reaches a certain level, they will blackmail us into handing over the Seven-Star Sword."

"If we get the seven-star sword in Lu Fei's hand."

"Our family owns two!"

"In this case, the Xiao family will never dare to start a war with us."

"They pushed us into a hurry and destroyed two seven-star knives. They will never find the answer."

"On the contrary, with two knives in hand, we have a certain degree of initiative."

"We recharge our batteries and build strength."

"When we grow stronger, we can sanction the two of them in turn."

"Even if we don't declare war, we can get more resources with our strength."

"By then, we will no longer have to worry about the Xiao family and the Thomas family." Wade said.


"well said!"

"How do you think we should get Lu Fei's Seven Star Sword?"

"Hui Clan Leader, the Xiao family and the Thomas family are also paying attention to Lu Fei."

"It definitely won't work by any other means."

"The only way is to exchange with Lu Fei."

"Lu Fei promised me before that if he encounters a better sword, he is willing to exchange it with me first."

"I have mobilized all resources to search for the ancient sword."

"As soon as I find anything, I will immediately exchange it with Lu Fei."

"Even if the Xiao family expands its territory, it cannot be achieved overnight."

"I believe that before they attack, I will be able to get the seven-star sword in Lu Fei's hand." Wade said.


"very good!"

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